Attn!!!This is GETTIN Absolutely ridiculous! After 7 pages, i just had to scan through!! 20++ pages already and it ain't over yet?!
Get this thread closed already!
Come on stop being childish really..
We get u bein bitter and the injustice done unto u abt bein banned and all despite the fact that u had contributed a lot but hey move on bro and quit all this whining, airing the dirty laundry, using other softies accts(even with their permission) and what-nots.
Be the bigger man bro.
Injustice or not, James has his reasons. I dunt think he has any personal agenda against u bro but ur making it out to be that it is. He is being the bigger man by opting not to partake in certain responses of this thread which is really, really getting silly and childish by the day.
PS: So if James get this thread closed, someone gonna start another new thread abt why this thread is closed?
Can you please read my recent posts (Signed under Visa's account which I borrowed)
I think I have been constructive and fair in my responses. Read the last 5 pages.
We have moved on beyond the injustices already and are responding to James requests for suggestions on how best to update the rules. SHEESH! That's why the thread has gone on.
As in, read, before you assume.
If you disagree with it, why post a response about this thread being pointless, when by posting a response, you are bumping it up to the top again?

Almost 9,000 reads to this thread. There has to be something very captivating for this thread for it to reach that number of reads in just 2 days.
And I don't think you are in the position to judge if something is worthy of reading or not for thousands of others. Same to you holahee And by your complaining about it, you're just going to make it go past 15,000! Do you realize the weird irony? You could easily choose to move on and ignore this post. But you might be missing out on somebody else giving you a retort, which would make it the ultimate mindf*** on you if you came back to respond, wouldn't it?

See, there's all this self-righteous "Why are we still talking about it?" blah blah blah, but at the end of the day, it IS a forum, and human beings are naturally attracted to things they either
strongly agree or disagree with. DEAL WITH IT! It's part of the addictive side of human nature.
And if you find yourself coming back to a thread to respond and whine about why it's still active, then ironically, it is YOU that is keeping it active.
Read my posts and I am actually ignoring most of the clamouring and choosing to respond mostly to James questions with proper suggestions.
We have moved on. You just got stuck in the middle. Sorry to correct ya. I mean no disrespect.
I can only encourage people to speak up, but I have NO CONTROL over their opinions, not even remotely close. And the fact that the majority of people here feel the same, well, that makes this topic as worthy of being alive as a topic about Singapore Politics, random YouTube videos, Satanism, random encounters on MRTs, working with wood, and anything else that is being discussed in SOFT.
Good boy.
I also have no control over what
you choose to respond with. But remember, if you respond, YOU are doing your part to keep the thread alive - the very thing you complained against. lol
Well, now you're in quite a predicament

To respond or not to respond?
That's why these forums are fun! I'm going for breakfast!