Anugerah Band Competition

OK, X-TECH Still the best, even though that kinda song does not suit his vocals.

Putra, hmmm, korang dah nampak kan bias, apa si Ali to comment kat Putra. Obvious they will get the highest point from Ali and Jatt but too bad SMSes will decide their fate too.

Putra Vocal Sux big time just now, pitching banyak lari.

I laugh out loud when Jatt and Ali argue regarding Xtech. Jatt was right, it's X-TECH and they suppose do the song like that. Don't expect X-TECH to do a pop reggae song.

As for the rest Neutral.
Bro...serious ah Bro....dia cakap macam tu sekali....???
But one question to u, how good were ur band at that time to capture his attention??? Maybe u guys just aint up to mark. Probably thats y he says like that....

Serious! I'm dead Serious, tulah kau tak kenal siapa M.Nasir.
Up to mark? yeah probably because We are Singaporean and Singaporean not up to mark to a Malaysian Convert.

Abang Ramli jugak best.
The WORST vocal of the comp today is PUTRA...was shocked to see all that bullS*** from him.He cant deliver anything at all.Over confident?too comfy?or maybe just plain ignorant??The drummer was pushing the band and tempo not constant..but i thought he playing in a club rite?How come can play like that?The shirt too tight for him lah..can see all the babats..image kah tu?Putra bassist..yes that hair suits u best..mcm KPLBT!
Fatskunk power..arrangemnt the best so far!
Trabo..balancing rabak beb!!
Rancour..nothing much! sakit ka?
Judges..Nampak sangat korang nak carik makan!LOL
Overall..what a dissapoinment from Anugerah BAnd!

Kutuk rabak2 nampak.. hahaha.. Do u have a band? U really talk like a champ. I wanna watch u play lah. hahaha. Or u really have issues with Putra? If u think the show or Suria is merepek, don watch lah. Why even bother to come down to mediacorp to watch it? Why put ur self through this torture by listening or watching?

Well done to X-tech. I can see the rest put in their best effort. Good luck to all the band.
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No Offence to anyone.. but i think no one is perfect. saying someone is too comfy or over confident or watever is or not. is not gonna help in anyways i feel, be it its putra or X tech or whuever, i think the most impt factor is, for that show, which side of the performance did they bring out? what was their goals or their idea that they wanna portray they matters, personally i just feel that each individual bands has their unique capabilities. and that is wat makes this competition, well so toked about.! hahaah.

just my few cents worth.. Dun Flame me!! *run away*
The WORST vocal of the comp today is PUTRA...was shocked to see all that bullS*** from him.He cant deliver anything at all.Over confident?too comfy?or maybe just plain ignorant??The drummer was pushing the band and tempo not constant..but i thought he playing in a club rite?How come can play like that?The shirt too tight for him lah..can see all the babats..image kah tu?Putra bassist..yes that hair suits u best..mcm KPLBT!
Fatskunk power..arrangemnt the best so far!
Trabo..balancing rabak beb!!
Rancour..nothing much! sakit ka?
Judges..Nampak sangat korang nak carik makan!LOL
Overall..what a dissapoinment from Anugerah BAnd!

Power, I can understand.

hahaha....IMHO....X-Tech nampak sah kena sabor. to all i knoe songs now were given by the judges . Putra was given the easier song to play. wat else can we all say. its been like that since the very beginning. main tak seberapa pon Judge bole cakap happening.

Putra's Vox cant actuali sing that well. but as a frontman, dia paling hensem. The band only hope is The ala' Steve Vai guitarist je.

Rancour, wat can i say - nothing much to expect , Punk Rock all the way...

CuCuDATOKmerah- example of a good band but still typical abang2 main Club malam.

Trabo - as usual time and again Mat Rock Kapak jugak no matter how much they change or re-write the songs.

FATSKUNKS - not my favorite but i am now coz they were always consistant and show wat talent is all about.

i am being honest about the list of things on top. kalau lu orang takle accept, tu lu orang punya pasal. i dont give a damn of wat u guys wanna say after this. But still Anugerah Band is not a dissappointment coz it still draws some idiots to bother watching and " review " them in here. C'mon la guys, its a popularity contest la..talent is secondary. all they want is ur Smses la.
please do not turn this thread into a platform for character bashing (maybe it's not, just people being cynical & excessively critical of one another, but it's about to strike a sensitive cord from the way things are turning out).

you are not exalted because you don't support this competition, neither are you an idiot for believing in it; we are giving our personal feedback as to how things are & it's different from the rest because we are fundamentally different from one another in our thinking.
I thought soft is a place for singapore musicians friends to chat about the music and have fun. But when i read all the post in this thread, its bashing of character already. Or is this what u call freedom of speech? This is my freedom of speech.

But seriously i agree with Duke. I think for those who hates the competition so much but still watch, are idiots. Be like joi. He hates the competition so much that he is not watchin and commenting anything about it now. those who hates the bands so much, vote for ur favourite more. Simple as that. This is the time to vote for ur favourite. Most popular band will win. Talent is another point. So WTF.

I agree with Nomis. Every band have their own strength and weakness. Human make mistake. End of the day the sms and the judges will decide.

No offence to anyone. This is my view. All the 6 band did great. Cant wait for the result.
definitely, macam lu juga. but i am a much smarter idiot coz i dont sms. just playing along with u guys....hahahahaahh

Guess both of us smart idiots, Because I don't spend my money on them either. But I watch the show for entertainment and for current band Standards.

Jaga Abang Sub sua marah.
:cool: nah... guys, i don't know what's the sentiment/ how you look like when you posted the stuff here, so it's fair warning. you might look like this:


or like this:

i just don't know...
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Bro firstly im not talking..its the fingers doing the typing.."That already shows how well u understand what you are reading here!!"
Let me put it VERY clear specially for you...

1st: I am no champ..and what i wrote is purely on what i see and for what you know or you pretend not to understand,some softies agreed wth my POV..or "Point Of View" -just incase you tak paham.

2ndly: Do i hv a band?Wnna watch me play?Hahaha
Hey dude,dont ask something that might backfire you..YES i have a band and i should say YOU watched my band already!My advice to you is not to waste time,do more practice wth your band IF you hv one,join Suria's comp and you will know what i am writting abt all these while.
Hope you understand my simple English..Haha.

Just to make it clear to everybody including this boy here,what i wrote is purely abt my point of view,which i think a sensible man like Zepplin understood.Its a topic that we can share and exchange POV,not like what this boy-boy did.Hehehe
So Ishka boy-boy,chill bro.Jgn biadap dengan yg lebih matang!!'joking":-D
Not too sure abt the biasness of the judges. But I believed everyone here knows that CucuDatukMerah bassist plays for Ministry of Rock..Jatt's band.
So far , Jatt's comment are quite fair.
I'm supporting X-tech...their drummer is a pal of mine. Superb musician!!!
the only pity thing is that universal music will have their money and time wasted signing the winner of the anugerah band thingy . Although I do support some of the bands , but they are just not there yet. And the judges sucks big time. Eddy ali , I don't think he suits to be a judge . They should have invited Ramli Sarip or BradderBo from Ria as the judge. Both of them know whats being in band is. Suria is just trying to make a huge profit out of popularity not musicianship.
Its a popularity contest anyway so why bother.
I love real honest Views from you guys. Yes I agree that the judges is paid to sync with the producer liking and with some favors for several bands that they are link with.

You people who does not know what I'm talking about should go out sometime, get out from your PC table and from your comfort home, see what's really going on in the local music scene weather it's in the day or in the night it's totally different scene altogether. See the real thing happening and not by reading behind the info given on the internet. We just don't judge book by it's cover, we read thru the whole content.

Some of the views that I've given was base on what I saw with my own eyes like in the favourism and past experinces in lots of band competition.

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