ATTN fellow SOFTies: this is absolutely ridiculous.

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This is the Fourm rules.

If you have any suggestion, please post them here so that we can revise it to serve us better.

It is good to see that many members are concern about undesirable content in the forum. I could really use your help if you could post the link to any post/thread that you feel is undesirable here.

* I was at the Elderly Care exhibition at Toa Payoh this morning. Very interesting, trying to see how I can raise some funds to have the Mobile Massage Team from SAVH to go give massage at Old Folks Home. Anyone want to help in this cause, please contact me.
the mountains. they're being made out of molehills. also, completely irrelevant metaphor. levan was banned for something that he DID, regardless of how small a matter it was. i'm not saying that it was a fair punishment, nor am i saying it's not. what i'm saying is, really is it that big a deal to warrant 20 pages of crying injustice?

As I've said, READ the past pages. You've missed out the whole jeist.

Yes, this thread was at first a bit of a rant cause Levan got banned. But you failed to see the new underlying idea.
As I've explained, there have been posts that were CLEARLY breaking the rules. Did you actually know that no one is supposed to sell Modded PSPs on SOFT? That didn't stop many from trying to all the same.
It's not so much we're crying injustice, but look at some of these posts. They have more explicit content, insults that are uncalled for, uncouth remarks, etc. But nothing happened to these posters.
Levan, we must admit, made a "joke" with slight sexual connotations. Still, look at those who BLATANTLY posted all these sort of things.
That is unfair, cause they never got any punishment
James, I suggest that we have one thread that would type all these rules in perfect Black And White, and much more clearer as well, prefably in point form. It allows everyone to be able to catch it as well. Linking the forum rules to other forums will not be neccessarily be beneficial. What happens if these forums close or experience a server problem? Also, as SOFTies and not HWZ ppl, we have our own identities and having our own rules enforce our identity.
Further more, it would be beneficial if the Forum Rules were stickyed in every section of the forum, so there would be more excuse that we didn't see the rules.

I am willing to type out a new set of rules if you want. i'm on leave the whole week
Hmm actually I would agree a few more moderators might be good, I usually only see Subversion and Rudimental Drummer most of the times around the threads I frequent.
Not trying to take sides here or anything but this is my humble opinion. As such, opinions can be biased and not right so feel free to poke holes in my argument. After all, this is S.O.F.T, sound of friends together, and friends are supposed to help each other. If I've offended anyone, I apologise in advance.

Props to theliverevolution who's now trying to provide a solution to the current situation than to add more "rants" to the already hackneyed complaining. I've realised that more likely than not (I could be wrong) the past 3-4 pages of ranting seems to be focused around the idea of 'how come I kena but other people who have done worse never'. Is it a case of resentment? Thing I find odd is that people are only up in arms, calling for major reforms and changes when now a major figure in the community is subjected to such treatment. What about the other minor posters who have been through the same?

Sad but ugly truth is - everything is indeed unfair. It's happening all over the world in almost every forum! Instead of complaining about others who didn't get banned or suspended for flouting the rules, there's always the handy big report post button. If the moderators don't do their jobs properly, elect to replace them. It's good to have rules but we need to make sure that the people who enforce them are doing their job as well.

I say that let's just take a step back, chill, wait for James to reply. And who knows, this entire hoo-haa may be a blessing in disguise for the entire SOFT community..!

Once again, feel free to poke holes in my (flawed) argument. No wonder I got B4 for GP only!
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theliverevolution PM me and he said he will help improve the Forum Rules. Anyone else with suggestion should also post it here.

Also, he mentioned that I should sticky the Rules in every section of the forum. I have instead create a box on the right column of every page. Hope this will be good.
* I was at the Elderly Care exhibition at Toa Payoh this morning. Very interesting, trying to see how I can raise some funds to have the Mobile Massage Team from SAVH to go give massage at Old Folks Home. Anyone want to help in this cause, please contact me.

Hey, what do you know. We actually volunteer for the same charity! I used to volunteer for them when I was younger.

Anyway, James, thank you for taking the effort to open up the discussion. I think in doing so you've far surpassed what you've done so in the past - which is usually keeping quiet. So it's nice to know that you're reading the point of views of the different posters here.

I think judging from the number of responses that are in agreement, it's only the right thing for the community to listen to some of the regulars - both old and new.

I think RundimentalDrummer has been an excellent moderator. I've seen him close one eye to minor scuffles and take active steps when something gets out of line. He also frequently posts on the forums and seems to really take the effort to see the case in point first before he steps in - which I think it really respectable.

Maybe he can come up with some suggestions with a newly proposed (and clearer) set of rules and regulations we can all abide to. And maybe a better understanding on how to better and more fairly implement the rules so that both parties are on the same page.

Erm Levan,

I know this whole restructuring thing is really important to you but, can you wait until your suspension is lifted before you continue posting? I know it's a little late but your using of visa and Shert's accounts to post makes it seem as though you're not serving your full punishment. Your suggestions are important, I know. But they can wait.

ahkiatt, thank you sooooooo much for highlighting this.

I look at my Forum Rules and then look at this thread, really don't know how to be consistent in enforcing the rules.

Haiz ....
Nothing in this world is black and white man...>_>

Even those in black and white can be grey.

/pats James. Don't worry man, you're doing fine.
I appreciate the fact would like to, but I'm only free saturdays due to NS (cause I'm still staying in, there's no 8 to 5 for me yet. Waiting for further posting then c first). Moderating would take a lot of constant watch over the forums and I cannot commit the time as of yet

Besides, I've only been here for a couple of months. The more senior members would be wiser when it comes to forum issues
You can look through the forum and let me know which post has undesirable content. Everyone can help in little ways.
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