Calling EVERYONE who sings / growls / screams - Establishing the Vocal Hangout.


New member
K i'm temporarily back from a break. lol.
Everyone read this k! I'm gonna take this whole bit a notch further a bit.

Catching up on the threads, as hecklerkoch mentioned, I was wondering on seperating the two types of Vocal Hangouts we have and appointing someone predominantly in charge of overseeing that event.

Firstly, let's give them names:

"Vocal Hangout- Chill-out" (VHC)
for events such as karaokeing, supporting fellow vocalists, and basically a get-together to socially bump shoulders and get to know everyone


"Vocal Hangout" (VH)
for events that will include discussions, vocal tryouts, basically a hangout where people end up learning something from it.

So far, we've gone through Vocal Hangout I, Vocal Hangout II - Chill Session, and Vocal Hangout III - Chill Session.

The reason why I'm seperating the two is because the venues / $$ / prep work will be significantly different, so it's going to be quite difficult having both at the same time.
Based on experience, it wasn't easy handling the logistics, "lesson" plans, accountings, communicating, catering, etc all on my own; God knows how I (with the kindest voluntary assistance from Khai & his brother) managed to pull through that, but if you guys think I'm gonna do it alone again, you've got another think coming.. -_o <--- pooped out face
The event also lasted a whole evening, and afternoon for prepwork.

Do note that the latter hangout also requires a venue where people can sing openly and be heard, or gives the space to "test" the ideas discussed out, not only to hold talks.

It's not going to be easy doing both a hangout and a chill session back to back; I don't think anyone wants to attend a 24-hour hangout either...

When we've seperated the two, then the itinerary can be more flexible and easier to plan according to what is needed more. Like say, dinner + karaoke can be more on the Chill Sessions, or watch movie and stone, or catch gigs together. So the itinerary can be filled with different kinds of activities. It'll be useful for those who are too shy to sing in front of others as well, and just want to get to know more vocalists to be friends with.
For things that require setting a venue, stage, having talks, we would definitely need a fixed place at that time to operate the hangout.. hence the seperating of the two :D

I hope everyone agrees with this?

Once we've got that established, I'd suggest appointing an oversee-er and organizer for each type of hangout, who will be generally making sure everything goes on as planned. Like president lah.
But for each hangout, the president would be asking 1-3 people to help manage; whether it be someone who knows how to book for the best room, or sourcing for the best makan place and make sure there's space, the head chef (like how shawn was at the hangout BBQ LOL) or even the accountant of the event. Basically, appointing diff roles to whoever's willing to take them as needed.

I'd like to encourage that role-taking bit cos I noticed everyone has different backgrounds, and to just basically throw in the variety off these backgrounds to contribute to the hangout. Like say for example, if you asked me to source for a classical vocal teacher for a hangout, I might be able to help, but if asked to book a karaoke room, I'll be blur like hell (remember how I went into the karaoke room searching for the book folders and didn't know how to work the remote? LOL.. damn paiseh lah hahaha)

It will also encourage a rotation of music genres to catch/experience, seeing how everyone has a different background "scene" (I've never been to a pop chinese gig, for example, or some of us who's never gone for a pub gig, to get the gist) and only some of you guys are versed at their own "area" and musical taste. There are also some "growlers" & "screamers" here.... and I know there's the whole argument whether that even constitutes as singing,
BUT they are vocalists nonetheless, coming in with the whole package of showmanship and a band to front, so it's not fair to leave them out of this. In fact, I think we've got a lot to learn from them as well, especially in terms of how they work the crowd.

SO~~~ if everyone agrees to this, I'd like to start a thread / poll to appoint the presidents for Vocal Hangout and Vocal Hangout - Chill Sessions. Once we've got them appointed, we could start bugging them on when the next event shall be.

(Do note that the president for chill sessions will need to be a semi-regular, to keep note of any softies who are requesting a gathering).

IV} Just a note to remind everyone that Khai's intending to open a Hangout in June. I think the theme "Singer-Songwriter / Acoustic" would be good, so if anyone wants to learn to compose songs and sing+play an instrument, this is the hangout you might want to catch. Just a gross idea, I'll get Khai to confirm this and we'll start planning the itinerary.

When the rest of my band returns from overseas, maybe we'll have a Vocal Hangout Headbangers theme. :}

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Just a suggestion naming the two events.

Vocal Chill-Out(VCO) - Karaoke and having fun

Vocal Clinic and Hangout(VCH) -As what you've done and having discussion on vocals and such or just plain Vocal Hangout would still be good too.

Just a suggestion naming the two events.

Vocal Chill-Out(VCO) - Karaoke and having fun

Vocal Clinic and Hangout(VCH) -As what you've done and having discussion on vocals and such or just plain Vocal Hangout would still be good too.


Great idea, it was becoming a hassle typing all that crap out lol. I'll go re-edit the thread, but I'm keeping the hangout as VH.. I don't want to use the word "clinic" ah, cos I don't want people to think this is a big event where I'm gonna fly celebrities over to give talks :P

So it's
VHC - for the chillout hangouts
VH - for the hangout with talks.

Every cool with that? So we've had VH1 (lol), VHC1 and VHC2.
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VHA also?

Vocal Hangout with ALCHOHOL :D. Tetra can be the president for this one ahahha. Sorry couldnt resist. :D

Seriously though, i volunteer to help if manpower is needed.

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VHA also?

Vocal Hangout with ALCHOHOL :D. Tetra can be the president for this one ahahha.

For this I can or even being the Chairperson or DOA(Director of Alcohol). Can give tips what mixed with what. From flavoured vodka to Deliciously Jamaican Rum Cocktails. Umm...saliver dropping already. Hehehe...!!

Should have become a Bartender lah...But a musician is still best. Everytime people buy drink for us. Want to go cheap and get drunk do a Tequila dip with beer (Submarine) and have it at one go. 3 packs will do the trick. Enough for the night. Hehehe....!!!
Wow, lucky I noticed this thread started by The Great Sage, and did not start my own.

Was on my way home and was strategizing about this actually, and made the journey back seem much faster than usual. :mrgreen:

Ok, don't misunderstand hor, this was what I was thinking. Not meaning to hijack Jasmine's master plan. See what you guys think about it. The next vocal hangout I thought maybe we can do it like this -

Day & Date= One Saturday in June?


  • Venue is a discussion/conference room at one of the libraries, maybe library@esplanade (have written to NLB just now to enquire).
  • Will have three speakers, thinking of Khai/Shawn for R&B section, Jasmine for rock/metal section and ANDY82 for Chinese section.
  • Audience will preferably restricted to 20 people, or see the size of the room that we can get.
  • Discussion will be based on popular questions which keep popping out in the All About Singing forum section.
6.30pm Q&A

  • Questions may be fielded and the panel will share and advice accordingly. Timing may be earlier, depending on the finalized programme.

  • Dinner at Esplanade, maybe Thai Express or something.
8.30pm Performance at Singapore Arts Cafe or Karaoke

  • This is the tricky part. As we know, open mic sessions are only allowed on Fridays but I don't think most of us can make it at 5pm for first part of this event.
  • IF we somehow manage to talk to SAC's management and convince them to allow us to perform and guarantee them patronage of 20 people (must buy drinks lah, on FGL most probably :mrgreen:), then we can prepare some songs on our part. As in appoint the singers and guitarists and pianists, and the list of songs.
  • Plan B will of course be karaoke, if you guys don't mind lah.
10.30pm Chill Out Or Go Clubbing!

  • Wooohoooooooooo!!!!!!!!

How? Let me know what you think?

I volunteer to be the Vice President, although I am not a man known for any vices, like smoking or womanizing. Hahahahahaha!!!! :mrgreen:
methinks we should have 2 separate days so that unfortunate souls like me *points at myself*, have the chance to go for some informal gathering, just to chill out and have fun.

but if it's too late at night.. then not fated la.

just my 6.932312 cents.
[*]Will have three speakers, thinking of Khai/Shawn for R&B section, Jasmine for rock/metal section and ANDY82 for Chinese section.

Wah what do you want me to talk about? How to headbang? LOL
I don't think I'm gonna do much justice with the metal vox section, considering I'm doing clean vocals? My vocal influences are pop, new age and opera lah. I might be able to get my other vocalist or friends to do this bit tho, their growling damn scary. I can only contribute for experience in the male-soaked genre scene..

I'm good with the idea; Actually, the VHs will already have social thingies embedded into the itinerary by default, cos everyone who attends it naturally will be mingling about (like how everyone hung out at VH1); If anyone wants to further the plans (performance or chillout), you'd need to have a bigger set of hands to control that bit. The talk-lesson planning and time given to try the "ideas" out will already take half a day, based on experience of course.. and I didn't even manage to go into details :S

We could try it out, but we'd need both VH and VHC presidents to work on this together.

I'm good with being VH pres :P Might as well lar since I started this whole mess lol kidding

I'm voting hecklerkoch for VHC president ;)
I second the motion sage for VH pres / heckler for VHC pres

I volunteer for emcee (if needed) / speaker (if that week got nothing really interesting on the agenda) / post hangout party at disco duties ;) ( I likes to party):mrgreen:
Good idea! Sage and heckler for presidents of VH and VHC!

I can write the field reports for the events that i manage to attend :D
Woah... well i offer myself as the emcee/host for the programme..but as a speaker.. i don't think i'm good enough for it..and i like how this whole vocalist community thing is progressing.. =]
im sure you dont mean those big tough guys.
im big yes, but not tough.
poke me and i wobble :P

yeah okay i can bounce.
i obligingly take up the bouncer position :D
Update as of 260508 0402HRS

Library@Esplanade got back to me and said they do not have anything larger than one that can accommodate 4 people.

Anybody lives in town and willing to lend us the living room or something?

At least can turn on some music and play some DVDs that feature vocal tips or something like that. Everybody also can chip in buy pizza or something that we can share.


*wink wink*


did i just saw my name?? lol never ask me ooooo.. well im fine with it but talk about what?? must give topic then i go do homework.. and do presenation lol....(feel like doing business) the mean time i might be busy for competiton.. for the be-a-star .. No ideal what songs to choose... stress lol:rolleyes: