Assault Moshing (Baybeats 2007 @


New member
filmed day 1 and 2. currently vidcapturing/encoding/uploading.

filmed as many possible. some of you may have seen a chinese looking lampost with glasses and a cam. brisk walking/running between the powerhouse and the areana. believe me, i'm not one of those joggers that run their rounds at esplanade.

didn't film day 3 because during the Blindside's set of day 2, my fiancee came looking for me and some fat malay guy with curly hair (as she described) pushed her over and the mosh trampled.she's okay, quite traumatised, but my proposal ring's badly dented. so baybeats day 3 was "ring servicing day" for me , it'll set me back about 100 bucks.. before the flaming posts come saying "she should expect this out of baybeats" , may I first mention she is a passerby who comes from another "environment" where the word "moshpit/headbang/bodysurf" doesn't exist. I'm 95kg, I can handle moshers no prob, except bodyguards.

i can't explain how low-moraled I've become towards filming gigs now, it won't be my last set of videos,but I may not film baybeats already. see how it goes next year.
for myself, this could just be all my fault, I should have foreseen this coming.
for you guys, hope you enjoy the videos. alot of people besides my wife got hurt. I heard from matt of AVA there was an ambulance even.
for the moshers , pls mosh safe and smart.
for the fat guy who pushed, i hope you never sleep well at night for the rest of your life.
for the girl who pulled her up, i truly thank you.

enough said :

currently uploading baybeats day 2.
poor thing. I hope your wife's alright :) and also thanks for taking the time to film and upload it so everyone can have their viewing pleasure.

About moshing and the moshers, i think its pretty stupid for people who are oblivious to their surroundings. Hopefully someone dies next year so that people will realize that it pays to be caution of others. Only when something big happens then people will wake up.
i know this is really ut of point .. but does anyone have plainsunset's older cds? i bought the new one .. but it didnt have their older/nicer songs :(
Hope everything goes fne for you bro.

Some people just dont understand how their actions may result in someone getting seriously hurt...

Well, first off im not the biggest guy on earth. In a so called supposed to be "civilised" environment(IT fair in march) some guy with a camera pushed me as he wanted to get in front. As a result, i fell and my head hit those sharp white colour things that stick out on the racks so you can hang stuff with the hooks on them. Thank god it wasnt rusty and i didnt get cut.

IMO some people really need to learn lessons the hard way. Either it has to happen to them. or they have to be responsible for something they thought was fun but turned out otherwise.

Even in the mrt stations in singapore. Coming out from a train. Im carrying my guitar on my back, amp in one hand and my pedalboard in the other hand. Those people from outside just rush in and just push me aside. This has not only resulted in me getting hurt a few times but my instrument has taken several knocks, in addition to this, my amp had a damaged power cable (good thing i can DIY stuff) and my 1spot in my board hit my MIJ CE2.

We need the young people to be more careful/considerate/civic minded. They need to wake up and realise they dont own this world. By the way, this is coming from a teen. Theres nothing wrong with enjoying yourself in a rock gig, just be mindful of what you do.

It'd be great if the guy who did hurt your fiancee own up and at LEAST say sorry. I believe thats the basic respect you can show to somebody. You can go even further to compensate and expenses incurred in the incident.

Sorry for the long rant. Just reasoning out some stuff. Hopefully some peiople read this and change from their ways.

If you have any problem with what i've typed. Kindly PM me and we can talk it out in a civilised manner.

:lol: people here tend to be a wee bit exteme ... buy wade(indian pastry)ask for big green chilli :lol: eat noodles with chilli padi :twisted:

Honestly since moshin started here ...Its been done wrong.
I had countless injuries and equipment damage from mindless wannabe kids!

During my travels ...everywhere else it's done differantly tend to be mindful of others >>>except for drunks and racist punks!

There were a number of foreign bands who did highlight that kids here tend to be way too agro ... :roll:
thank you all for all good wishes and concern. money is definitely can earn. but the thought considered is what if there was more damage than a dented ring? it's unlikely anyone is gonna own up, but to you who's reading and is guilty of a selfish "moshing-good-fun-act" , at least please be careful next time.after all there are people who're there to only watch, not mosh.

I believe rock gigs are what the performing band on stage always say : when someone falls, pick them up!
often I see teenagers suddenly getting some sort of boner seeing mosh pits and start pushing people around him who're just stand-watching.

this post of mine is not to get sympathetic attention from you all but to at least consider another "outsider" opinion. next time when you mosher kids become fathers pushing baby prams, the last thing you want attending a gig (or even passing by baybeats 2050 on planet uranus) is the moshers hurting the ones you love.


-10000¢ worth.
yes blueprint. Spot on.

+429345783572346503750894762049860945867073856 mojo points for blue print studios.

As mentioned in my earlier posts. A person could be injured beyond repair as well. He could be paralysed. Hurt in the wrong place(you guy shld know what i mean yeah?), a few broken bones, squashed ribs, smashed skull, cracked skull, concussion. Mental damage. Anything is possible.
Regarding the ambulance mentioned earlier.
Yes, there was an amulance that had to be called during AVA's set.
A girl fall inside the mosh pit, and much like Mr Blueprints was trampled by others in the crowd.

She wasn't so lucky and had to spend and was rushed to hospital with suspected spinal injuries as she could not feel her legs.

Thankfully, the last update i heard was that she had been discharged with a neak brace for one week (no broken bones). She is due another check up later in the week
my observations on moshers is that most are young people in late teens or early 20s who are desperate to grab some attention from god knows who. if its the ladies, then i'm afraid blueprintstudios suggested scenario of "father with pram" will never come true for them. another observation is that moshers come in a group.. the balls growth in friend circle probably helps to do what they do.

sorry if you're one of those kinda moshers blueprintstudios came across. to be frank, i despise you. c'mon, if you're enjoying a particular gig/song, do a headbang or jump on the spot, or do some waltz, or whatever that won't kill people around u. there's no need to flail your clenched fists in a berserk manner, something 4 year olds do when throwing a tantrum.

anyway, i'm sorry to hear about your wife blueprintstudios. hope everything is fine and she doesn't develop a phobia for rock gigs or something. hopefully, the crowd here will mature as time comes.
Now. thats. just. not part of what i wanted to say =P. Not all of them push lah. But yeah. IF you want me to. Then that extends to every person who goes to the gig.
someone : ah yes, you can see me got pushed over after that I spotted a kid on the floor fighting off legs that were landing on his face. quickly pulled him up.

sidmontu : thank you very much for your concern man. I too hope I don't have to film real happening crowded gigs with a bad memory in the not too distant future.
here are my few cents worth for safer/funnier moshing.

wear your cheapest tightest stretchiest shirts.
bring your cheapest 2 pillows along.
stuff it under your shirt like a fake pregnant lady (how many of us have done that when we were kids?) , front and back.
encourage your friends to do the same and moshaway

dont' mind me, bored. j/king around.

i've updated with day 1's footage, now left "Kjwan"'s which I haven't encoded.
tts y in the other thread..i more or less detested moshing..seriously..

wad does it take for people to wisen up??

1 death?? or 20? or 30 or 40? or for them to have a near death experience??

in an event like this..they shud ban moshing..or AT LEAST confine moshing to a certain isolated area..near the river that one of them can fall and die in there..
if u jump and head bang along to the beat of the music, it is instinctive, it feels natural, but if u go mosh around in a haphazard manner, that is totally deliberate , theres no feel and no regard for the music at all, how is it possible to enjoy the music?