Anugerah Band Competition

congrats to X-tech & Putra.

Virus Cinta has a strong musicianship but it's rather obvious their vocals got severely penalized.
woo bro... that means Putra know the judges off-stage, enough to get some favours (not saying you meant it, just wanna clarify)?

You did not know? Give you some hint than. Some of the band members in Putra are actually regulars in the Nite Clubbing Scene.

Tone wise all three XTECH, Putra and Knightwings was Good.
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woo bro... that means Putra know the judges off-stage, enough to get some favours (not saying you meant it, just wanna clarify)?

They know the judges off stage????
Its more than that guys..maybe one of them REALLY know the Producers,Executive Producers or even the boss himself..judges are just judges.They have to cari makan..but not Zoul of course...foul mouthed,hahaha!
Anyway just to add,if Raven is in the competition,they cant even tag into the top 20..becuz the guitarist is extraordinary good and brag alot too!!
They know the judges off stage????
Its more than that guys..maybe one of them REALLY know the Producers,Executive Producers or even the boss himself..judges are just judges.They have to cari makan..but not Zoul of course...foul mouthed,hahaha!

i think before someone here scream bloody 'kelong', let's just take it that Putra went on based on merits more than anything else.
accordingly,it was said that the 1st band yesterday,the vox was off--"sumbang"--and the 2nd band's vox was ala Dokken...

its not easy to pull a Man Toyak song but while applauding the 2nd band vox was good, ala Dokken,consistent..and yet they did not go thru..

probably the producers are also looking the commercial appeal of the bands involved,IMO.
anyway Knightwings vox was very good..and yes..his range is classic 80's hard rock Dokken/Coverdale skool

face the fact everyone....

In Singapore context, If a competition involves sms votings, even the worse participants can win or champ the competiton. Let alone that worse participants have lotsa kaki's who were willing to spend/waste their xtra $$$$ SMSing hundreds and thousands of votes. And in a popularity contest like Anugerah, why its popularity contest, " macam tak tahu pulak kenapa", Talent is always secondary, looking for he Eye candy is the main factor.
So enuff sulkings and being frustrated..we all know what will come next. In fact some of us here already Knoe who will win the Anugerah Band......

To add in summore, the bigger challlenge will always be, after winning, where will the band go?? will they have thousand of fans coming to watch them play????will they be as famous as all the real recording artist????or will they just win and simply dissappear???? That is when we all will quseton ourselves, did they win base on real talent or base on SMSes by the same number of people and supporters who some may be voting blindly??????
bro duke

who will win? lets put a bet on it?hehehe...

nah..but yesterday was the wild card round whereby the is no SMS and that the judges decide...

ok let start the shot here

i say Fatskunks will win Anugerah Band. if they win, it will all base on Merits n their true talent. Not bcos' lotsa ppl vote for em. So far they are the most consistant band despite the judges being xtra favouring the other bands
or should i say Band Rock kapak...hahahhah
nasik tambah

but still... i dun think all the bands really represent a unique 'Singapore' Malay band. like how Peterpan is Indon rock and Spider is well... malaysian rock. orang2 lama jugak rocks...
Its fun to look at this forum where people share their honest views(kutuk mengutuk). Now i know why a lot of Singapore bands cant go far. I was surprise when x-tec is in the wild card. They are the top favourite for me. How do u guys know about Putra strong contacts with suria crews? Proof? I'm not on anybody's side. All 8 bands are good. The ball is round. Any bands can be eliminated now. I just vote for my favourite and enjoy the show. Good luck to all the 6 bands.
They can't go far is not because of Kutuk mengutuk brother, it's the Singapore country itself to be blame. Look for the answer yourself, on why it is so or ask your seniors.

You Wanna know why your Fav band Xtech in the WildCard?
Answer: Spent more on your SMSes, support them by paying more of your HandPhone bills. You will see them winning the competion.
hahaha. I did vote my favourite my band(Xtec). All the band have their own strength and weakness. What we wanna know is what kind of band that suria is looking at? I guess no one knows. I'm sure everyone want their favourite band to win. Well if my favourite band don win, i still won blame the organiser lah the voting lah. This is a competition. Recording company's will not only look at the technical skills. Cause there's a lot of good musician s in singapore. They will look at image, genre of music and fan base. I'm not surprise even if my favourite band don win. Competition right? All 6 bands have their own fans, image and music genre. Anyones game bro. Just watch and enjoy the ride.

Bro jgn waste time guessing who will win..Suria already has the winner..!!
The "guitar with lights" guy knows what is it all abt.
DONT waste time..serious!
Nah he only got half or maybe slightly half the points, the other half will still be Singaporean to judge by smses.
Seriously, Singapore's music can't go far if they don't venture overseas. Reason why our Chinese artistes can really go superstar status in China. The population is too saturated. The best the malay bands could do is venture North. Then again, how many would wanna do that? If you really wanna go far with your band, it's not about winning a competition. It's about the amount of commitment and dedication one can give to fully fulfill his dreams.
To venture further 1st you must create a name in your own country and thats where this kind of competiton comes, it's 1 of the ways, by doing that than you can have contacts to venture to the outside world. Believe me it's not that easy to venture anyway without contacts.

This is 1 of my experience during the early 90's. My band was is in local recording stage and we were ask to approach M.Nasir for Songs. So we went KL to Luncai Emas(M.Nasir Recording company), we were surprize by him back than, we never knew M.Nasir got a Sucky bad attitude towards Singapore Malay musician. You guys know what he said? "Korang ni semua buat apa menyibuk kat sini, pergi Balik sudah!!" from than on we Pulau this "Melayu tak sedarkan diri, do not know where his origin from".

So as to say, it's not that easy to venture out there now, but nothing harms trying your luck.

Bro...serious ah Bro....dia cakap macam tu sekali....???
But one question to u, how good were ur band at that time to capture his attention??? Maybe u guys just aint up to mark. Probably thats y he says like that....
The WORST vocal of the comp today is PUTRA...was shocked to see all that bullS*** from him.He cant deliver anything at all.Over confident?too comfy?or maybe just plain ignorant??The drummer was pushing the band and tempo not constant..but i thought he playing in a club rite?How come can play like that?The shirt too tight for him lah..can see all the babats..image kah tu?Putra bassist..yes that hair suits u best..mcm KPLBT!
Fatskunk power..arrangemnt the best so far!
Trabo..balancing rabak beb!!
Rancour..nothing much! sakit ka?
Judges..Nampak sangat korang nak carik makan!LOL
Overall..what a dissapoinment from Anugerah BAnd!