Anugerah Band Competition


I recorded the whole show thru my com that was on auto record set by myself bcos i had to go to my grandmother hse for gathering.. but you know the whole show means with the WHOLE anugerah band and the advertisements.

so is a 58minute vid. hahhh.

any idea how to edit the vid to cut off the advertisements and and break it into smaller vids so i can upload to ??
Don't know why but I have always thought that local 'live' productions look 'cheap'.

I mean, don't these programme directors watch television at all?

Just look at American Idol. Don't need to talk about the stage set, whether it's grand or what lah.

Our local 'live' productions can certainly improve on the lighting. Everything looks so clinical and harsh, no emotion at all.

In American productions, things always look so professional because they use mood lighting and even if there is direct light, it's always controlled such that everything looks pleasing.

Is it so difficult to do that? I don't think cost is really an issue right?

Anyway, I wish our local Malay hosts are a bit more witty and spontaneous in their delivery lah. Suzhairie is good but he seems to hold back sometimes, probably a bit afraid to say some things. The judges, I've got nothing to say. That guy who's always in this kind of competition, acts like he knows every damn little thing, and that he can't go wrong. Of course it makes good television lah, but aiyah, he doesn't really sound as clever as he thinks he does.

This week 'live' show - it was so damn predictable when he announced which bands were going to get through. Bands were alternately told whether they were going through the next round. Where's the suspense? Gosh!

Anyway, hope this Anugerah Band produces something that everyone can be proud of lah. Not just for the sake of garnering SMS support and making money for Suria.

I think the follow up for this kind of thing has always been lacking lah.

How many local bands can you remember being marketed aggressively and developed to their full potential, after they've won television competitions like this?

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I recorded the whole show thru my com that was on auto record set by myself bcos i had to go to my grandmother hse for gathering.. but you know the whole show means with the WHOLE anugerah band and the advertisements.

so is a 58minute vid. hahhh.

any idea how to edit the vid to cut off the advertisements and and break it into smaller vids so i can upload to ??

You can try this - TMPGEnc.NET

I've always used this MPEG tool to cut videos into segments. Very fast too.

You don't need something like a video editor to cut it in the timeline and re-export it again, if you know what I mean.

Do read the instructions if you don't know how to use it.

bro koch..
agreed with you with that 1 particular judge..was never a "has been" but a "never was" IMO..all the others got street cred lah except that judge..
stillborn- Bro did you record Putra in action? wanna catch them in action. haha!

sorry bro don't have that...i've uploaded all 5 parts already...

juz curious...the song knightwings played is a dokken cover right... but in malay??

did another malay band cover it before, or did they translate the song?
i maybe wrong but i believe it (Alone again-Dokken) was covered by Jatt's band Hard Attack in the early 90's..
the album Rock Internasional or something like dat..believe Paul D. was playing..
if i am wrong,my sincerest apologies...
Top 10

After viewing the adverts on the 12 bands,a very exciting competition is on the way.Any bros here can roughly predict the top 10 bands?
Seems like all bands are tough.And im proud of all of em.
i maybe wrong but i believe it (Alone again-Dokken) was covered by Jatt's band Hard Attack in the early 90's..
the album Rock Internasional or something like dat..believe Paul D. was playing..
if i am wrong,my sincerest apologies...

Izwan, You're like a walking Music Encyclopedia lah.. Yes, I believe you are right Bro..

BTW, need your help on something, If your FREE, do gimme a call.. Thanks..

Bro, Zam, Hows it going man,, tot you guys performing tomorro... looks like I will have to wiat one more week lah.. Good Luck Bro... Pegang Drumstick Ketat2...Hahaha..
Yo ideal, still ok. Been ver€€y busy till the end of this month. Still working day and night. The competition going on. Practice on the weekend. And i'm going thailand on the 23rd this month. June i'll be a free man cause i quit my night job. How's things with u and the rest of konspirazy.?
How's things with u and the rest of konspirazy.?

Its good to hear from you bro.. SAD NEWS is ... KONSPIRAZY has disbanded...Its a VERY LONG story but lets just say that its a mutual agreement lah..

Anyway, now left me, the drummer, keyboardist and second guitarist.. We looking for someone to fill in the shoes of the Vox & Lead Guitarist for other projects and will be coming up with a new band name..Do let me know if you know anyone willing to fill the shoes!!
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Its good to hear from you bro.. SAD NEWS is ... KONSPIRAZY has disbanded...Its a VERY story but lets just say that its a mutual agreement lah..

Anyway, now left me, the drummer, keyboardist and second guitarist.. We looking for someone to fill in the shoes of the Vox & Lead Guitarist for other projects and will be coming up with a new band name..Do let me know if you know anyone willing to fill the shoes!!

Oh my.. Sedih lah gua dengar.. Ape nak buat eh.. I'll let u know. I think i may have a lead guitar.. Very good potential.. Let me ask him whether he's interested or not. But for vocal, a bit hard to find now. I can be ur singer if u want hehehehehe..
Its good to hear from you bro.. SAD NEWS is ... KONSPIRAZY has disbanded...Its a VERY story but lets just say that its a mutual agreement lah..

Anyway, now left me, the drummer, keyboardist and second guitarist.. We looking for someone to fill in the shoes of the Vox & Lead Guitarist for other projects and will be coming up with a new band name..Do let me know if you know anyone willing to fill the shoes!!

Konspirazy is not still ard playing with boy,so is KONSPIRAZY bro...we are still pursuing our passion in music with our new lineup...wah...btw i talk to both drummer and and guitarist...hmmmm..they told u they joining you??..and keyboardist alif???hehehehe...ok la luck....u need dat bro...
I can be ur singer if u want hehehehehe..

Hahaha... Bro Zam, you are most welcome to try out lah.. As long as everyone can click with each other OK already.

Important thing is must be happy playing with each other..Haha...Ok la, let me know if anything comes up..