anyone juz bought a tama stagestar?

first off.. you didnt say it "should" be closed...
you said: " close it mr/mrs soft "
--like you own the freaking place.

-= unless of cos the guy who bought the set is a softie. then maybe those 2 guys can get together and spend some intimate time together. =-

once again another childish personal attack on another forumer , grow up already..

-=i mind as well start congratulating everyone i see who buys a drumset or a guitar. thats ok then? =-

input output was congratulating a neighbour.. whom he didnt know ,because he felt there was a chance the dude might see this and have a good laugh. He actually had good intentions.... You want to do it cus you are a childish prick. Like "Oh bobby gets to ride on the pony ... I WANNA RIDE ON THE PONY Too!!! BOO hooo hooo "

-= i mean cmon u recently said that there was a bandwidth limit. i spose this thread really helps matter eh? =-

Its mr Soft's site... its his forum and if its ok with the owner? whats your problem? wassup with being so anal about bandwidth usage when the freaking owner says its fine?

whether or not its an adult thing , its obvious its sumthing you cant comprehend
U think james was avoiding your question? i think his answer was a gentle way of saying :
" in about 5 yrs time you will realise what a immature twerp you were on some internet forum..."

this place is for you to learn , wassup with all the slamming... my goodness.. Mr.Soft i tihnk must set age limit to 13yrs and above..
relax chan :) bottom line is that end of the day, there will be pricks around every forum , for everyone you argue with or ban, 2 more will appear to help or join in.

just that know that at the end of the day, those pricks will leave cause they have generally no useful input and they are not really into music :)
I think the starter of this thread intended it to be productive, in the sense that he could have made friends with the guy he was referring to, who is his neighbour, and jam together or something.

Even if this thread is by objective standards, totally irrelevant and inconsequential, it is still not our place to demand for its closure. Final say lies with the administrator of course.
UNLESS the thread carried libellous or inaccurate material.

so lars, if someone isn't directly bothering you directly, why get so affected? Invest your energies in more worthwhile pursuits. Don't waste your youth.
ok sorry i admit i shud have said "shud be closed" instead of "close it". that was wrong. but cmon man seriously, is this thread really necessary? yeah and sure i dont own this site but if everyone started congratulating everyone else for buying something new, we'd be out of bandwidth. oh and i believe personal attacks arent childish, its just human nature. everybody likes to take a swipe at somebody else.

im not slamming anyone by the way, im just against senseless posting.
err mr soft, now i think u really need to close this thread down.
it has gone way off topic. or maybe we can start back from the first post.
-juzz my opinion.
it is ok, we might have wasted a few bytes but we learnt a Gigabyte.

SOFT strive to promote music making but at the same time, i hope the quality is not just in the playing. if we cannot co-exist as a community then we would become a rather lonely musician.

right or wrong is a matter of viewpoint. more importantly, we must be able to see the other person's viewpoint and not just argue for the sake for arguing.

honestly, life couldn't be better. dont stress ourselves out.

lars_ulrich, i want to invite you to the BBQ, maybe you will find that I am a ok person after all.
soft said:
... if we cannot co-exist as a community...
community living is not easy, similar to living in a family. there will be painful times when we unwittingly hurt one another, and feelings are hurt. if these feelings can be mended, we will become better for it. otherwise, we will all go our separate ways, and not realise how much we could actually bring to each other's lives.

i am sounding a little sentimental here. but isn't life full of sentiments? more so, when we are all musicians here, and musicians are indeed more sensitive. but it is this sensitivity in us that makes us better musicians.

perhaps it is an occupational hazard that we are such, but i would like to think that, if we could sometimes support each other, and use less hurtful words, and not take each chance to tear each other down, we could maybe, make it afterall, to survive as a peaceful, loving community here.

there are indeed many ways we can put a message across. but we must bear in mind that this is a forum and everything is expressed in written words, without the benefit of facial expressions or positive body language to assure otherwise. this is just my personal experience here and i have made some good friends, whom i know i will keep for life.

peace to all SOFTies!
well thanks for the invitation but ive got exams a few days later. dont think i will have time to spare. besides, i know u pple are all nice people and all. u people may not think very highly of me but its ok. as long as im not discriminated against for speaking my mind, i doesnt matter what u think of me.

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