ATTN fellow SOFTies: this is absolutely ridiculous.

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it's just levan getting a 3 day suspensions
there's not a need to make such a big fuss
it's just a forum...not like it's gonna to affect his life
and lol visa he himself did not organised the rock for wayne,rock for good...i believe there's a few more :)

lol me and my family just helped them out 2 weeks ago...

Read the middle part of this thread. This post did start from the ban (Not started by me though!) but the bulk of the important bits are in the middle portions of the thread, and are not pertaining to my ban per ce. As you can see, I have solved that problem easily but am still posting on this thread with regards to the main points! In fairness, I think James has addressed them in this issue.

And yes, you're definitely right. Loads of great, great people whom I truly respect helped in those gigs. Particularly Sabrina, and Justin for Rock For Wayne, who did the bulk of the work. They are truly the givers of the local scene.


From your moderation, what would you say are the most often committed offenses? I'm just asking cause I think it might help the other people here to be more aware of these issues and what you deem to be unacceptable.

This is not being said in a malicious tone but is a genuine query, so that we can better understand your stand on these issues and try to abide by them to reduce your need to moderate too heavily.

For example, initially you removed a post about US Politics because it was leaning towards Singapore politics, but you are now allowing the Singapore politics thread to be opened. So what is your stand on what is acceptable / not acceptable with regards to politics?

Also, referring back to the issue on innuendo. There are some blatant sexual connotations being used in the forums that have gone uncensored. I still find it funny I got banned cause of I haven't been one of those blatant posters. But never mind about that.

What is your stand on what sexual content is deemed acceptable and what is not? I think you once removed a bikini photo posted by AgingYouth of a female model too. Is that considered unacceptable within SOFT? I know issues on sex is a little bit of a gray area, but maybe we can fill it in a little.


On a side note, I was the 8,888 viewer of this thread. So yay!!! :D I'm buying 4d

Attn!!!This is GETTIN Absolutely ridiculous! After 7 pages, i just had to scan through!! 20++ pages already and it ain't over yet?!

Get this thread closed already!

Come on stop being childish really..
We get u bein bitter and the injustice done unto u abt bein banned and all despite the fact that u had contributed a lot but hey move on bro and quit all this whining, airing the dirty laundry, using other softies accts(even with their permission) and what-nots.

Be the bigger man bro.
Injustice or not, James has his reasons. I dunt think he has any personal agenda against u bro but ur making it out to be that it is. He is being the bigger man by opting not to partake in certain responses of this thread which is really, really getting silly and childish by the day.

PS: So if James get this thread closed, someone gonna start another new thread abt why this thread is closed?

Can you please read my recent posts (Signed under Visa's account which I borrowed)
I think I have been constructive and fair in my responses. Read the last 5 pages.
We have moved on beyond the injustices already and are responding to James requests for suggestions on how best to update the rules. SHEESH! That's why the thread has gone on.

As in, read, before you assume.
If you disagree with it, why post a response about this thread being pointless, when by posting a response, you are bumping it up to the top again? :P Dang!

Almost 9,000 reads to this thread. There has to be something very captivating for this thread for it to reach that number of reads in just 2 days. And I don't think you are in the position to judge if something is worthy of reading or not for thousands of others. Same to you holahee And by your complaining about it, you're just going to make it go past 15,000! Do you realize the weird irony? You could easily choose to move on and ignore this post. But you might be missing out on somebody else giving you a retort, which would make it the ultimate mindf*** on you if you came back to respond, wouldn't it? :D lol

See, there's all this self-righteous "Why are we still talking about it?" blah blah blah, but at the end of the day, it IS a forum, and human beings are naturally attracted to things they either strongly agree or disagree with. DEAL WITH IT! It's part of the addictive side of human nature. And if you find yourself coming back to a thread to respond and whine about why it's still active, then ironically, it is YOU that is keeping it active.

Read my posts and I am actually ignoring most of the clamouring and choosing to respond mostly to James questions with proper suggestions.

We have moved on. You just got stuck in the middle. Sorry to correct ya. I mean no disrespect.

I can only encourage people to speak up, but I have NO CONTROL over their opinions, not even remotely close. And the fact that the majority of people here feel the same, well, that makes this topic as worthy of being alive as a topic about Singapore Politics, random YouTube videos, Satanism, random encounters on MRTs, working with wood, and anything else that is being discussed in SOFT.


Good boy.

I also have no control over what you choose to respond with. But remember, if you respond, YOU are doing your part to keep the thread alive - the very thing you complained against. lol

Well, now you're in quite a predicament :D To respond or not to respond? :D

That's why these forums are fun! I'm going for breakfast!

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Oh really?

Oh wow....

On another softie acc?

Goodness gracious me

And I don't think you are in the position to judge if something is worthy of reading or not for thousands of others. Same to you holahee

Still so much anger?

Shooting blanks...again
Moved on? Hardly


Maybe we're hoping to see u stop posting in this thread for it to stop.
But hey continue getting defensive if need be.

But then again this is one more useless post eh
Oh really?

Oh wow....

On another softie acc?

Goodness gracious me

Still so much anger?

Shooting blanks...again
Moved on? Hardly


Maybe we're hoping to see u stop posting in this thread for it to stop.
But hey continue getting defensive if need be.

But then again this is one more useless post eh

Took the bait :) Yes it is another useless post :P Read dude, read. It's not that hard. If not, move on. 'Be the bigger man!' This is my newly created account. It just got activated today. Oops! Anyway....
*sweeps Black Velveteen aside*

James, if you can, please check out some of the suggestions brought out here by others. I think they are quite constructive and also fair to you also. They're well-meaning to the forum too. It's around page 19 or 20 I think.
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Bro, no offence really, but i ain't no man so the same advice u give me, don't assume. We learn from each other right.

Congrats bro, for being the bigger man!


Uh huh. Why are you still keeping the thread alive? :P Don't! Kill it!!!
But seriously,
Relax lah. This is a forum. Ya know, technically it isn't even real if you think about it. For all you know I might be acting indignant while I'm watching CNN where the real world problems lie. For all ya know, I don't actually hate James and I don't actually give a damn about SOFT. This could have been an elaborate way to kill time! If you think about it, we're just binary code on a server off in the US tens of thousands of miles away. Do you REALLY think all these online politicking matters?

Of course not!

But ya know, it helps make the community feel real and keeps it alive and active, for better AND worse :) It spurs emotion in many people who responded here. And that is what keeps SOFTies coming back :) It's the human condition tweaked to fit a forum. At the end of the day, I really don't care one bit about a stupid ban :P It's just fun to watch.

And James is still the guest of honour for the unofficial SOFT gathering (If he is able to make it and wants to come!). That's real life. And I must say, he is someone to be admired in real life! His online persona? Meh, nothing much, kinda LKY-ish to be honest. But real life = he definitely deserves the kudos.

See the difference? I just thought I'd step out of my online persona a bit to let you know :)

Okay, back to Internet renegade mode! GIGGLES!

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eh.. this is probably a stupid point but SOFT is hosted on DifferentHost..i think they're based in singapore.
Just when I thought this issue would finally be resolved and steps would actually be taken towards a compromise, I sign in this morning to find that one of James' personal carebears decided to drop a nasty little pm into my inbox sometime during the night.

Now I'm wondering if it should go up here because it's really quite hilarious how one person can fire so many brainless insults in the course of one email without realising how foolhardy she (oops did I let that slip? silly me.) sounds.

To the person I'm addressing, grow some balls. Or better yet, come for the chalet on the 15th of November! Consider this your invitation to sit down for a nice face-to-face chat instead of hiding behind your computer screen! Feel free to bring your friend "Mike" too if you wish (or any other stuffed animals you may have sitting on your bed)! I'd be more than happy to address him and his, what was it again? Problem with my "attitude"?8)

The conflict in this thread has been carried far enough. I think whatever needs to be said has already been mentioned by the numerous contributors, and I am grateful that James has taken the time off to address the issues raised. If you wish to carry this further, you just signed your declaration for war.
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Do post it up, SherT.

Would like to see how mature that certain elected carebear actually is.

Who knows why RoRK got banned, and why? I do. And it's a load of bull.
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"Eh. Told you to PM me if you have replies, right?
No wonder you're not happy with what I said. You're probably not even reading my damn posts. Or maybe you're reading them with your nose.

I think you completely misunderstood me, and I don't appreciate you singling me out. So let me explain some things before you jump the horse and finish painting that portrait up in your pretty little head. Personally, I don't care even if you don't read this (because it's really hard trying to make sense of what you're saying), but I feel I've got to get this off my chest and explain this to you like Alphabets before I can quit the forum. You STARTED THIS anyway, being the only one hurling direct offenses against me (twice, flattered!), and it's only healthy for your pride for you to finish it.


Quote SherT:
The reason why this whole conflict started was because of a number of individuals' disagreement (myself included) with his moderation style to begin with, specifically his banning of levan and his actions in the several instances listed out earlier in this thread.[/quote]

I KNOW LAH. My point, replying to this, was why can't you and the lot of you handle this with James privately? What's with the whole attitude of demanding things to be done the "right" way, disputing the ban (when he ALREADY stated his reasons, that he has already WARNED Levan, and that it was ONLY a 3-day ban), hurling all sorts of crap, to someone who STARTED this forum? High School sia.
To be honest, I have nothing against you or Levan or whatever in this matter, but I feel this approach to get you and your friends' points through aren't professional and mature, and the ONLY reason why I'm posting in this cursed thread, is because I pity James and can't stand to see him getting put down after ALL that he's done to keep this forum going. It wasn't a direct hurl at you guys, so the fact that you took it so personally... well let's just say I don't think much of you in that aspect.

My whole sole purpose to this PM is directly to you and you alone, because you were the one inviting me to dance. And because I think you have no idea what I was trying to say.

"If anyone wants a more revised moderation, by all means give specific suggestions. Don't just blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblahblah, hey guys, see see! Bad guy. *point finger*. I know it's coooool, but there's no need to go punk and start a riot. "
This bit was where I was trying to say the approach was wrong. Because it doesn't seem like you guys wanted to improve things; You're just bringing down the image of James, encouraging and reiterating that he's some power-hungry corrupted soab, and quite bluntly making him look like the bad guy. It's not fair and it hardly seems a mature way to settle this, (especially when he was too busy to reply yet) is it?
Where's your respect to the guy?

Poor thing. Not happy with the country, migrate lah.


Quote SherT:
people like you are trying to rebut every idea that doesn't sit well within your own beliefs[/quote]

LOL~ What are my beliefs, and where did I rebut? If I do recall, the only stand I made was to cut James some slack, because HE HAS BEEN TRYING to make this place go smooth (see others' posts to quote this off). The way you guys slam him post after post.. sigh. Very sad.

I don't get it. I mean if you guys are so unhappy about the way he does things, why are you guys still around? I'm still hearing cricket sounds to that answer.

You don't know the discussions he has with the mods.
You don't know that he's been the most LENIENT so far with banning people, sometimes so lenient that posters leave because of it.
And now that he's enforcing things, you guys fuss up? Geez hahaha.

You don't know that sometimes he doesn't have the time to look through posts, and just rely on sorting out everyone's triggerhappy "report" post.
He doesn't have ten million eyes sucking words into his brain from every freaking POST in every freaking SUBFORUM.
That's why he opened up that "reported post" icon, duh?

So if my BELIEF here is that I'm supporting this bloke who GAVE US THIS FORUM, and with my own experience, KNOWS he's trying his best (yes, this very one you're posting in, gasp!),
throw me a turkey and sue me, people like me don't wanna let your egos ride.
Yes, I will rebut. Why not, when the guy doesn't deserve it and I'm seeing a circus of a thread going, with a header calling EVERY softie to read flames about the Owner Of The Forum? The nerve of it. I mean if it's a permanent ban nvm lah. 3-day only lah you cb. Even I got that before. I'm sorry if Levan missed that little sticky note. But oh, look at what the fuss kicked up. Forestfire.

Quote SherT:
Calling everyone disgusting for voicing their opinions doesn't exactly come off as very urbane now does it?[/quote]

LOL. Dude, it was just an ending remark on the situation. I wasn't calling anyone disgusting. I'm sorry if you misinterpreted it, it's quite a common ending remark on my part. Oh does it Shirt.

Quote SherT:
people like you are trying to rebut every idea that doesn't sit well within your own beliefs[/quote]

People like me.. people like me. Don't be quick to judge me k?
Especially when I hardly post in the forums (and I Highly Doubt you have been active in the vocal subforum or even know my intentions).
You're just looking really silly at it, you know? Cos
Only people like you would use the excuse of a 3-day ban to start some forum war / rebut others (eh? lol).
Only people like you read my posts with your nose, and
Only people like you would say things like this:

Quote SherT:
I am shocked, that you, a moderator would have to resort to a scathing personal attack to get your message across. This only serves to speak of behalf of your general attitude.[/quote]

Low blow man hahahaha. No wait;
you're bringing out how I post my words (which ISN'T regular in the kopitiam and so far isn't offending anyone.. except you and I donno who else), whilst your friend Levan, one of the most Influential and regular posters in the forum and subforum, has been posting things that got him banned. Nice try lah. Are you even thinking when you type those words? I didn't even judge visa. I just quoted him as a reply, just like everyone else here. How is that a personal attack? LOL! Well, you just solidified what me and some friends think of Your attitude. Mike's snorting milk out of his nose now, thanks Shirt.

I hope you're aware by now that -this- PM is a more personal attack... just in case you don't get how it works and.. stuff..

"don't you think that he would benefit from having a close-knit community with the presence of mind to deal with issues on their own"
Yknow, I can just quote your own words against you time and time again, carebear, it's really useful and quite funny. :}

ps. I told James to take my mod status off, to encourage you to be more creative next time.

Good day, Shirt ~~ It's been fun, don't stress and mess up your hair k!"
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All that, and she's still missing the point of this exercise. Apparently the three of us have clicked this thread 3,000 times each, and generated 12 pages of replies on our own, because we are the only ones on this forum who don't agree with what happened, and thus we started a "forest fire".

I guess this illustrates the point I made a coupla days back.
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hey You....

Hello alll...wassup wasssuppzzzzzzz...

offending anyone here isnt the agenda at all...
but after reading the whole lotsa shitty politicalismic long-windered posts on these thread by some people out there who thinks they can write better or have done better deeds or sumthing and all of a sudden so called Banned in this forum than later backed by sum so called ball-carrier to this banned fella which later uses this ball-carrier's account to later write sumthing which sumhow so much shows how emotional he is being banned for no reason or sumthing

to beb continued........
Don't wanna take sides here, as after trawling through 25 pages I can kinda see where both sides are coming from. However just wanna say that if Levan really does decide to leave SOFT forever, it will be a huge pity because he has contributed so much to this community, with his experience and insight.

Let's go a bit meta on this whole debate. Okay James has kindly set up this forum for us to enjoy, and we respect him for that. However, for the forum to grow, there needs to be involvement by the community, as it is the community which keeps the forums going.

This is part of the process of the community trying to provide their contributions to make the forum a better place. Rather than submitting to the rule of a single person, we (some of us at least), want to make this place more conducive for discussion. To quote a cliche, it takes both hands to clap, and James has shown that he is willing to listen to suggestions some of the softies have. Instead of posting mindless remarks, shouldn't we focus on resolving this issue of 'biased moderation' to help grow the forum?
THIS BIT IS FOR SAGE: (I hope this doesn't sound confrontational, it isn't meant to be) I haven't met you yet, and I don't know how you're like personally or what you stand for. I do have some responses to what you have said, and I hope you don't take them the wrong way.

here goes.


Why can't you and the lot of you handle this with James privately?

Because this is not a private issue. Whether a teacher slaps a student, a policeman beats up a suspect or a moderator bans a user, it is something that has repercussions on the rest of the community.

What's with the whole attitude of demanding things to be done the "right" way?

It's called progress. Perhaps we may not agree on how to broach the subject, but surely we can agree that it is for the better of the community?

Hurling all sorts of crap, to someone who STARTED this forum? High School sia.

Personally I've never "hurled crap" at James. I've met him several times on several occasions and I really like the fella. Even so, i don't see why we should grant immunity to somebody just because "they started it".

It wasn't a direct hurl at you guys

There is no way to be sure on an online message board, so I will not make assumptions. Why do you consistently and intentionally mispell SherT's username, though?

Cut James some slack, because HE HAS BEEN TRYING to make this place go smooth.

Of course he has. My perspective is this- you can put all your time, energy and effort into something, but still get things wrong. You deserve lots of respect and kudos for that sort of discipline and determination, but if you're doing it wrong, you also deserve to be pointed in the right direction. I'm not going to be so arrogant as to say that "James' way of dealing with SOFT is wrong and my way is right", but I'm trying to say that he deserves to hear our perspectives as well.

I don't get it. I mean if you guys are so unhappy about the way he does things, why are you guys still around? I'm still hearing cricket sounds to that answer.

I have not left because when you weigh the pros and cons, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. And lots of kudos to James for that. Secondly, being here for such a long time has given me a sense of belonging here. In a way, Soft is alot like a little Singapore.

What you're saying is along the lines of- if there's anything you don't like about the country, accept it, or leave. There is an alternative- which is to stay, and try to make things better. Because if everybody who stayed shut up, and everybody who dared to speak up left, it would become a mindless and dispassionate community.

with a header calling EVERY softie to read flames about the Owner Of The Forum? The nerve of it.

I'm sorry if you feel this way- because flaming James was never my intention. As I mentioned before, I like the fella. I feel a strong sense of belonging in this place, and I really just want to see things get better.

But oh, look at what the fuss kicked up. Forestfire.

Massive fires cannot start without fuel. My point is this- many people have been harbouring such sentiments all along (some expressed it respectfully, some didn't) and have been keeping quiet about it. James probably was not aware of it.

By starting this thread, I was trying to encourage SOFTies to sit up and speak out about how they feel. If the majority of the forum was truly happy with James' "sweep under the carpet" style, then I would have to admit that perhaps my views are deviant and inappropriate for the community that I consider myself so much a part of.

It's abit discouraging to see that some people have no opinions and simply echo negative and scathing remarks (because they're always more fun, perhaps?) and seem more interested in showing off their internet jousting skills than anything else.

But I think it's somewhat encouraging that people do try to speak their mind about how they feel about an issue. I don't have the right to tell you or any SOFTie how to think or feel, but I'm happy that there are those who express themselves respectfully and well.

On a final note, EVERYBODY who has had something to say in this thread, and even the lurkers who haven't, PLEASE COME DOWN TO THE CHALET ON NOVEMBER 15TH! It would be really wonderful if we could all sit down and have a chat. I always find that when people who disagree online meet in person, we tend to find common ground and walk away with more mutual respect for one another. (I hope to see you too sage, since I missed the vocal hangouts!)

cheers and with good intentions,
This is part of the process of the community trying to provide their contributions to make the forum a better place.

Yes! That was my primary purpose behind starting this thread, and on hindsight I should have stated it clearer. I hope that this thread will be looked at as such.


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