Anugerah Band Competition

i'm not suprised if putra wins the competition. They obviously can win votes. And the judges especially that pathetic eddy ali wants them to win. Last week Virus cinta is X 100 better putra. This is an obvious one sided competition.
The vocals can even sing in tune. Lets face it , preety face is better than having talent nowadays.

hahahahha Kelakar lah lu orang ni....bila tak ada show, event macam anugerah band ke JUARA ke, semua orang complain ckp tv tak support band2 local...bila dah ada, macam macam tohmahan n reviews and even dissatisfactions. judges kaylong la, judges one-sided attitude la. c'mon ppl, lets face it, partly those to blames are the majority that spend their votes. as the saying goes " if u want ur fav bands to WIN, Vote as many u can " but if u think u r smarter, than dont bother watching the program la....

as for those who still bothers, no one stopping u. its Entertaintment which involves sentiments. ;):rolleyes: everything was meant with a reason.....

.....and thats y i am the DUKE OF DUDES coz i like wat i do.........
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Yes sentiments it is, and not forgetting the viewers/participants or even sponsors are smarter now compared to before.Thats the reason why u see all these "Kelakar ah lu org ni..." punya comments and views on this site!
Let me leak a little secret for u and some..DONT WASTE $ TO VOTE..SMS voting doesnt really exist..The guitar wth lights band,will win..thats the whole idea of Anu Band!
One day some of you will thank me for telling this!!:twisted:
1. A competition whereby the winner will be decided by SMS voting is the norm in most made for TV competition currently

2. The SMS voting is used by persons with vested interest to gauge the barometer of a bands' popularity. It is also worthy to note that Anugerah Band competition,it costs around $XXXX amount of SGD for a 30-second commercial show's runtime. Being the hot rated show in the Suria,the Anugerah's producers do have an obligation to the sponsors.

3. It is a music business afterall and the winner would have to compete with other good bands in the overly saturated Nusantara music scene.Persons with vested interest would gladly put their $$$ to bands with a popular following,it's sad but true.

4. Music business is also align with show business so looks,presentation and appeal do play a big part.Like a raw diamond,talent could be harnassed over a period of time.The winning band could and would probably be showcased across the Nusantara and compete with other regional bands for a slice of the pie.It's a situation whereby everybody needs to be a winner,be it the winning band,producers,sponsors and the local music scene.

ok for my rock kapak explaination for my POV above..

"kalau gua sudah placing itu kuda..itu kuda mesti tiok..tak dapat kaki, ekor pun jadi..kalau kuda gua asyik semput aja mcm mana mau gua kasi sen gua jatuh?"

"kalau kuda gua tak semput,takpa tapi jockey asyik tarik aja,mcm mana kuda gua mau lari kuat?"

to all the bros who understand this kedai kopi lingo-cheers-
"tarik Djarum satu,kopi-o siew tai"

to all who don't,kindly decipher my unOxford english
= fenderman

I saw ur band already? Which band? Name ur band please? U join Anugerah? Ur POV?

Wanna talk about Honest?
This is my HONEST POV, ur POV is baseless and empty like u. I think what u TYPING is full of SH!T. Face it lah bro. When TV is involve looks and image is the most important point. All 6 bands got their own thing. Who have the whole package, Suria will decide. What proof u have that the sms is not counted? I've been around the media before and i know all the 6 finalist personally. U Type like u've been there done that kind of thing. I want ur proof. If u say things according to what u feel and see without any proof, i'll still think u r full of shit. This is my HONEST STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART POINT OF VIEW. Cheers
Go fatskunks! Still remember doing the heartrock gig with Anthony years back. They are by far the most unique band on the competition whole.

In any case for those who tink the competiton is rigged, i don't think it matters. Even if X-tech and Fatskunks (my 2 fave from the comp) don't win, i would go out n buy their CDs and support them even after the competition compared to ______ <--- (insert band name here) whose frontman can't sing but act like international superstar.

ok let me get this to everyone in here....
Fatskunks - win or not stil, they are tru talent.

as fo the rest, win or not, stil just a bunch of " hero kampong ". even if they win, regardless of them being sign by major labels, Onli in this blessed land saja bole tunjuk taring. pergi negeri lain memang tak boleh cari makan la....
as fo the rest, win or not, stil just a bunch of " hero kampong ". even if they win, regardless of them being sign by major labels, Onli in this blessed land saja bole tunjuk taring. pergi negeri lain memang tak boleh cari makan la....

Confirm pandai pun, that's why I'm here in Singapore playing music as a hobby, dah puas dulu masa muda trying to get into this line.

Like M.Nasir ever mention to my band in KL last time in 1992, LoL :D "Apa lagi korang tunggu kat sini berambus sudah" That was when our record company trying to buy M.Nasir Song but we end up ditching M.Nasir instead.

Confirm pandai pun, that's why I'm here in Singapore playing music as a hobby, dah puas dulu masa muda trying to get into this line.

Like M.Nasir ever mention to my band in KL last time in 1992, LoL :D "Apa lagi korang tunggu kat sini berambus sudah" That was when our record company trying to buy M.Nasir Song but we end up ditching M.Nasir instead.

bukan nk cakap apa la, but that time probably ur band aint good enuff, and 1992 was a time when M'sian bands rule the airwave. They mite need a band who can hv the same caliber as Search or Wings or Lefthanded or anything that can Top them...maybe korang setakat NewBoyz punya standard je...
( thats y he says like that ) and recording co. at that time is very picky giving their products or signing new artist. u cant blame them. and hv u ever ask urself, are u ready to hv wat it takes to be a recording artist for major labels??? eg. SLAM, 3 of the band members are Singaporean, they Top the chart and their album always BOOM..!!!! y? b'cos they hv wat it takes that u dont even think of.
Bukan wa nak backing M.Nasir la tapi the way u put it, i can sense that u dont hv that fighting spirit to succeed in ur dreams. Tau bila kena kutuk rabak2 je, Merajok...!!! Maybe at that time u guys dont try hard enuff... who knows....

minta ampon minta maaf .....
Maybe ur right at that time when they are picky, but you saying we're no standard, it's just your opinion only. You said it's difficult to land a recording contract at that time, hell if we got no standard we wont be able to sign a recording deal and it's in 1992, HELLO Brader wake up!

The fact is that Singapore don't have the market and Singaporean malay musician got no more appeal and moved to the Malaysia instead. <----wonder why M.Nasir convert to a Malaysian, hmmmm?

As for the Slam band on why they make it, it's because of the mix up band members, their front man is Malaysian remember. Those Singaporean in the band really move over there to pursue their dreams because they got good Malaysian contacts and a pure Malaysian citizen is in their band. But look at them now, what happen to them, gone too.

As on my side I'm not willing to give up my citizenship for this uncertain future. Those Singaporean borthers like Nuradee, Eddy(teachers pet) tried their luck, I can say they only make it a few percent only over there. But the fact is they still stuck over here and struggling like hell. To make it on the Air in Malaysia takes loads and loads of money. If you can get a sponsor all goes well, but not for long.
Even Radio Ria DJ or any other radio play local band song base on money. I'll bet you don't know that. You know whats the price to pay to get your song on air for a week? 2 to 5K at least for 1 song. So imagine if you want your song to get to the top10 and that takes a few months of Air time play, and you wonder why local band song not that popular, it's because there's no money supply.
I thought that the producers will provide professional grooming for the band members once they made it to the TV stage of the competition. If that's the case, then grooming isn't that much of an issue.

Watch it and enjoy lah. If you don't enjoy it then don't watch. I wished I had seen more but thus far I've only caught one episode.

It is a talent as much as it is a popularity contest. That's always going to be the case when you get SMS/'fan' voting into the equation. All the contestants knew it from the start and I'm sure they accepted it as such.

It's fun watching them. Whether they can make it or not is a separate issue altogether and won't affect my enjoyment in watching the competition.

Ishkak boboy-boboy,angry seh..Hahaha
Wah u noe all 6 finalist personally??Been in media?U must be the make up artist dude..i guess!If i not been there done that,i wont be bothered to give POV.Boboy,u sounds so adik2 tau.Dont hv to proof to boboy,anythg k.You wait for the results k.No neeed to use the word shit boldly,be smart.You are starting to feel despondent abt getting ur POV straight.Did anyone stupefied ya?You had the temerity to call my POV baseless too..ok ok lah boboy,i give in k.You keep the change!:-D
I try to translate this for some"This is my HONEST STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART POINT OF VIEW." "Inilah pendapat ku yg IKHLAS dari HATI"...ok i got it.
Ok boboy,happy make up!!Haha

P/s:Did i mentioned i joined Anugerah??Hmmm..
Nak proof2..mcm police!!-Boboy police eh?:D

Zepp,correct me if im wrong..
I was told that it cost abt $280 to buy air-time in local radio here.ANd they will play for 4 days.Only one song once in the day once at nite.
Anyone working in media *perli boboy* can enlighten.
Payola - paying monies to radio stations for airplay is a criminal offence in the US and many other countries.

Are you guys certain that this is happening in Singapore? If it is then something BIG and NOISY should be done because it is detrimental to local music.
Yo Zepp..
u know wat, with the kinda reply u put here really shows that u realli are a Soar-Loser...

if its about M.Nasir, Y he convert to being a Malaysian, the fact is that Malaysia is where the real deal is. Tell me, will he b a Millionaire bikin muzik if he's stuck here in SG????? Not just him, Even Papa Rock kita Ramli Sarip still earn from shows in M'sia. And if u land a recording deal at that time, which label signed u guys, EMI, WEA, WARNER, BMG????? and during that time, were ur band a well known band in SG????? wats ur bands name?? takle bilang kapa???? takot malu eh...

If its about SLAM, c'mon la bro dorang punya royalty makan tak abis la...even now, they still earn their livelihood as a musician.

and If its about the radio station, brader lu jgn nak memandai-mandai la....nanti lu kena enquiry baru lu tau...
The fact is that ppl like u always like to assume.

anyway, ini topic suma pasal ANUGERAH BAND.....ntah dis will be the onli SURIA band comp ke...u'll nvr knoe the nxt one b 5 - 10 years from now...
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= fenderman

hahahaha. Bruther, no point being angry at an empty and baseless POV of urs. Most people without proof and big ego will say "Dont hv to proof to boboy,anythg k". Without knowing anything u assume i'm a make up artist. hahaha. U are the one TYPING like a kid. Lu ni mat agak2 lah. Thats why i call ur POV baseless. Semua lu punya comment main agak aje. Bukan nak jadi police. But it doesn't proof that its true.

I think i know what is zepplin and ur problem must be. Maybe u guys sucks and the media or recording label don want u guys then u guys bingit lah. Is it? (This is not my POV but a question to u) Then u blame the media lah, Ada band angkat buah lah, judge kelong lah. I dare to use those words cause u cant proof me wrong brother. Come on bro. Proof ur all ur POV to me then i'll pull back my words. If u cant, too bad u r the boboy.
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