Its truly an amazing thing to see, and it was really really heartwarming to see the players giving each other's instrument to breathe. I like the mutual respect.
But its funny to know that u guys responded the Chan's thread faster than a reservist mob.
Very sorry for messing up pretty much the samba beat today. Its my first time actually, and now I know how freakin hard it is to make it work. But man, I had fun. Please dont take offence with me leaving the room, I just couldnt get my groove up. Will be better when I see you guys more often.
A bit of good news though, we might actually host this event more often, I hate to use the f word so in long, its on the house. But sometimes we might have to let you guys use the other room instead cos of job commitments, alright? Will inform you guys about it.
You guys be good to each other now. I am talking too much already.
Cheers! :drinkers: