Okies.. sorry bros and bras.
I was so freeking busy these past few weeks lah, now a bit relaxed liao.
27th ah?
As usual, we'll list down the list of peeple who can make it that day.
Everyone can contribute by suggesting a venue, comfortable KTV pub cos we have decided it's cheaper and more cosy.
I went to the one at Ang Siang Hill but the place has changed lah. Not as nice.
I feel those places where there are big, big sofas all around are nicer and more appropriate to accommodate a large group of peeple. We never know what is the final turnout and we always bring additional friends, which is good lah.
I was thinking of St James but I think too 'happening' and got cover charge too, so the young ones may not be able to afford it.
See lah, how it goes.
I can still help organize and herd peeple.