Anugerah Band Competition

Konspirazy is not still ard playing with boy,so is KONSPIRAZY bro...we are still pursuing our passion in music with our new lineup...wah...btw i talk to both drummer and and guitarist...hmmmm..they told u they joining you??..and keyboardist alif???hehehehe...ok la luck....u need dat bro...

Oh Ok lah.. My mistake..KONSPIRAZY still around with Leadman & Vox... da rest have left!!

Thanks for wishing us luck...Haha. worries...btw me and boy going to jamming session with your "band drummer,guitarist"...later at 9pm(hop they did mention to u)...don worry its just a leisure u said bro...important...everyone must be happy with together playing.....
better judges? well its good that they have guest judges already :)

and for tonight's episode, i would vote for X-Tech and Virus Cinta

and i didnt realise that the drummer was Shahril from Ossuary and the guitarist was my cousin.
im lousy. HAHA.
Do you guys think that they should get a better judges?

today's judging line-up was a balanced one- Addy was there to comment on instrumental aspects. we note that the other 2 were more critical on showmanship & the overall presentation. should Anne Husain be there tonight, the comments would incline too much to the general aspects.
agreed bro.
vocal wise there is a lot to be done...romzy hellven was ala malmsteen
CDM was a not up to band tonite was x-tech..IMO
Ohh.. Maybe I should continue to watch the show. Cause Im still blur with what this show is about.

Well, my fav is X-tech. POWER. :)
Comments for 13-5-08 show

i haven't seen the bands perform, today was the first. my expectations were very high because it's pegged against the TRIBE/ NALO/ etc batch of competitiors (was there ever any other malay band comp on TV?) but i guess this camp has a different niche to offer.

all in all, it was rather obvious that some bands got their act together while others were there & faltered- performance jitters maybe? but with reference to the judges' comments & concerns, the writing is on the wall: the band that will pull through is the one with a convincing vocal delivery.

in this light, i'd like to give a big thumbs up to Virus Cinta & X-Tech. do note that the judges were NOT critical of the vocals by Virus Cinta, she was only faulted for showmanship. X-Tech gave a near-flawless performance, they indeed set the standard for today's show- keep it up you guys!!

Cucu Datok Merah shot themselves in the foot today. their vocals were very disappointing. guys, your musicianship is one of the better ones tonight so don't let it all go to waste.

**PS: if someone can relay this message to the bassist of X-tech, i'd very much appreciate it- i'd like to sponsor him a set of Dunlop Ergo-lok for his strap so that it won't give way during subsequent shows, i have utmost respect for his band & i think this is a worthy gesture. please help if it's within your means (maybe PM me his contact number or something). kudos in advance!!
Does anyone know the band Silksutra personally? One of the guitarists used to be my senior... but lost contact sia.
Yo Simon, we didn't perform that day. Our performance is on the 20th. How's ur Superband going? When is your show?

yo bro! oh i tot it was on that day. well its going well for me, my band got into the top 16, competition starts in june. anyways, i will try to catch putra's performance on tv! or else i will have to catch it on youtube! hopefully someone will record it and post it up!! go all the way bro!! you guys have my support! rock on babeh!
xtech rulez... managed to watch them only. damn nid to work. but heard good reviews for fatskunks, viruz cinta n the rest too... cool!

anyways, sub, i've pm u
Best performance for the night was from X-tech & Helven..

Da rest were still OK though.. Wait till next week for further comments lah..
many people are enthralled by the guitar antiques of Helven, that string-biting moment was classic entertainment, even the judges were in it. however, let's not exalt a band just by virtue of this majesty.
however, let's not exalt a band just by virtue of this majesty.

I support this statement completely...

However, I got to say that ROMEY from Helven is on hell of an entertainer.. AKA Dracula cum Malmsteen..heehehe.

BTW Anyone notice that Helven was short of one member yesterday?? Where's da Keyboardist?? Maybe Irfan can answer..
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Hi guys... yeah as of the 6th of May, our Keyboard player, Aaron, has decided to drop out of the competition due to work commitments.... Wouldn't wanna affect anyone's rice bowl... We (hellven) truly miss Aaron's presence in the competition... Nevertheless, we will try to go ahead with wats left. The guitarist's name is Romey, not romzie. His name was published wrongly in Manja Magazine, i think that goes the same for the papers.

Lead Guitar - Romey
Bass Guitar - Buggy
Rhythm Guitar - Irfan
Drummer - Louis
Vox - Ramsey
Keyboard - Aaron

Some know us as Hellven, Hellven X, Helven(Media-friendly).
Looks like we've got a lot of critics on the vocal side. Hellven was originally just an instrumental band with side-project vocalists for different genres played... Not an excuse to be down with vocals.... So we'll work harder on our singing side.... need to seek professional help on that. We definitely invite/welcome critics so as to improve ourselves constantly. Even if we're to lose in the comin rounds, Hellven will definitely continue as per normal.... Playing for passion.... Constantly upgrading ourselves along the way, learning from experiences.

Anyway, to share some light with the people who aren't involved with anugerah band... I totally respect all the participants in the top 20 bands. They have somewhat given a considerable amount of sacrifice.... time, financially, work-wise. Some have even put their work/jobs on hold..... Lost jobs, hold back on job interviews. Like to take the opportunity to thank the Family members, close frens, boyfren, girlfrens, wives of aLL participants of the Bands FOR SUPPORTING THEM mentally, physically, financially and others.

The top 20 bands definitely showcase a handful if not all of the great potential talents in Singapore. A lot say S'pore is not much of a place for music to grow. I'd like to believe Otherwise... Where there's a will, there's a way. Keep truth to the passion with an open mind and acceptance. Peace out.

PS: It's really hard work to keep up.
there is a healthy band scene here, sometimes it's not privy to media coverage (hence people say the scene is dead) but making music is not about appeasing the media, yes?
Well done to the 6 band who had perform on tues. All the bands were powerful. I watch the episode on tv but i can feel the atmosphere in the tv theather. The audience were screaming and dancing away. All the 6 bands really bring down the house.. Power...

Bro Irfan, I know how it feels when someone needs to back out due to other important commitments. But 1 thing for sure, you still bring down the house with your singing and your performance.. Kudos to Hellven..