Artises dying at the peak of their careers..


New member
Let me bring something different to the table ... (don't think this has been discussed before)
Am learning purple haze and pride and joy and was wondering if artises like Hendrix , Kurt Cobain, SRV would have attained their "god" status if they had not died at the peak of their careers. Maybe they would have gone down as just another great guitar player..
What do you guys think?

i think la, when they die, they become more noticed and famous. like elvis presley, marilyn man.... dunno how to spell...john lennon the guy from queen forgot the name

when they die they earn more respect i think, although they dun get to enjoy it...
the most regrettable for me was Randy Rhoads.
Going by the 2 records which he did with Ozzy, we're missing out on A LOT of good stuff.
haha. dying is one thing. but one great who did not die but sadly and slowly faded from the scene was JASON BECKER. one awesome talent. id rate him the best guitarist ever still.
well suicide is not a good thing for these good players... cobain was doing so damned well... rich, famous, for whatsoever reason pointed a shotgun to his mouth...
its how fucking ridiculous to be chuggin to some awesome metal for 30 seconds and then have to bite bullets the next moment
what about jason becker. i know he is still alive but. somehow his dead.ooh man i don wanna sound like a jerk
seekz said:
its how xxxxing ridiculous to be chuggin to some awesome metal for 30 seconds and then have to bite bullets the next moment

if there's anything to be gained from this senseless tragedy, it's that security at all gigs are tightened now.
Wat about Ritchie Valens?? The oh donna and la Bamba songs.. Well.. He was gd.. He even died at a early age.. I tink he died at 18 yrs old.. :(

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