ATTN fellow SOFTies: this is absolutely ridiculous.

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i think the devil wears prada should make a new song
Hey james whats your role agian

well sometimes this kind of things happen man. when u have the higher power , you will forget the loyal knights who fought side by side with you.
its sad to see such a huge music Icon like levan getting banned from this forum but RESPECT DUDE you still have the fire in you using another account to continue what u doing best.

well well well
singapore is singapore (this is what i mean) u cant do anything to stop the higher power(governments) how i wish we had freedom of speech someday lol =)
tomdelonge182, hope you have read my post in this thread.

My role is to maintain this site.

Do we bend the rules for "loyal knights"?

Using another user's account is illegal in MOST forum. It is like using your friend's IC.

Freedom of Speech? Didn't you just made your post?
kk not to make enemies, but how many of us really have helped James with maintaining this place? Many of us don't but some treat James as if he owe us something. In this case I think he fought almost alone trying to find donors etc to keep this place up for us to use. Anyway 3 days ban is fair, a perm ban would be cruel.
took me about 45 minutes to finish reading all 23 pages. this is like Gossip Girl, but without the hot cast and definitely way more drama.

and frankly speaking, i'd really like to see how this issue would be resolved. if it's going to be resolved at all.
i think im the one who opened the thread about anti-christs and satanists. =x
and thanks levan for supporting me. =) not alot of em did.
But seriously? Please don't even reply to this if you're not a tad interested because you need to stop sucking up to people and "post what you think is lame" on a friggin music forum. tsk tsk tsk. to sum your reply in 2 words... You're lame. To unsum it up, you're trying to kill a constructive discussion because you have nothing constructive to input.

Do I sound as hostile as you? Flaming is against the rules, should the both of us get a 3 day suspension? I don't mind just to prove my point.

i dont quite get what you're trying to say in sentence 2 about me sucking up, but oh well whatever.
you are right in a way, i have nothing constructive to input, so?
just to let you know, whatever point you are trying to prove about in this forum and its rules and what not, will always be what it is, IN THIS FORUM.

to sum up my point to prove to you...
get a (real) life.

cheers :D
Hi. I guess James have his reasons for putting up a ban. Well, since SOFT is run by James i think that itself gives him the right to impose bans on anyone. Well its not for you guys to decide whats wrong and not. And, the majority is not always right, coupled with the fact that although you have made important contributions to Soft, it does'nt mean that you would be pardoned if u have committed any offense that James thought it would be unacceptable.
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it's just levan getting a 3 day suspensions
there's not a need to make such a big fuss
it's just a forum...not like it's gonna to affect his life
and lol visa he himself did not organised the rock for wayne,rock for good...i believe there's a few more :)

* I was at the Elderly Care exhibition at Toa Payoh this morning. Very interesting, trying to see how I can raise some funds to have the Mobile Massage Team from SAVH to go give massage at Old Folks Home. Anyone want to help in this cause, please contact me.

lol me and my family just helped them out 2 weeks ago...
a very interesting note. If you guys have been following the argument too closely, you won't see this trend.

Just a summary of what's happening:

The main topic here is to seek clarification and to question whether there can be more consistency in moderating soft. The last straw that got levan banned was very very light, and thus making a lot of us overreacting over this issue which isn't the main topic of the thread now.

There's a camp here that's displaying typical forum mentality of flaming people regarding personnel issues. There's the carebear group that's going "oh levan's good, why ban him?" or "james' so busy, leave him alone la..."

there's another camp in here that's displaying typical singaporean mentality of "i'm not the one getting banned, so if you're not happy, go start another forum!" or "this is a small matter, i also got banned before! So let it rest lah!" brushing aside and trying to stop any intellectual discussion that might surface out of this.

And there's miscellaneous people coming in bringing models of other fourms and using to say that "this forum is already really good, you'll get banned if you use other people's forum accounts." (i'm too dumb to actually link this with using other people's bank account to finance one's uprising.) ?_? Oh and "james contributed this much and levan contributed this much!!!"

if we get all this distractions aside, the topic's here really focused on the posts of levan and james. Lets drop that particular wood innuendo (that a minority of us understand) and how james is busy and how we should all start our own country if we're unhappy about singapore and !@#$ and *&^% and... Etc...

Bringing back the topic: There seems to be a misunderstanding between jame's side and levan's side?

- james said he sent out multiple pms that served as warnings against people who have done something untasteful / against the rules here. Levan says he hasn't received anything from him for the past 6 months.

- is this a case of favouritism / prejudism? Levan got a 3 day suspension for the built up of several small matters that happened over a long period of time. Why then, are there people (seems to be a handful) who blatantly misbehave here and post obvious threads of malice don't receive such treatment?

Point in check, many of people, just what to know whether justice has been done on this particular case and there's nothing wrong with that. If you have points to support levan's views or jame's views, go ahead and post, but please, don't come here and post "aiya such a small matter lets just go hush-hush and let it rest la..." or "this does not concern me, not happy go start another forum pls..." cause it's 1) not solving this and 2) might make you sound selfish.

EH JAMES JAMES! I WANT TO COMPLAIN. this guy said a very bad word. LOOK:

22-10-08, 06:37 PM
Member Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 123
Rep Power: 1



p.s: sarah palin is hot! like milf like dat...heh

that "m***" word, you know what it means right? quickly go ban him okay?

heh, at the rate we are going in this thread, some of us here really deserved to be banned and for good, for not thinkng hard enough before clicking "submit reply"

Attn!!!This is GETTIN Absolutely ridiculous! After 7 pages, i just had to scan through!! 20++ pages already and it ain't over yet?!

Get this thread closed already!

Come on stop being childish really..
We get u bein bitter and the injustice done unto u abt bein banned and all despite the fact that u had contributed a lot but hey move on bro and quit all this whining, airing the dirty laundry, using other softies accts(even with their permission) and what-nots.

Be the bigger man bro.
Injustice or not, James has his reasons. I dunt think he has any personal agenda against u bro but ur making it out to be that it is. He is being the bigger man by opting not to partake in certain responses of this thread which is really, really getting silly and childish by the day.

PS: So if James get this thread closed, someone gonna start another new thread abt why this thread is closed?
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