Anyone digs Synyster Gates?

Dimebag Darrell owns Synster's arse anyday.....

but seriously, synster gates, like kirk hammet, needs to work on his vibrato.... you wanna shake that string, not be a little lovelovelovelovelove.....
My friends told me that I probably would enjoy music more if I weren't a musician myself because I won't be so caught up with these technical aspects of the songs - just listen, like/dislike it and maybe sing along if the tune is catchy. I probably also won't care about how sloppy is his playing as long as the overall song sounds good and something I can relate to.

But sadly, I alway listen out for sound balance, guitar tuning, bass-drum coordination blah blah blah so much so that I don't focus on enjoying the music. I tend to become critical at times as well.

So what I am trying to say is, I guess we all have a pre-conceived notion of how good music should sound like, but those are all subjective views. If, for once, you guys can just relax and don't think about the entire technical aspects of the song and just focus on enjoying the music, I believe it will be a totally refreshing experience for some. It has been for me.

One last food for thought, do you guys really think that those non-musically inclined fans would notice the glitches as well as them musically-inclined counterpart?

i agree with your point.
after learning music, how i perceive it is different from those who don't.
and somehow it's hard convincing pple i know music since i look like one that doesn't but anyway, the hardest part of holding on is letting go.
if we can just let go of everything we're holding on to and just listen to the music,
i'm sure the whole experience will bring us to different levels.

and as for the non-musically inclined fans part,
the easiest way to answer is, quoting my friend, " we don't care!"
tat's the answer i got when i'm trying to explain the brief history behind different bands and how different genres are classified.
but apparently, they're the ones who can really listen to music with no strings attach( ok maybe a few but definitely less than us) since they choose their music base purely on what appeals to them.


A side note, his guitar tone is horrible, and gets terribly annoying when he does his sloppy 'I-refuse-to-leave-my-hand-off-the-strings' slides.

haha, that's why i don't listen to them.
stop the war please -.- its gonna kill alot of people in here. and i agree with EugeneSmasher. Different people have different taste. for some,maybe you like blues, for others maybe rock and for some others metal. or others like death metal emocore or whatever genre there is. and i dont think that syn's guitar tone is horrible. maybe he wants that tone. but whatever it is. i 'm a diehard fan of a7x. so yeah peace! just my 2 cents.haha
And there're some like me who like pretty much everything. Deciding on a favourite guitarist can be very difficult. ;) Forgot to put my personal opinion on Synyster - he's a good guitarist that is for sure, at least to my eyes, but not particularly innovative. But he and Zacky do play live shows better than Sam Totman and Herman Li. Not a diehard fan but Synyster and Zacky do impress me sometimes.
But sadly, I alway listen out for sound balance, guitar tuning, bass-drum coordination blah blah blah so much so that I don't focus on enjoying the music. I tend to become critical at times as well.

haha i agree with you. i used to hate certain bands, but once i started getting into guitar, i started listening more to those bands i used to dislike. but at the same time, started to distant myself from those bands that i used to like, simply cos i could hear the lack of good tone and stuff.

same for audiophiles mah. i use my er6 and people say "spend 200 over bucks on 1 earphone for what. my 30 dollar ibud also sound the same." i shake my head and sometimes decide to let them try then they go "hmm not bad. but not worth the money spent." lol.

like metallica's latest album Death Magnetic. i believe those who own the CD know that the audio quality sucks, with lots of clipping and distortion (due to overcompression of the songs/the loudness war). those friends who arent audiophiles cant hear the distortion but when i listen to the album the songs just scream out to me "THE AUDIO QUALITY SUCKS!"

oh well, sometimes its not that good to look too deeply into things.

i went on youtube to check him out. He's good but thats what you can expect from a professional guitarist. Live wise, he's pretty decent. STRICTING guitar playing.. nothing special. tremolo chromatic picking, couple of sweeps here and there. But nothing we haven seen yet except no terrifying licks of doom, no heart-hitting bends

One thing i like about certain guitarists are those who "Goes all out" during a performance ,like some mentioned SRV, paul gilbert, even mick thompson,for a performance and manage to hit every note, nail every solo.

but synyster doesn't struck me that way. to me he's like petrucci(STAGE PRESENCE WISE) with a few more cool poses..

conclusion: GOOD, but a virtuoso he's not.
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It's rather funny reading this thread;

on one hand synester clearly stated that he just wanted to see appreciations for his favourite guitarist (synyster gates).

on the other hand, other people (a lot of you, hahah) tried very very hard to convince him that synyster is not the man to adore (because SRV or Petrucci or whoever else is WAY better)

give synester a break, hahah, i mean, he's just asking for people's appreciations. i understand the goodwill of the other people, trying to expose him to 'better' (in some people's opinion anyways) music, but, yeah, maybe instead of doing it so aggressively (directly or indirectly dissing the synyster gates), people can suggest instead?

in my opinion, phrases like 'maybe you're interested in guitarers influencing synyster gates', or anything else that is not that offensive to the thread starter might work better (i'm guessing that the people are trying to convince him that there are better guitarists out there and he should listen to them too/instead)

mind you, we're talking about someone's favourite guitarist here! just plainly dissing the guitarer won't do anything but inflame the thread starter, let alone trying to change his course.

just my opinion, hahah

n btw, i like synyster gates too (despite his shortcomings, which everybody has, let's just appreciate what good things people offer and improve from there :])
but synyster doesn't struck me that way. to me he's like petrucci(STAGE PRESENCE WISE) with a few more cool poses..

petrucci's performance on Live Scenes from New York wasnt impressive, i prefer his performance in Score. he really did damn well for that one, especially on Spirit Carries On.
boyl: i believe most of us just happen to OT when other guitarists are mentioned, with no intention to flame Synester or Synyster (gates) lol. it just happened :/
+1 to the above comment by boyl, but you have to look at other people's comments in different perspective. Haha probably due to the different age group.

Just imagine like later down the road when someone posts something like a Jonas Bros guitarist appreciation thingy and you'll probably react the same. No offense to the thread starter in anyway though!
boyl: i believe most of us just happen to OT when other guitarists are mentioned, with no intention to flame Synester or Synyster (gates) lol. it just happened :/

Hahah, it's good then, to hear that no intention to flame both the fan and the guitarist :] (poor gates, he must be sneezing all day long)

n yea, we might repeat the same thing to jonas brothers (sorry, but i honestly don't know who these brothers are, forgive the ignorance please), so let's make the effort not to, yeap2 :]
Synyster Gates is overall a decent guitarist capable of writing melodic and interesting solos. However he is poor technically, but guitarists like Slash aren't technically very proficient live too.

Nicely put. But Slash is an icon today. He made a lot of people rethink their computerised rigs and shose straight to amp. He grew the guitar industry for the Les Paul in his time. He inspired a lot of young guitarists then, who are old enough to buy Gibsons today. He is the face of the Les Paul these days, especially thanks to Guitar Hero.

What is Synyster Gates to the world? Probably inspiring some young kid to take up guitar, which is good, but what else has he accomplished?

Sloppy or not, comparing both is a bit unfair to Slash.

Well, you might not appreciate (QUOTE) 'John Petrucci,Steve Vai,Joe Satriani,Kirk Hammett,Richie Sambora,Jimmy Page,Dave Mustaine,Marty Friedman', but these guitarists are the people behind the timeless classics or unbelievable level of technique (in the case for Steve Vai etc) that newer or younger listeners are not tuned yet to be inspired by.

Again, well said. Hearing how Synyster plays, he probably idolised some of these guys back then too, and probably still does.

Then again, how easily can a young 15 year old teenager appreciate the subtle techniques of Satch and Vai when it took a whole generation to grow up with them and idolise them like we do today?

Synyster Gates guitar work is better than all the modern MTV bands out there, easy to listen to, and is the flavour of the season.

IMO, Tremonti pwns his @$$.:twisted: Then again, listening to A7x, they do remind me of a younger, more updated Iron Maiden. So I guess time will tell if they really can last. I hope they do, then we'd have more rock oriented bands in the mix, rather than a return to Britney Spears.
but apparently, they're the ones who can really listen to music with no strings attach( ok maybe a few but definitely less than us) since they choose their music base purely on what appeals to them.

It's also true that they base their tastes on what their friends tell them to.:twisted:
britney spears was hot.


yea, nowadays ppl base their tastes on what their friends listen to, who also base their taste on what their friends listen to and bla bla bla. very few people evolve their own tastes. for me my brother influenced my taste of music, gotta admit old a7x plays a significant part in my current music taste (death, black, power, etc. metal). my bro introduced me to a7x thereafter i got hooked on metalcore and slowly began to explore other pure metal genres.

and from then on there was no turning back.

reminds me of how people who dislike metal go "i havent actually listened to metal, but i think it sucks cos my friend told me that its all noise."

but current a7x, meh, dont really like em. i still like the one or two a7x songs from time to time.

of course, the other stuff i listen to (the occasional hendrix, SRV), are based on my friends' influences haha.

btw i dun really like tremonti's tone on the new alter bridge album. haha.
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petrucci's performance on Live Scenes from New York wasnt impressive, i prefer his performance in Score. he really did damn well for that one, especially on Spirit Carries On.

Go get Live At the Marquee if you want killer playing from Petrucci. Check out "Bombay Vindaloo" and "The Killing Hand".

Honestly, as a DT fan of 20 years, SFAM was a killer album. But then again, they all were UP UNTIL SFAM. After that, they got a little ridiculous until Octavarium. That was a fantastic comeback for a band that seems to stagnate after SFAM a bit (to me, anways).

Oh, and SFNY wasn't meant to be impressive. They were playing the ENTIRE album as is, and the videos you see on stage are produced FOC by a fan on the Mikie Portnoy forum. I was hanging out there during that time, so I know the entire process. The original artwork was the burning of the 2 towers, one representing each brother. But the pulled it initially because of Sept 11. They felt it would be politically incorrect, considering it happenned like 2 weeks before the launch of this DVD.
oh i didnt know that SFNY was produced by a fan! gotta take some time to listen to their older stuff soon. for me Octavarium was a significant album cos it was the album that introduced me to Dream Theater (though most fans of Dream Theater and their older stuff dislike that album).

haha and i need to re-listen to alter bridge too i guess. still like one day remains a lot.

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