Anugerah Band Competition

hi guys,

just my two cents worth.

i have to say that i am proud that some softies here are brave to comment on some of the issues that not everyone wants to hear.

my advice is to the bands who enter is that if you enter a competition that provide exposure for your band, learn to accept bad comments.

if you did not expected this, learn to live with it.

not everyone will love what you do.

to all my friends in the comp, i wish you good luck.

Anda Mau Rock......!!!!! Anda Mau Batu.....!!!!!!! Anda Mau Kapak......!!!!!!! Terimalah ROCK BATU KAPAK...!!!!!!!!!!

watever it is, Anugerah Band is realli entertaining.
Peace and Love.....btw.....Hi Eggs!!!!!!

Reminds me of my time during battle of the bands, ARWAH NYA Adnan Maswan, the one and only thats not so bias, he really supported Local Rock music scene, with the saying "Anda Mau Rock!" whenever his show started.

i respect Zoul because he's one of the more accomplished musicians here.

however, his final comments in the Anugerah Band comp 3 June, show was arguably too personal & in want of a better opinion. he was too critical of the band Silk Sutra because thusfar, the band had displayed a rather kaleidoscopic performance, not holding on to a particular music genre. to Zoul this would cause confusion to the fans pertaining to the fundamentals of what the band embraces.

the nature of this competition, as evidenced, is to showcase the bands' performance dynamism, regardless of the music genre. this is quite the reason why the bands were tasked to accomplish feats which are out of their norms, by covering, for instance a genre which is alien to their philosophy eg: dangdut (among others). is Zoul trying to redefine the competition's objectives?
Nope, I totally agree with Zoul, his talking about Talent and music in overall, the brother of the famous artist M.Nasir, definitely his talking out of his own years of experience, because without it, you can't make it in this world of music, suppose if the band become a recording artist, its the music that they bring to the public that is so much more important than the way you dress or trying to make some stunts.
To me the producer of Anugerah Objectives is totally out of context. They should concentrate more on the band music talent than other things, especially on the Vocals side, and 90% of the band can't sing, that's the fact and that's where the money coming from if the bands want to make it in this music world.
Image will come on the later part. I'm not asking the band to wear slippers and perform, but be presentable and concentrate more on the music that they trying to present just like what Zoul commented, and his right.

Every Singaporean knows that and that is why Taufik Batisah and Hady Mirza won the Singapore Idol, it's because we vote for the talent and not for the Boyish looks.
ultimate tip to promote ur band: add in unsur2 metal/rock dalam lagu. true or false?

terutama sekali aku nk mintak jutaan maaf jika ape yg ingin aku ckpkan nih tersakitkan hati si pembace eh.

solely based on my opinion...

aku tklah minat sangat pat bende² dari suria. aku ingat it'll change once i watch anugerah band but tklah. maseh tk minat jgak. hehe jgn marah eh. i dont understand why most of the bands mesti nk kene ader letak unsur² metal/rock dalam setiap music² diorg. i saw a band called "fat___" tk sala. diorg bawak lagu mcm ska ke ape ntah. tapi aku tau lagu diorg relek. shiok je dgr. lain dari band2 lain.

last week, aku gi ziarah nenek aku pat rumah dier beh my cousins semer smgt tgk anugerah band. aku pon sekaki ah. tapi, ishk, merepek habes. di alam fana cinta da jadi lagu ape ntah. haha. abeh ader satu band rambut perang² mcm hero² anime version mlayu(dont even bother to know their band's name). haha. ader satu band plak yg start dengan style. captivated my attention sgt². dier start dgn main classical music gitu. sedap and soothing habes..tapi biler last², diorg masok metal plak. haiz. beh tadi, aku tgk ader satu main lagu si gadis ayu. haha. perlu ke letak unsur² rock/metal pade lagu² yg akan diorg mainkan? fed up seh. hehe.

jgn marah eh. honest opinion nih. klw korg nk kate kat aku, "klw kau ingat kau bagus sgt, kau gi main ah!", aku terpakse ckp jujur lah yg aku ni tk bagus. haha. tapikan, aku minat jgak dgr jiwang, metal, rock, pop, lagu lame2 sampai zaman arwahyarham p. ramlee. tapi biler dgr band² anugerah ni kan, mcm hmm..ntah ah. apo nk dikato. hehe.

aku tetap appreciate local bands, tk kesah ape jua race, who dreams to make it big lah and prove to the world that we do have talents of our own. tapi by adding unsur² metal/rock dlm setiap music² diorg, tk semestinye sedap kan. kene realistic lah. kadang2 bawak lah lagu rilek. pon sedap jgak. lagu2 yg diorg alter to may suit youngsters with the drum beats and guitar licks(whatever you call it), yes. but, since its being aired live on suria, bnyk org tua2 pon tgk jgak kan? tkleh ketepikan diorg kan? bnyk adults yg menyampah dan meluat tgk diorg nih. nih bkan rekaan semata-mata tau.

sorry eh klw mlayu aku rabak. hmm memang tk pernah bagus pon. heheheh..dan most importantly, pade si pembace, jgnlah amek hati sgt. cume opinion aku je. tapi knightwings dan putra vocalist diorg sedap. tk jadi sala klw diorg nk bawak lagu metal ke rock psl vocalist diorg fooh! baik. who's with me? heheh.

assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi semer anggota-anggota(betul eh?) S.O.F.T!

The majority doesnt really agree to the comments he gave abt Silksutra..that band was doing a cool re-mix in their last performance,and was also commented by Ann Hussein (positive comment),i think they want to showcase what the judges reaaly wanted to see,which is their true image as in their audition rounds.Frankly,that Pawana they did was a good one!Just like their own rendition of Pelesit Kota.BUt dont understand why zoul should talk abt face and music have to blend???I think he himself is confused abt what he actually talking abt.
Band like Kwings n Putra,they made crucial mistakes today in vocals and musicians.An obvious one was Putra's entry..can see the drummer was 'kanciong".See..even "up" bands do mistakes..and was not commented abt it!
Trabo's arrangement was cool,Rancour also.I was there watching "live" and 3 things i wanna say..
1) Im proud of Anugerah band contestants

2) 2 wks and i can still hear those ugly/demoralizing comments given by zoul(trying hard to be like Mnasir)

3) Super kiasu malay ppl.(there was an ugly incident of putra's supporter arguing abt sitting arrangement wth mediacorp staff)
I can hear ppl jeering and booing bands they didnt support for example Silksutra,the shoutings to condemn their own melayu is overwhelming and sorrry to say,it came alot from Putra's side!
How melayu nak success??

The rest is ok.
Well personally,i think Silksutra and Kwings did a good job too.:(
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2 cents to add to Ann Hussein ... once in a diffirent contest she was co -judging, she "at first" had positive comments about my band .. then after we kena "negative" comments by Dick Lee (pertaining to our ages), she did a " U -turn .... and went to the Dick's lane.

Tanglin Halt gerl sumo??? - hard for me to fathom lah.... :confused:
Nope, I totally agree with Zoul, his talking about Talent and music in overall, the brother of the famous artist M.Nasir, definitely his talking out of his own years of experience, because without it, you can't make it in this world of music, not for the Boyish looks.

i clearly heard Zoul saying the band was 'confused' in their music genre, that was the bit that was disagreeable because the nature of the competition showcases versatility, among other things.

making one's own musical achievements a yardstick for competition references is rather immaterial, luckily this did not take place last night.
I think he himself is confused abt what he actually talking abt.

2) 2 wks and i can still hear those ugly/demoralizing comments given by zoul(trying hard to be like Mnasir)

3) Super kiasu malay ppl.-I can hear ppl jeering and booing bands they didnt support for example Silksutra,the shoutings to condemn their own melayu is overwhelming and sorrry to say,it came alot from Putra's side!
How melayu nak success??(

the element of confusion by that judge was rather evident but i don't think he's trying to emulate his brother.

it's not being kiasu, but being respectful of others that was lacking.
the element of confusion by that judge was rather evident but i don't think he's trying to emulate his brother.

it's not being kiasu, but being respectful of others that was lacking.

Personally,frm my pov,all the bands yest wasnt confused abt their identity or music.But there was one comment zoul made which i think irrelevant..on silksutra.."ur face doesnt suit the music"..i was like HUH?WTF?...But anyway,most audience booed him on that comment.Hehe
Oic u dont noe ah..thot u noe!

ps,sing..hey y not?wat kind of songs u into..somethg like Putra's stuff or Silksutra's?
Putra band got some influence or at least some connection in the nite club scene. So that is why Jatt favors them more at least. Their(Putra) music is not bad, but still got to improve alot on the vocal side, this is where 90% of the bands in Anugerah lacking of, and this the reason why my old band goes for instrumental, because it's super hard to find a vocalist that can sing. My guitar can sing well and in tune rather than have a bad vocalist singing out of pitch and beat.
Tmrw is results day rite??Any prediction who is gng to semi and wildcard?

my prediction is:


Virus Cinta
Anda Mau Rock......!!!!! Anda Mau Batu.....!!!!!!! Anda Mau Kapak......!!!!!!! Terimalah ROCK BATU KAPAK...!!!!!!!!!!

watever it is, Anugerah Band is realli entertaining.
Peace and Love.....btw.....Hi Eggs!!!!!!

hi brah!

how ya doing?