Anugerah Band Competition

heard also judges prefered covers rather than original...hmmm,,,thought dat own creativity is part of a criteria..
The 50-50 voting will only start on the top 12. Not on the 6th of may where the top 20 is revealed.. 6th of may the judges and the producer will choose the 12 bands to move the next round. That is what i was informed.

yeah.. tis is wat i meant... sori to caused confusion.

i believe tat the 50-50 thing is a good thing la...

bro joey1344: we lan2 kena play cover. only during the finals for the top 4. an ori is needed.
but covers can be a fun thing. time to reli revamp n bring a fresh air to the song.
tats considered creativity too.

anyways, u guys made a date with Fatimah yet?
we still haven plan yet...
coz my band got some matters goin on.
we are down to 3 piece now. maybe this weekend la mit the lady.
I think the reason why we cant play cover at first few rounds because its hard to judge cause they don know the song.. (like what ann hussein said).. I guess they wanna judge on how tight, capable and creative can each band be on covers first.. Then they can judge ur original composition cause they know how capable the band are.. (my point of view)..

We actually plan on this wed but i forgot i got kelas agama so its post poned till this fri..
Fuuyoo....Kelas Agama seh brader!!! Wah respect!!

Dunia Mau... Akhirat pun mau huh!! Wassalam..
Hei..Any of you guys saw the latest advertisement for ANUGERAH on SURIA...

There are some "speculations" and "rumours" that the TOP 12 is already known based on the bands shown performing in the advertisement...

I tried to count the number of bands shown but always cannot make it in time coz its too fast.. hahaha.. Dunno whether this is true or not lah.... But eventually, all will be revealed on the 6th May 2008.. One MORE WEEK TO GO!!!!!

BTW, I already collected tickets for my family... only 4 TIX per person... and children under 6 is not allowed in the studio...
ok peh.. Ugama pun mesti nak ada. jadi tak ketingallan zaman.. Tapi Rock tetap Rock brader.. Today i went to bestway building in prince edward rd to collect the tickets. i got 4 tickets only.. 2 of my friends went also but they got 6 tickets each.. Maybe aku tak handsome.. sebab tu dia kasi 4 aje.. lol. 1 more week.. Excited ade seram pun ade.. hahaha..
where to collect the tickets bro? 4 tix per person? sikit sak... lol

Bro, I think by now you know that TIX are collected at Bestway Building level 5, TV12..

Like what Bro Zam said, nak kena hensem sikit lah baru dapat more tickets..Haha... Or maybe bring more people with you to collect so can get more...

BTW me & my guys went to see Fatimah Mohsin yesterday.. Spent only about 20 mins advising us on what to wear and what not to wear.... Normal la, the DOs & DONT's...STANDARD!!
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Yes, I agree..She's a nice person...And she already knows who is in and who is out.. But is keeping it a secret.

I heard that there are five Bands randomly selected to perform on the 6th May 2008..

Bro, Zam, I heard that PUTRA is one of them, another one is Cucu Datok Merah... Is this true??? Whats going on here?? STRESS SEH!!...
went and played at orlando yest...get to know dat frm next show, instruments will be frm more boon 'ROLAND'...kakakakakakak....marshall all the way....

yes bro. 5 bands are randomly selected to perform for 2 mins on 6 may. we are one of them. i dont know what's going on. just following what they say. now we stress on what song to play for 2 mins.
Nyial... Stress seh nie macam.. Anyway, good luck to you guys bro.. Looking forward to your performance..

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY.. See you all there!!

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