Anugerah Band Competition

Im honest too. But I always look at myself in the mirror and see where i stand first. If i'm nobody i'll sound like an empty vessel.
Alamak,style punya pasal pon gini mcm jadi.
Relax la bros.
Everyone is just givin views just take it as it is.i thot that is how the music world/or the whole is about.u just accept all comments n digest.just let them say what they want to say.its a forum after all ryte?
All the bands are good.especially Xtech,Knightwings n unfortunate virus cinta which is voted out.
See,we haf plenty of talents... both in music and critic part.
So smile softies!
Alamak,style punya pasal pon gini mcm jadi.
Relax la bros.
Everyone is just givin views just take it as it is.i thot that is how the music world/or the whole is about.u just accept all comments n digest.just let them say what they want to say.its a forum after all ryte?
All the bands are good.especially Xtech,Knightwings n unfortunate virus cinta which is voted out.
See,we haf plenty of talents... both in music and critic part.
So smile softies!

Thanks mattbella. I'm typing this with a smile. Not being defensive cause its not even about me. What i'm trying to say is, comments should be appropriate and relevant not putting our musicians down right. Whether the band is good or not, i don think its nice to say harsh things like that. But whatever it is, like u said, this is a forum with freedom of speech. No hard feeling guys. For those who are harsh or "HONEST" without any appropriate reason, I'll call that empty vessel. Smile.
Cheers guys
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Aiseyman,korang ni apalah kecoh sangat..chill ah sikit.Semua band bagus lah..semua band ada image and handsome2.Bagus tak bagus belakang story lah,in the end of the day,SURIA yg decide sapa menang.In the comp,ada band Underdogs yg diUnderestimate ada jugak band yg bagus tapi certain members of the band or maybe all fours ada sikit punya anggek,bebual mulut tak jaga,step da champion..senang cakap attention seeker lah.But guys ni semua sekejap aje,the comp will end.Kalau nak story mcm2 leh story..buruk baik semua ada.Tapi lets enjoy,ni semua perjuangan budak2 melayu kita,to me semua really tried hard,main muzik and mengejar impian..zapppp.!!
Empty vessel ka fat man semua takmo cerita lah gengs.Kita enjoy and support kawan2.To "the weakest link" HeLven vocalist,lu memang cool,take the comment positively.And for the band yg rasa2 mcm champion,relek2 sikit,the ball is round anytime lu boleh jatuh.So marilah kita tengok sampai habis,brapa jauh muzik anak melayu boleh pegi.Gua support semua band yg berjuang!!
em... English can?
Some people just can't accept the fact, I'm commenting on the truth about the band performances.
XTECH is a good band they can really play and the vocal is good, others like Hellven, show off untill can't even sing properly, timing out , so whats that? Good performance?

My comment is to look upon so they know their own weakness and if they are in this forum they read the truth nothing but the truth and can improve later on because they know now that they are performing really bad.

To play good music is not about putting style 1st in front.
Just like the band that sling each other guitars and playing the opposite, they can't even pull off the stunts properly and the lead guitarist corkup on the lead and it makes the whole music sounds crap. What's that good performance? Come on, they are not a Star man.
Like Zoul said concentrate on the music and the band performance rather than putting a stunt or spending alot of time on what you are trying to wear or show.

Zam don't be a faker Saying people "Empty Vessel" is what? What is that imply too? Rude? Kutuk?
Saying it with a smile? If you got nothing and put on a smile you wont say such a word as "Empty Vessel" to others. So don't be a faker saying, no guys I type this with a smile, but deep inside you, "Tak boleh angkat"
To play good music is not about putting style 1st in front.

we can all agree to the above statement but as we are aware in the Anugerah context, it's not going to happen. it seems that the principle of this competition is to put forth both talent & style on show- the reason Fatimah Mukhsin got involved back stage.
bro sub

agree with you that rizal (x-tech guitarist) had a pretty good tone.known him for a lotta years since shuqun sec days and he was always finding ways to get the best tone back then...more than 15 yrs feeling old , man..hehehe
Zam don't be a faker Saying people "Empty Vessel" is what? What is that imply too? Rude? Kutuk?
Saying it with a smile? If you got nothing and put on a smile you wont say such a word as "Empty Vessel" to others. So don't be a faker saying, no guys I type this with a smile, but deep inside you, "Tak boleh angkat"

woaahhhh, easy there.. no need for insults right?? :)
GO PUTRA! yeah!!

Who are the bands for nxt week?Any band/s that we should actually expect a great performance?Anyone care to give point of view?
Maybe u don understand. I'm using the fat man as a theory. You don judge a person u don know with harsh comments. Who will decide what is good or bad.?

Who are u to give such comments on a persons clothing or performance? Are u a stylist? Simon? If u r some of this big shot then i'll respect u. Even the pros don give comments like that. This is not the place to put people down.

haha! i dun happen to be the simon that you are talking abt rte? anyways i think putra did a excellent performance! PUTRA ALL THE WAY!!!
I like Hellven. But I think the vox is just not suited for them.
They're a really good band tbh.
If anyone went to the Jrock Matsuri to watch them, they should know.
bro sub

agree with you that rizal (x-tech guitarist) had a pretty good tone.known him for a lotta years since shuqun sec days and he was always finding ways to get the best tone back then...more than 15 yrs feeling old , man..hehehe

do send my regards to him- he's doing well with his Yamaha which goes to show that it's not the brand name that accounts entirely for the good tones, it's knowing what to do in context. if he's wants to try Curt Mangan strings (if he's not already using them...) do let me know

No offence pertaining the bands that playing in ANUGERAH BAND. despite having good gears, flashy instruments etcs....the Broadcasting sound still sux. cant understand y. I watch LIVE bands playing in RTM, TV3 channels, even with shitty gears n such, still can deliver good sound. But Not from MediaCorp TV. Y?..Is it the players themselves or the Broadcasting sound engineers..?????
it should be broadcast issues...

you are right- the other day i watched Man Kidal on RTM & his tone was impressive through TV... (after that, Samad played his PRS & that swept Man Kidal aside... no offence, i respect both players).