easy, they will call for back up.
Look I'm just saying that we should be careful, I'm not telling you to walk away if you see an old lady being beaten up.
If the matter is trivial, like a bunch of
thugs cutting your queue or something to that effect, I recommend that you just let it be.
assess the situation first, if the guys look like trouble, don't try to be a hero.If they look like a bunch of harmless kids, yes by all means, tell them off politely.
Do not for once think that you can just go up and be forceful to just about anyone or even worse from some of the posts here, be aggressive or violent.
I've had some experience in this from both sides of the fence during my formative years, so Im not kidding about this.
It is easy to be brash and assertive and post irresponsible messsages
online but sometimes, messages like these can be understood in a different context from the main intent by young kids reading all this here, and shit could happen.
2 words, barcode scanner.