a very interesting note. If you guys have been following the argument too closely, you won't see this trend.
Just a summary of what's happening:
The main topic here is to seek clarification and to question whether there can be more consistency in moderating soft. The last straw that got levan banned was very very light, and thus making a lot of us overreacting over this issue which isn't the main topic of the thread now.
There's a camp here that's displaying typical forum mentality of flaming people regarding personnel issues. There's the carebear group that's going "oh levan's good, why ban him?" or "james' so busy, leave him alone la..."
there's another camp in here that's displaying typical singaporean mentality of "i'm not the one getting banned, so if you're not happy, go start another forum!" or "this is a small matter, i also got banned before! So let it rest lah!" brushing aside and trying to stop any intellectual discussion that might surface out of this.
And there's miscellaneous people coming in bringing models of other fourms and using to say that "this forum is already really good, you'll get banned if you use other people's forum accounts." (i'm too dumb to actually link this with using other people's bank account to finance one's uprising.) ?_? Oh and "james contributed this much and levan contributed this much!!!"
if we get all this distractions aside, the topic's here really focused on the posts of levan and james. Lets drop that particular wood innuendo (that a minority of us understand) and how james is busy and how we should all start our own country if we're unhappy about singapore and !@#$ and *&^% and... Etc...
Bringing back the topic: There seems to be a misunderstanding between jame's side and levan's side?
- james said he sent out multiple pms that served as warnings against people who have done something untasteful / against the rules here. Levan says he hasn't received anything from him for the past 6 months.
- is this a case of favouritism / prejudism? Levan got a 3 day suspension for the built up of several small matters that happened over a long period of time. Why then, are there people (seems to be a handful) who blatantly misbehave here and post obvious threads of malice don't receive such treatment?
Point in check, many of people, just what to know whether justice has been done on this particular case and there's nothing wrong with that. If you have points to support levan's views or jame's views, go ahead and post, but please, don't come here and post "aiya such a small matter lets just go hush-hush and let it rest la..." or "this does not concern me, not happy go start another forum pls..." cause it's 1) not solving this and 2) might make you sound selfish.