Anugerah Band Competition

After watching the result show,i believe most of you out there wonders WTF is Suria doing??
Face it guys..this competition is not abt pure music or image is abt the SURIA (MALAY) Channell plans and strategies.If the aim is to get HIGH ratings for the show,they got it!
I cant believe X-Tech and Putra goes to the Wildcard round.
Think most of you all by nw can read the game liao.
Kudos to all the bands that made it to the nxt round..good luck to you all if ur judge is Zoul "The Foul Mouth"..he killed the spirit of young musicians and his own community.Wasted!!!
Place him in Superband as judge,and the next thing you know,middle finger will be thrown on his face right at the reception.
And yeah finally i have to say this..

it's all too obvious, we have to read between the lines...

the band with fanatical supporters who wouldn't think twice about voting their fav bands 100 times per day, would definitely go through.

for those with talent & a fair propensity to propel musicianship, the competition prefer they continue their involvement (without making it too obvious, of course...) hence the wild card leeway.

in due fairness, a competition with viewer voting has lesser respect for sheer talent. however, there's too much money NOT to have this in place...
in due fairness, a competition with viewer voting has lesser respect for sheer
and not forgetting some TV politics to add the spice..

any commercially-inclined activity today are somehow obliged to comply to what's hype- why can't we just have a good ol' judges only competition, yes? but money talks...
all the best to the bands in the Wild Card round tomorrow- you are definitely not second fiddle to the express round bands; it's just the way this competition is carried out.

Now you guys see it in my earlier post, get the picture right? Vote for talents guys, real talents, later if the untalented band wins, they will not go anywhere because they sux. Hack even the talented 1s can't go anywhere because it's Singapore, kahkahkahkah lol!
bro, IMO we've seen it all along, just that we tend to cross paths/ didn't clarify things when we talk here.

i believe the sizeble participants here know the facade behind this competition, we are just showing support/ respect to the participants whose talents are beyond the Anugerah Band boundaries.

This is the reason on why I don't really fancy this type of competition, The good 1s are left behind and don't even get into the qualifying round, so the most talented 1's are left "KEMPUNAN, AIR LIUR MELELIH + Bingit"
you can say the Anugerah Band competition isn't that worthy in assessing true talent but the fact that true talent get booted out of the competition is a big slap to the event itself, then again, not many people can see this...

but clearly, those watching this show doesn't mean they endorse it... i'm just looking at the guitars being used more than anything else :cool:
Im looking at the instruments too, the amps, drums, on stage Equipments overall good, weather the user know how to use it to produce a good sound is another. Some of them really sound sucky even with thousands dollars of equipment, :)
Some of them really sound sucky even with thousands dollars of equipment, :)

+1 to that, we won't want to state names here, yes? :cool:

but credit must go to the ones who employ a good set-up; X-tech is definitely one of them- there's a good mix of tone from both bass & guitar despite the drum blasting away.
X-Tech went in!!!

I am soooo happy! :-D

At first when that Eddy Ali gave the thumbs up for the first two bands (with vocalists whom I personally find to be really mediocre), I was thinking "Oh my... this is not good.." but when the results were out.. YAAAYY!!! Hahahaha!!!

X-Tech's vocalist is really f uckin' good lah, in my opinion, and the band super tight and great. No airs about them too. Just purely talented and humble, from the interviews.

Go X-Tech!!!!
The 2 bands that suppose to be in is XTECH and KnightWings. I pity KnightWings because the judges Favor on Putra side.

KnightWings Vocal perform way much better than Putra. In terms of musicianship they are the same.

But...... SemiFinal and Final there's still the smses going on, so Putra you better pray hard because the public preference is totally different, and that is why you are in the WildCard. Putra got the Judges advantages because of their contacts but they lose out on the Public smses.

My Fav band is XTECH, with that double paddle on the drummer, the rest of the drummers the heart can drop out.

I have to tell you all the truth here, the guest band Sux, my apology, They should call in RAVEN instead.