Anugerah Band Competition


congrats to the 20 bands make it today..some names i recall are putra,royale,operzit youth,my band too...heheheh..aniwae to all who didnt make it..u guys are all winners all 60+ bands are very good.......joey KONSPIRAZY
Yeah.. Congrats to all the bands that made it through!! All you guys were great and Im looking forward to meeting you guys again at Mediacorp on 19th April 2008.

To the rest who did'nt, all of you guys were great too and should be proud of yourself.. As predicted, there were some upsets but these are just part & parcel of a comp.. For me, I was shocked when RockVival did'nt make it, they were super tight man...

Anyway to add on to my leadman (Joey) list of bands who made it, if I recall correctly and get the spelling right, another two band names which I can recall were:

Bassist for KONSPIRAZY signing off!!
Congrats to 20 bands who make it to the next round.. For those who didn't make it, don give up.. Keep on rocking.. Just keep werking hard on what u do best.. See u guys in mediacorp soon..

i was pretty impressed with a lot of bands. many good tight bands.

congrats to those who got thru
here are those i can remember,not in any order(pardon me if spelling error):

cucu datok merah
hellven (i noe its them but dunno if they r using the same name)
royale (my band)

cant remember the rest of the 10.
anyways, a great nite and see all of u on the 19th!

i want them to do for me make up! :p
yeah man...a lot of good tight bands...n some dont even get in to the top20!...shockin sia...

its gonna be a challenging the judges can be quite 'scary' at times...hahah

anyway..congrats to the Top20 bands...hope to get to know all of you... :)

wyldeboon, riffing baik kepe?...hehe...semangat ROYALE!!
Thank u and KONSPIRACY!

Yeah.. Congrats to all the bands that made it through!! All you guys were great and Im looking forward to meeting you guys again at Mediacorp on 19th April 2008.

To the rest who did'nt, all of you guys were great too and should be proud of yourself.. As predicted, there were some upsets but these are just part & parcel of a comp.. For me, I was shocked when RockVival did'nt make it, they were super tight man...

Anyway to add on to my leadman (Joey) list of bands who made it, if I recall correctly and get the spelling right, another two band names which I can recall were:

Bassist for KONSPIRAZY signing off!!

Yo bro aku nak ucapkan korang tahniah!!! Satu badan peh bulu berdiri bila aku dgr BAHTERA CINTA...hehehehe BAIK ARRRRRRRRRRR...keep on rocking KONSPIRACY!!!!
Yo bro aku nak ucapkan korang tahniah!!! Satu badan peh bulu berdiri bila aku dgr BAHTERA CINTA...hehehehe BAIK ARRRRRRRRRRR...keep on rocking KONSPIRACY!!!!

Bro Yan, hope you like our performance when we played our original "Bahtera Cinta" with a bit of twist lah.. Much appreciation must go to you too bro..

Your guys keep on ROCKIN are my IDOL bassist and songwriter.... Im really proud to know you....Kinda sad you guys didnt go through. Thanks once again for the support!!

P/S; Bulu kat bawah pun diri jugak eh?? Bukan nak tunjuk..Kakaka...
teevee madness!

hi guys!

for the bands that got thru, congrats!

Just enjoy yourself while it last.

Just don't forget that for teevee, they are looking for marketability and looks.

Quality don't really matter.

Dont be disappointed if you did not make it cos it does not mean you are not good.

by the way my predictions for the top 4 bands are ( not in any particular order )

Cucu Datuk Merah

Good luck guys!
bro peacerevolt ... amacam? hows it goin?

U doin the "Chan Mali Chan" national day show ah? :mrgreen: Dan told me about it ...
bro peacerevolt ... amacam? hows it goin?

U doin the "Chan Mali Chan" national day show ah? :mrgreen: Dan told me about it ...

How is things with retro groove? Great people.. Send my regards to them..
bro peacerevolt ... amacam? hows it goin?

U doin the "Chan Mali Chan" national day show ah? :mrgreen: Dan told me about it ...

hi bang!

sorry everything sangkut at the moment.

the organiser haven gotten back to me.

still waiting.

my band also not ready tats why i might some support from the pros!

take care brah!
8 bands gonna leave on 6th may without performing.. So scary..
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Yeah man, bro Zam.. SCARY sia!!
Worst thing is that the eight bands dont even got a chance to perform before being booted out.. Decision is just based on the previous two performances during the audition rounds...

Sigh...Dont think chances are that bright for us to make it this time round.. Its really tough to predict...
Don worry bro.. your band is strong.. i'm sure u'll get through.. my band is a 4 piece band.. less chance.. anyway it doesn't matter if we get through or not.. at least we try our best..

By the way u guys arrange to meet fatimah mokhsin already?