anywhere that fixes pedals?


New member
well i've this ce2 that couldnt work so i took it to guitar connection at peninsula plaza to get it fixed but now its spoilt again! anyone knows any other places that does such repairs?
thanks for not mentioning me! yay! hur hur hur...

but I HEARD goose also dun do repairs no more ya?
Blueark is at Boon Lay.

Blueark just modded 2 CE2s from Daniel Sassoon with Monte Allum's mod kit. He heard that it sounds just like Keeley's CE2 mod.

Blueark still has the instructions for the mod, hur hur hur.

PM blueark for pricing to fix said ce2.

Blueark is thankful for chance to refer to himself in the 3rd person :D

the SENG would like to request for the mod sheet from the blueark cos the SENG is too cheap and dodgy to make his own mods.

but the blueark can choose to ignore the SENG cos the SENG is dodgy like that.

The Ciel would like to say that the Ark has posted his location already and if the person asking would like to know where The ark is. He may PM the ark to ask where is he at.
whats nice with the Monte Anus mods bro ??

"Hifi" "less noise" "faster rate"
He just pass me the pedals and the kits, i just follow the instructions.


the SENG would like to request for the mod sheet from the blueark cos the SENG is too cheap and dodgy to make his own mods.

but the blueark can choose to ignore the SENG cos the SENG is dodgy like that.


blueark thinks that would be unethical. blueark ignores the SENG and pms nice mr edder something totally unrelated to CE2s or monte allum in any shape or way.

u live at boon lay blue ark?
near my aunt's place...

A lot of people live in boon lay. I see them everyday. I occasionally live here and often work here.
thor666 thinks that this thread has gone offtrack, and that too many people including him, is referring to themselves as the third person. we need to break the fourth wall man.

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