Anugerah Band Competition

Baik ah duke.. RESPECT u bro.

Assume banyak2 lah. Type like a pro. Ni lah org cakap berbual kosong. Abuk takda.
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Watch it and enjoy lah. If you don't enjoy it then don't watch. I wished I had seen more but thus far I've only caught one episode.

It is a talent as much as it is a popularity contest. That's always going to be the case when you get SMS/'fan' voting into the equation. All the contestants knew it from the start and I'm sure they accepted it as such.

It's fun watching them. Whether they can make it or not is a separate issue altogether and won't affect my enjoyment in watching the competition.

True enough bro. I enjoy it too regardless of who makes it. Its purely entertainment. Cheers.
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Good morning to u: sir/mdm

Simply a simple opinion. Dun even bother to read if you're a pessimist and a look down on others kinda person, dear readers.

Simply a suggestion that so as to achieve a 'title' (nobody needs one in fact) or success; which is a better way of seeing things. In a different perspective if you may understand.

Please do not argue, have a heaty debate, etc, upon seeing, reading, finding out upon petty/little details.

If this kinda heaty (not necessary) conversations goes on, perhaps u guys/gals are not really supporting/motivating/helping these humble competitors in Anugerah Band

Stop comparing Channel

We live in a multi-national country.respect that.

We know that English is the universal language but that does not mean that we have to forget our roots

where were each and one of us born from?

tap ur hearts, know ur taste.

thank u for sacrificing ur valuable time.


In addition to that, afterall, LOOK @ what's happening to the world today.

Quoted from Black Eye Peace song: Where is the Love?

*People Killing People dying
CHILDREN hurting HEAR em' cryin'
Can't u practice what u preach???*

Yes, i made a lot of sins in life, but there's still hope.

Imagine yourselves as a prisoners of war decades ago,
Now imagine u're in Singapore.

Remember the Yellow Ribbon Project.

Trust me, we're no angels no devils here.

We're humans.

Learnt not to repeat the same old sin/mistake TWICE.

Perhaps.Observe.Think TWICE.then ACT.

Thanks again. I'm blabbering too much here.
Simple a bubbly girl here.

K cheers y'all!


heya baby hows it been...

"where is the Love...where is the Love" - BlackEYEpeas

"Is this Love..that i'm feelin.....Is this the love...that i been searching for..."
- Whitesnake

love love love love love love love love love
and If its about the radio station, brader lu jgn nak memandai-mandai la....nanti lu kena enquiry baru lu tau...
The fact is that ppl like u always like to assume.

anyway, ini topic suma pasal ANUGERAH BAND.....ntah dis will be the onli SURIA band comp ke...u'll nvr knoe the nxt one b 5 - 10 years from now...

If you don't know the real deal is than you don't go and memandai2 jugak lah. Duke are you a musician 1st of all? What's your age? setahun jagung is it? What's your experince in the music business? Who's the real idiot now replying here, you right following all this nonsense.

as fo the rest, win or not, stil just a bunch of " hero kampong ". even if they win, regardless of them being sign by major labels, Onli in this blessed land saja bole tunjuk taring. pergi negeri lain memang tak boleh cari makan la....

You mention here that we Singaporean can't make it(tak boleh cari makan negeri lain), so whats your point bring up the Slam story. You are showing to everyone that your an idiot, Cakap tongang terbalik.
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Zepp,correct me if im wrong..
I was told that it cost abt $280 to buy air-time in local radio here.ANd they will play for 4 days.Only one song once in the day once at nite.
Anyone working in media *perli boboy* can enlighten.

Even fenderman at least knew what's the real deal is about airtime.
I explain abit about the 2 to 5K. That few hundred dollars that you mention is only for Airtime not for the Top 10 or 15 listed and it's only for a few days and will gone with the wind if the cash flow does not follow.
You wonder why certain song out of the blue moon came out to the top and tomorrow it can come down to the bottom.
Some songs are not really that good but you were wondering why the hell the radio can play it day and night everyday untill it gets recorded in public's memory. Answer to that Money, money makes the world turn around.
You wonder why are some bands here that is not really popular and their song sux but they get to play in Music Festival in the U.S, you need minimum of SG60,000 just to get in the U.S music festival
Have you ever wonder why Taufik and Hadi does not get to the Asia MTV awards, why?

Well said.. Support tak nak. Mengutuk pandai.. When the media don organise this kind of competition, people will say that they never support local talent. When they have, bukan nak support. Mengutuk 24 jam. Learn to differentiate between Mengutuk and being honest. POV with logic will help everyone in learning new things.
heran lah..

Why cant we compare bands in a nice political way and predict the winner for fun. Why cant we share our views without hurting anyone. Too bad they have to learn to live with it. But why? They are just chasing after their dreams. These kind of people are pulling them down. End of the day, we r singaporeans. Melayu lagi. Macam mana nak maju. Who ever wins, lets wish that they will make sg proud. U can share what u think about the bands or anything to do with it whether is wrong or right no one will know. But without anything to proof , i think its just plain trash talking (or pandai2).

I'm surprised that a few people here wanna be like Simon cowell. Wake up lah. Be like him to talk like him. Then people will respect ur words of wisdom. Simon earns his respect through his career and profession. No one knows how Simon gets to where he is now. Cheers guys. No hard feelings to anyone. I'm just a nobody learning something new everyday. Good day.;)
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If you don't know the real deal is than you don't go and memandai2 jugak lah. Duke are you a musician 1st of all? What's your age? setahun jagung is it? What's your experince in the music business? Who's the real idiot now replying here, you right following all this nonsense.

You mention here that we Singaporean can't make it(tak boleh cari makan negeri lain), so whats your point bring up the Slam story. You are showing to everyone that your an idiot, Cakap tongang terbalik. ckp orang, lu pon sama jugak...
wa musician ke bukan musician ke, tu suma leh tolak tepi...anyway, cepatla...wats ur bands name??? jgn malu2 la...tak bole bilang kapa beb...???
friends- contest all you want, but can we not call one another names?
Perhaps, arguments can be done through Private Message? No offense guys. I feel our local music is not even there yet, and arguments between us local musicians are not going to cut it and make our local music even better..
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ok guys....i apologise if i started sum discomfort here...everybody here, i apologise...
subversion, i apologise
Zeppellin, i apologise
to James, i apologise for using the quote unnecessarily...
to everyone i really apologise....

but still, i cant rest if Zeppellin wont reveal to us his bands name back in the earli 90s...
watever it is, FATSKUNKS will Champ ANUGERAH BAND 2008....even if they dont, they still are a true Champion, Talented Band. Pergi mana2 pon bole cari makan.
I don think there is even a fight. Just plain discussion. For those people who trash talk but cant proof whether their accusation is true, (for eg. judge kelong, band angkat or sms not counted) my advice is jangan pandai2 kalau takde bukti. If u don like the show don watch and don vote. But if u still watch, then laugh along. Don give comment that will backfire u. If still want to Kutuk band tak bagus, kutuk lah. Its ur POV. But don assume anything about the competition or judges or radio airtime without any proof. It might get u into trouble. Leave ur past bad experience behind.
Sorry if i hurt anyones feelings ok. ;)

My vote is for X-tec. Next in line is Fatskunks. ckp orang, lu pon sama jugak...
wa musician ke bukan musician ke, tu suma leh tolak tepi...anyway, cepatla...wats ur bands name??? jgn malu2 la...tak bole bilang kapa beb...???

Orang macam lu, gua bilang pun buang masa je, anyway you are the one that started to condemn my post.

Regarding Ishka, I felt sorry for you too, budak mentah aku malas nak counter.

Signing out from this thread.
As for the Slam band on why they make it, it's because of the mix up band members, their front man is Malaysian remember. Those Singaporean in the band really move over there to pursue their dreams because they got good Malaysian contacts and a pure Malaysian citizen is in their band. But look at them now, what happen to them, gone too.

Eddie and Shah Slam are M'sia's regular sessionists at present..i believe they do lots of producing too..Slam is history, but i guess some of them have grown into more mature roles in the industry...these talented individuals can make a career out of music and they don have to depend on being they don just "be gone" like u said bro.