Anugerah Band Competition

Anugerah Band is such a wasteful show.....bands that join are only for fame ( and sadly no money in it )....not in the name of music and there's no honesty in each band's music....any musician will know...its juz for a short time fame..none do it for music itself....

Did you take part in the competition? Why did you want to put down the bands (who are fellow SOFTies) taking part in the event? Unless you have strong evidence to prove your statement, I think you owe them an apology.
Anugerah Band is such a wasteful show.....bands that join are only for fame ( and sadly no money in it )....not in the name of music and there's no honesty in each band's music....any musician will know...its juz for a short time fame..none do it for music itself.... strong that opinion..but rather baseless. Sir, please fill me in with more details on what makes u think theres no honesty in the band's music? Please also furnish me with living examples of individuals or groups who just do it "in the name of music" which also contradicts with your statement "and sadly no money in it" Why mention money if u are championing "just art"
Anugerah Band is such a wasteful show.....bands that join are only for fame ( and sadly no money in it )....not in the name of music and there's no honesty in each band's music....any musician will know...its juz for a short time fame..none do it for music itself....

well there are bands that played wat the play...
and i'm glad they do...
go go virus cinta...
ska ska ska
i think joi, you need to sit closer to the tv next time
Ok the show was OK when ur at home.
The atmosphere are not there.

What they can try out is , make it like Singapore Idol's stage.

The crows on the grounds having fun. Wouldnt it be cool? Rather then the normal sitted audiences?

Someone bring this up to the organizer? any bands?
Thanks Zam... To Joi... i guess everyone has the right to their own opinion, but, It's not all about fame. Some try to test out their capabilities, some join for fun, some wants the power of marketing, some join for the thrill of it.... there are countless reasons why people might join this competition, and fame might be one of them... But it's wrong to put the bands down like that. It's not as easy as it looks... i CAN ASSURE YOU.... jamming sounds better than live performances most of the time.... but Jamming definitely doesn't feel as great as performing in front of an intense audience. It's a tiring, pressurizing experience.

Thumbs up to all the 160 bands who stood tall and tried/prevailed.

Anugerah Band is such a wasteful show.....bands that join are only for fame ( and sadly no money in it )....not in the name of music and there's no honesty in each band's music....any musician will know...its juz for a short time fame..none do it for music itself....

You must be a professional musician.Personally,i respect ur comments.Hmmm..can we see u perform one day?Anywhere n anytime just tell us.Maybe we can learn how to REALLY appreciate music from you.;)
You must be a professional musician.Personally,i respect ur comments.Hmmm..can we see u perform one day?Anywhere n anytime just tell us.Maybe we can learn how to REALLY appreciate music from you.;)

'LOL'...good one bro...keep me infrm too...i wanna watch...together gether...heheheh
joi: we do not need such comments here. we are open to constructive criticisms though, if you have a case in point (eg: Anugerah organizers trying to disrepute certain individuals via clandestine means), make it transparent in this discussion & it'd be something to ponder upon. maybe it'll earn some respect... otherwise, reserve comments which would make you a scum.

What are the 6 bands playing tomorrow and who roughly will perform well?
Cant wait to see them perform 2mrw...:D
looks like putra is a hot fav. good strong vocals & guitar & entertaining performance
last nite

x-tech was also good the previous week

To me the only good vocal was from the female Sphinx. Music is Putra overall good but not on the vocals. The rest I can say is, they need to workout on the vocals. But all decision is half judge and half smses, so who ever get the most smses will definitely win even if the band sux, Good luck to everyone in Anugerah Band.
Thanks Ariel. The rest were great too. Last night was so much fun.. All the 6 bands are laughing and giggling away at the back stage. I must say thanks and well done to Kak Fatimah Mokhsin and her girls. They really make all the contestant look good. They were friendly and so patient to tolerate our nonsense. (and pretty also..hehe). Anyway, it was a great show.
To me the only good vocal was from the female Sphinx. Music is Putra overall good but not on the vocals. The rest I can say is, they need to workout on the vocals. But all decision is half judge and half smses, so who ever get the most smses will definitely win even if the band sux, Good luck to everyone in Anugerah Band.

Thanks Zepp3lin, Will take note of that.
PUTRA!!!!!!!!!!!! the frontman so nice to look at!! the guitarist got lights on his guitar and his solo was the best! go putra!!

putra putra putra!! hahahahah
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