Anugerah Band Competition

drummer x-tech maut ah!
every performance confirm gile2 nye! haha

and yes fatskunks do have talent!

support local music lah ppl!
To all anugerah band contestant.

I would like to wish all the best to all Anugerah Band contestant.

Especially for the semi final result show this Tuesday.

I believed that all of the contestant have sacrifice their time and effort from the auditions till this moment.

My respect and salute to you guys.!
Hahaha POWER stakat bawah blok je buat pe...Lagi bagus buang masa gi KARAOKE....
Anyway Zepp..wats ur bands name back in the 90s...??? sampai M.Nasir bole siam sama lu punya approach???

heard that kinda stories all the time..our local acts crossing the causeway to try out..only to be insulted and chased out by M.Nasir. heard alot of those experiences. well he probably got the foresight...there are lots of talents so professionals with foresight knows a gem when he saw one. but having the guts and spirit to cross over and strut your stuff in front of that legendary musician is something that deserves a salute!

If u got nothing then say u got nothing. Cakap banyak abuk takde. Its a good idea u sign out.. Bye zepp..
Well said bro!
I agree wth you!An effort made by musicians like bro Zepp and a few who travelled across is a daring one.Salute to them.BUT you better becareful of what you comment in here,later some boy2 will keep asking you for PROOF!Hehehe..
Booo to all Trash talker and for those who thinks he can fly like a superman. Its so sad that these people didn't make it then give up and never tried again. No wonder they just keep condemning people. Sob sob..

Bands who make it big get rejected at first too. But they are determint. End of the day people will look upon ur achievements. Good position requires good skills..
No use telling people u r the superman but u cant fly. sob sob..
i thought some one said that putra won the comp....n that it is all fixed....amacm putra bole kluar plak????
to me, cucu datok merah & putra booting out were deserving, in light of their latest performance (semi-final). putra's vocals were a let-down & CDM were repeatedly told to curb the slang by the judges because this affects the overall performance- which they didn't.

considering there is a large fan bas for Putra (don't you deny it), it's interesting to see them bow out today. regardless, they bowed out on a high (both bands).

Finalist are
X-Tech, Fatskunks, Rancour & Trabo...
this is where the real game begins....
but than again the winner will get $20k, plus contracts, and Universal packages worth total of $250,000/- wow!!!!!!!

what i think next, if a recording company is involve, 2 bands will top the chart. its either Rancour or Fatskunks...hint: just look at the current music in general...PUNK ROCK & SKA....are the IN thing...

sorry but this gonna hurt lotsa voters out there...

and to those who said Kelong. n who's gonna win or planted kinda thing, as in U knoe who, orang boleh relek sua.....
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what i think next, if a recording company is involve, 2 bands will top the chart. its either Rancour or Fatskunks...hint: just look at the current music in general...PUNK ROCK & SKA....are the IN thing...

em... if the situation now is bowing to the current music trend, Rancour & Fatskunks winning is still kelong, right? :cool:
For some people who say judge kelong, guitar with lights will win and sms not counted, boleh relek and do ur research before making all the stupid accusation ok.

Perpatah org tua, Biar pandai jangan pandai pandai.

Well done to the 4 finalist.

wakakakakakakkkaa......kita semua ketawa beramai-ramai.....pasal ada orang dah buat lawak......wakakaakkahahahahhhahahhaahh

If Rancour or Fatskunks win, its not Kelong..its base truly on talent and in fact if a big recording label is involve, u dont tel me that Universal gonna invest their$250k worth of packages on a band which cant sell and playing sumthing which the current market is not in favour of ?????
And as a matter of fact, i am just giving my guess here, u may think otherwise n u hv every right to do that. at least i dont assume.
Sorry to say this, but what i think, the concept which Xtech and Trabo plays doesnt quite appeal to the current trend and market. Hint: wat is the current market trend rite now ( even in the malay music industries n in M'sia )??? Indie, Punk Rock, Raggae/Ska. in fact nowsadays, gigs which pull off with major turn outs are the Indie, Punk Rock, Ska/Raggae Gigs. Metal or rock gigs which hv big turn outs are alreadi the past...

this issue can be debateble. n again, this is just a POV. may be right n maybe terribly wrong too....nobody is perfect...
anugerah band competiton all the finalist. Good performance by Raven last nite show. What you think guys about Raven?
blah blah blah.. still so many politics. honestly i dotn really think fatskunk need the label. they are already well known..