ATTN fellow SOFTies: this is absolutely ridiculous.

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I wish we could just go back to make Music but this is like a haven for all of us that want to become musicians. If this place is also going to have "political problems" then it is no more a haven.

Anyway, been searching through the FAQ.

I realised that there is no rules that actually "govern" this place. That means all our posts is at the Moderator's discretion on what judgement they want to pass on us.

Perhaps the moderators should sit down and talk to us and come up with a proper set of rules and regulations so as to govern this place better? At least there would be a common understanding between other Softies and we all know where our boundaries are
Final note:

Eh you guys, how old already? Ban on an internet forum leh... Make so much noise! We are in an economic recession and here we are fighting over a suspension. Grow up lah boys. Spend your time on something more fruitful, like learning how to invest in cheap stocks. :D

Gosh I'm starting to see what a joke this is, and there isn't even toilet humour involved. Fighting on the Internet, what are we? Youtube comments box? Haha, HAHAHAHAH!

once again bulls eye home run sharpshooter hit the point... tried to give u more reputation points but cannot say i must spread the love around 1st. lol i think u sound like my damn good fren another bassist also, i like direct n frank ppl don talk so much BS.
^ Mobius, you hit the nail on the head.

in the case of james and SOFT, people thanks james for superficial action, and small matters, or to get in his good books.
but once james does something that doesn't fit into their criteria of stuff that they want, he gets flamed, for being strict, biased, and having a stick up his ass.

honestly if you're unhappy with the way things are being run in a particular place, set up your own forum/county/continent/planet.

less bitching, more action.

Vickomaniac, the whole point of the post seems to have floated over your head.
But that's alright.
I am a person of action. This is an action. Deal with it.
Please refer to Maddy's post on page
That's a summary of the whole point of the post. Not the fluff that surrounds it.
Too lazy to repeat.

And as usual, James has failed to address the MAIN point at hand.
He's probably going to ask WHAT the main point is about, or just repeat the same thing he responded with.
In which case we can all just assume he can't read so good, but it's ok James, I love you long time!

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This is Levan borrowing Visa's account cause I'm still banned lol.

See, I find it funny how some people here complain about this whole post being pointless
But still keep coming back and reading it :P
Look at the sheer number of views this post received within just 1 day! It's passed the number of music posts posted for years.
Kinda ironic considering how SOME of you are posting about having better things to do, but you keep responding to the thread. Resist the temptation!

The whole point of the post isn't the ban. It's about the need to enforce the rules with some form of consistency. And suggestions from some in the community on how to do it. It is only because BOTH sides value the community here, and that is why people voice out their opinions. There really isn't any other gain.

Read previous posts on this thread to get a fuller understanding. If not, go post on another thread! So simple aiyoh! I don't see the point in posting on a thread you claim to be a waste of time! Yes I'm talking to ahkiatt.

Also, James, the longer you do not address the various issues raised here, the more obvious it is that the whole point of this post has been proven. And no, your previous response did NOT address any of the more major issues here that go BEYOND my ban. Read: ISSUES BEYOND MY BAN.

And if you claim to, um, 'love your community' as much as you say you do, then you should be respectful enough to respond to the issues raised by the other SOFTies here, who are all part of your happy shiny carebear community!

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lol like already mentioned before, its not about who got banned (could be anyone) but rather the basis and reason of being banned, and how the action was executed.
Levan you got a 3 day suspension amirite?
so it's just one more to go.
relax la.

Like I said, the whole point of the post just floated over your head. It's not about the length of the ban. Nor is it about my ban per se. It's about establishing consistencies in the way the rules are applied on SOFT. In the end, don't you think it is for the betterment of the community if consistent rules are established? That way, both newcomers and loyal posters are on the same playing field. Gosh! If you'd rather everything always be fluffy and taste like rainbows, close your eyes and wish yourself back to Neverland.

Seriously, those who carry a 'I'm holier than this! I have better things to do!" attitude, please realize the irony of spending time posting and reading a thread which you claim to be a waste of time. Let's all come to agree that we have better things to do with our real lives than debate about an online forum. But when we're HERE, when we're reading this HERE, when we're posting and when we're replying, it's makes PERFECT SENSE to talk about the forum within the forum. :)

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i KNOW what your point is, im just not referring to it because it's gonna spark off a whole new debate again.
thing is, james started up this forum alone, he has the right to do whatever he wants with it.
hell he could even start making us pay if we wanted to be softies and we could lovelovelovelovelove and whine and it wouldn't help because it's ultimately HIS decision.
the way i see it, since we wanna play in his playground, we gotta play by his rules.

relax dude i bear no ill will just my humble opinions.
oh and that said, james is human. EVERY HUMAN HAS THEIR BIASES.
so unless this forum is run by one inhuman species free from human traits, thoughts and feelings, it's never gonna happen.
the world wasn't fair to start with anyway.

of course this is in reference to your interpretation that james is indeed biased against you.

and if i got that wrong, i humbly apologise.
Erm, I'm confused. Is there any other debate we're talking about other than the rules here? No? Okay.

"we gotta play by his rules"

Play by his rules you say. Fine and dandy. But what are the rules in the first place? Which rules are meant as a guideline? Which rules will be actively enforced? In this 'playground', however, we are subjected to the whims and fancy of one person and we won't know where we went wrong until something gets enforced out of nowhere.

It will benefit the community if consistencies in the way the rules are applied on SOFT are established. This way, newbies will know how to behave in the forum and we will know what's not allowed. Isn't that better than groping around and not knowing you've gone wrong until you're hit in your head by a block of (hard) wood.
say we love..

ok everybody said wat they need to say..

heres wat i have to say

" Everybody Love Everybody..!!!!! "
i KNOW what your point is, im just not referring to it because it's gonna spark off a whole new debate again.
thing is, james started up this forum alone, he has the right to do whatever he wants with it.
hell he could even start making us pay if we wanted to be softies and we could lovelovelovelovelove and whine and it wouldn't help because it's ultimately HIS decision.
the way i see it, since we wanna play in his playground, we gotta play by his rules.

relax dude i bear no ill will just my humble opinions.

Aren't you whining now by insisting your point? :P
How is you raising the issue that it's ultimately his decision ANY different from us raising the issue that it's not entirely true? :D


No doubt James is human. It's obvious that he has his drawbacks just like the rest of us. We're not debating that. We're debating about making the rules CONSISTENT and CLEAR so that it'll be easier for him in future to be a human being - no fuss, no disagreements, consistently applied rules. It's just like a government. The government is never perfect, but with well-described, consistently applied rules, the people who live in the country are consciously aware of what is deemed right or wrong. Geddit geddit?

Please re-read the post for a better understanding. Tsk tsk!

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grain, if only! :(

meekahsoh, that is EXACTLY what im trying to say.
his playground, his whims and fancies. get on his bad side, tough luck lor.
Aren't you whining now by insisting your point? :P
How is you raising the issue that it's ultimately his decision ANY different from us raising the issue that it's not entirely true? :D


No doubt James is human. It's obvious that he has his drawbacks just like the rest of us. We're not debating that. We're debating about making the rules CONSISTENT and CLEAR so that it'll be easier for him in future to be a human being - no fuss, no disagreements. Please re-read the post for a better understanding.

i'm just trying to get my point across because i thought this thread was to address the grievances between james and yourself, but if you don;t want my input, thats fine i'll just bore myself to death with my physics holiday assignment.

"How is you raising the issue that it's ultimately his decision ANY different from us raising the issue that it's not entirely true? :D "
entirely my POV, don't agree, then don;t stand with me.
that's cool with me.

my point is, it's his call if he wants to make rules, or not.

ohkay now back to feesics ! :D
grain, if only! :(

meekahsoh, that is EXACTLY what im trying to say.
his playground, his whims and fancies. get on his bad side, tough luck lor.

I actually have nothing to say to that.
It's such a contrived statement that it's funny!
Okay I'm going down to eat lunch!

I'm very lazy with this thread now. and frankly, James silence towards ALL of the issues we raised here has already perfectly illustrated how much he treasures the 'community he loves' and how much mutual respect he gives to everyone who has spoken here. He wants the rules here to be respected, but doesn't want to respect the opinions of the people who populate and popularize it. How does that make any sense? I think the whole point of the thread Visa started has been achieved.

In the end, the whole point of SOFT was to nurture a healthy local scene. But I don't see how that can be achieved when everything that happens here is based entirely on the temperamental whim and fancy of one man who doesn't even abide by his own rules on a consistent basis. I think the local scene stretches far beyond these forums, and I don't think that I, as a proud member of the scene, should be subjected to the scrutiny of one man who frankly would look more at home on a poster of Lee Wei Song Music School or something!

In a way, I liken James to one of those tiny new vacuum cleaners you see in shops. Tiny, SOFT, and cleans up stuff. But doesn't do much else. Not a great conversationalist either :D.

I won't be bothered with contributing anything constructive to SOFT from now on, ban or no ban! Cause I wanna play Dead Space on my Playstation 3!

James, you are welcomed to play with my wood anytime. I am referring of course, to my pecker. My woodpecker I mean. I keep birds at home. Don't start thinking dirty! Bad boy.


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meekahsoh, that is EXACTLY what im trying to say.
his playground, his whims and fancies. get on his bad side, tough luck lor.

So one day if James is drunk and he tells himself. " wee hee Soft needs a cleaning :D " and he just randomly bans people and that includes everyone who has contributed their point to this topic. Tough luck eh?

Another thing : If James is like u described then he would be considered a dictator right? Isnt soft a community where people get together to share their musical interests/make friends buy/sell/trade etc and is not supposed to be run by a dictator which im sure James isnt?

A country is led by the government ( at least here in SG it is )

If the government makes a mistake/meets out a harsh punishment to someone whom the public deems innocent while keeping quiet about whatever he did wrong to deserve that, wont the people question the government?

Will the government say, " My country. Dont like, i LoVe care. "

Or will the government allow the people to voice their thoughts and reconsider its actions.

Theres a reason why its called GoVeRnMent.

Im not disagreeing with your point entirely. Im just questioning certain areas in what you just said. I support the fact that James is human. Then again how does that link to the liability of getting banned as in Levan's case?
thing is, james started up this forum alone, he has the right to do whatever he wants with it.
hell he could even start making us pay if we wanted to be softies and we could lovelovelovelovelove and whine and it wouldn't help because it's ultimately HIS decision.
the way i see it, since we wanna play in his playground, we gotta play by his rules.

Okay, since you brought this up, I'll just go a lil OT for a bit.

Fact: James indeed started this forum alone. He does have the right to do what ever he wants with it.

Other side of the fact: This forum is what it is today not because of James alone, though we give credit to him for starting and maintaining it. The forum is what it is today because of us, account holders, too. We populate this place with posts and discussions which is what James wanted. Each of us have a small say on issues going on here and saying James have 100% right to what ever he wants is technically correct, but does it sound a little too much when you consider what the next fact explains?

Fact: James could make us pay to become members if he wanted to.

Other side of the fact: A forum is a give / take affair. People come here to seek answers / help to their questions / issues. This can be seen as people taking something useful home from the forum. In order for this to happen, people also need to provide inputs and offer help. This can be seen as people contributing to the rest of us. It is up to you to see whether this is a form of "payment" or not to this forum. There are some really experienced people who provide much more help / input to others as compared to what these contributors learn from here. IMHO, I think this is already quite a big contribution in keeping this forum rich with information, in which it would otherwise not have. As members here, we are not obliged to contribute what we know, and if no one did, then this forum would be dead / non-existent wouldn't it?

What this lil off topic post of mine is about is that members should be involved in forum matters as much as how much they have contributed to it. The worth of our membership is not so much by the amount we pay in cash but rather by the time we spend and knowledge we leave behind.

Edit: Tracking back to the topic on consistency:

I realise contribution is a subjective affair. Half of us could have seen certain posts i.e. provocative POV, slap-stick jokes and sexual innuendos as giving the forums a lighter feel and making it a more colourful place. The other half of us could have seen these exact same posts have intentions of malice. How do we then, solve these? Through democracy like what we're trying to achieve now? or though compliace of the moderators decision like what some of us here has been suggesting?

I'm not saying compliace is wrong.. It is perfectly fine, if in the first place, fairness and consistency has already been practised. I'm sure we'd like to comply with a system that's fair and consistent. Nobody would have a point to argue much about then...
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Then, as I've said before, we should propose drawing up a list of PROPER rules, written in Black and White, so that everyone would know what are the guide lines for being in this forum. In fact, it should be stickyed and avaliable on display in ALL sections of the forum. I know there is a Forum Rules and Regulations (just found it out myself) but James has only placed links to other websites. We, as SOFTies, with our own identity, should make our own rules
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