Anugerah Band Competition

You got the point there, it's all about talent.

And today anugerah, Only X-TECH can make it music and vocals good, the rest, I'm sorry, need more practice and like I said all the vocals sux.

X-tech had been showing competition-grade consistency; they should do well.

we can't really blame the youth of today for not being able to sing; chances are, the bands they worship can't sing & they are making it big. but on the competition turf, aspects of the performance are evaluated, vocals is definitely one of the criteria.

i'm reiterating what i said earlier; the band that would win is the one with capable vocals.
anyone here fan of hellvens.
im personally a friend of theirs but not a fan.
i have no idea why aaron and irfan left.
he was there at the crowd though

their performance felt empty without him..
anyone knows what happened?
anyone here fan of hellvens.
im personally a friend of theirs but not a fan.
i have no idea why aaron and irfan left.
he was there at the crowd though

their performance felt empty without him..
anyone knows what happened?

Aki, Sorry if I have to say this, I apologise 1st :), Hellvens, they look more like Ahbengs. Come on throw the Ah Bengs look and concentrate more on the band tightness. From the vocals performance I saw last night, it looks like his Sabotaging the whole band, he really did bring down the band.

X-TECH, I love the drummer, superb performance, because of the drummer played well with the timing the rest of the bands sounds tight, well done X-TECH.

Zoul was the best judge, his very Honest and go for talent, and yes I did notice Jatt comment the wrong thing, maybe his under PMS(Datang Kotor).
Hi Aki, Aoran and Irfan left due to working commitment. I spoke to them in the studio last night. Its not easy cause u have to take leave for ur job every week.

I think most people think J-pop is Ah Beng. I think they have a very strong image and style cause they dare to be different. Anyway its their concept and style. Everyone have their own views on things. I thinks its best to critic in a nice encouraging way so the contestant will know what to work on.
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the Helven chaps themselves did cite the Jap goth culture to be what they are manifesting currently (for the competition)... that aside, i feel they performed badly this round, the vocals in particular.

I doubt ah bengs listen to j-/goth rock.

Yup, Image and style is up to individual or as a band. Some people may like their image and some may not. I think its not nice to ask them to throw their image or looks cause even the professional stylist didnt say that to them. The stylist and the judges even praised them on their image. Every one have their own concept of dressing and music genre.

As for me, I respect every individual or bands regardless of image or music genre. For me, music is universal. I listen to all kind of music cause i want to be able to play all kinds of genre. So i hope all the critics should be relevant and constructive to help the contestant improve on their performance. Harsh and rude critics may hurt their feelings.
Harsh and rude critics may hurt their feelings.

definitely. the human emotion is still the very fragile element to be mindful of when criticism is concerned.

however, this is the in-thing now: criticize first, consider sentimentalities later- American Idol, yes?
i know alif frm putra

i like knightwings.. especially the vocalist... true rocker... anyway, i noe alif. we used to hang out together with our frenz... we used to call him alif beckham coz he's fair and there's another alif yorke who's a bit dark... anyway, if u (alif) read this drop me a mail k? im proud of him... does he still live in INDUS ROAD? i need to noe his email add... [/B]:lol:
Yup, I agree with that. I think people might shut up and listen to the critisism if SOMEBODY like Simon or the judges or the producer or the stylist who said it. Cause they are the SOMEBODY who knows about the scene or the media better than anyone else. Cause its people like Simon who'll make them somebody one day. And the best thing they end their comment with good advice. So people will understand. But i guess its nice to keep this topic or discussion a healthy one without any miscoception or misunderstanding. You can share ur views, but try to put it in a nice way and how to improve on the issue. After all, we are all softies friends here sharing our views. Why not be nice and helpful?

When u told me about my vocal, I watch the video again and again. And i discuss with the band about it. I really apreciate it. We need this kind of just good advice to improve. Not Simon kind of criticism then good advice.. Cause we'll get that with the judges. I guess contestant wont want Simon here in this forum. People would love Simon to be the judge. hahaha.
i like knightwings.. especially the vocalist... true rocker... anyway, i noe alif. we used to hang out together with our frenz... we used to call him alif beckham coz he's fair and there's another alif yorke who's a bit dark... anyway, if u (alif) read this drop me a mail k? im proud of him... does he still live in INDUS ROAD? i need to noe his email add... [/B]:lol:

I'll let him know about u. I'll ask him to pm u.
some gear comments...

X-tech: thusfar, i believe the guitar tones from this band is the most cutting. i've yet to be enlightened as to whether all bands were made to plug into the same FX set-up or they were given the liberty to deploy their own..
hmm i see. oh well. like i said. im a friend and not a fan. im not really favourable in terms of their playing style or direction in music. always competive he is.

Personally it has always been about fame with hellven. not that im defaming them, just facts. hellven=romey. romey=hellven.. thats just how thing is with them, other members are dispensable. once they took my drummer and when they had no use for him, they threw him out. well actually alot band members transaction happened in the band. so far the only long lasting member i see is romey and buggy the bassist. but buggy is cool, his a nice guy. i still remember he onced lied to the band saying that he had to meet his GF when he was actually meeting me to play Monster Hunter 2..

and thanks for updating on facts to why aaron and irfan left.
and it seems zoul comments was by far the most direct.
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Been watching the competition lately, to me, deserving bands would be X-tech and Knightwings. As for Hellven, I somehow feel sorry for the band, as it seems like the vox was pulling the rest down. Fatskunks performed well, at the last show. Virus Cinta being voted out was really shocking, they make good music. (thats just what i think)

Oh, and to those who say its all about commercial stuff.... these bands go on stage and from what i see, gave it their all. Be it showmanship or thru their music, they really deserve our support.

So, all the best to those that have gone thru. To the rest don't fret, Anugerah Band is just one of the platforms where you can be found. Always stay positive.... peace - Yaz ;)
definitely. the human emotion is still the very fragile element to be mindful of when criticism is concerned.

however, this is the in-thing now: criticize first, consider sentimentalities later- American Idol, yes?

I'm abit direct actually, and if you are not good means you are really not good, I don't beat around bushes.

Like in malay terms " Main berterabuh takpe!, janji Style ada!" kakaka lol :)

I'm abit direct actually, and if you are not good means you are really not good, I don't beat around bushes.

I agree. But remember there's a thin line between being direct and being rude.

Who will decide whether the band are good or no good.? hahaha
Good for you but may not be good for others right? Like i said everyone have different views on things. You don just walk down the street and tell a fat person whom u don even know thing like " hey man u are so fat". Thats is honest but also rude.
I'm abit direct actually, and if you are not good means you are really not good, I don't beat around bushes.

I agree. But remember there's a thin line between being direct and being rude.

Who will decide whether the band are good or no good.? hahaha
Good for you but may not be good for others right? Like i said everyone have different views on things. You don just walk down the street and tell a fat person whom u don even know thing like " hey man u are so fat". Thats is honest but also rude.

You are totally out of context, this not about A Fat Man walking down the streets or a Cripple fellow limping, this is about the band performance, "If they are not good means, not good thats the fact" Menang Style, kalah takpa!.

Wakakaka Zam Tak Leh angkat kapa!
You are totally out of context, this not about A Fat Man walking down the streets or a Cripple fellow limping, this is about the band performance, "If they are not good means, not good thats the fact" Menang Style, kalah takpa!.

Wakakaka Zam Tak Leh angkat kapa!

Maybe u don understand. I'm using the fat man as a theory. You don judge a person u don know with harsh comments. Who will decide what is good or bad.?

Who are u to give such comments on a persons clothing or performance? Are u a stylist? Simon? If u r some of this big shot then i'll respect u. Even the pros don give comments like that. This is not the place to put people down.
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