Anugerah Band Competition


can see that all bands who made it to this Sundays round, are realli a happening batch. really tough to predict. If i am the judge also i will hv a big headache. Seeing Alif play, makes me drool...POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wah, all great bands, but i heard wen comes to 12 bands remaining it will be knock out stage, every week got to come back mediacorp. tired man like that
wah, all great bands, but i heard wen comes to 12 bands remaining it will be knock out stage, every week got to come back mediacorp. tired man like that

I heard the rehearsal for the tv show is gonna be the whole day and the live show is at night.. I'm sure it'll be fun..
my band's were to report at 4.30... playing ard 5...

and i heard that they are choosing only 20 bands from tis sunday... cool! challenging!!!

u guys doin covers or oris?
we were advised to do covers. but wat the heck...

Bro, I dont recall anyone saying that we can' t play originals on that day so I presume that its allowed lah although they advised us to choose cover songs.. hehehe..

But again, what the heck, last week already play covers.. this week maybe try out one of our own originals but still indecisive what songs to play.. Btw, some bands put up their video on U-Tube.. really fun to watch.

As for going to Mediacorp every week for the knock out stages, its gonna be really tiring of course but its an experience youre not gonna get anywhere else.. Yet again, i see many good bands during the auditions so I dunno what are the chances of making through the auditions.. I guess we will just try our best and hope everyone enjoys the performance.

Bassist for KONSPIRAZY signing off!!
True enough.. We shall just be at our best and hope we get through.. If not its alright.. The main thing is we make a lot of friends and have fun making music..
IDEAL: yo bro. i was told by the organisers tat the judges 'prefer' covers. but it's still depends on ur band itself.
i personally feel the opposite anyways. lol

Who do you thinks gonna win? or top 3 Any guess?

For me i can remember the following were tight

1. Putra
2. Royal
3. Konspiracy


is Royal my band? if yes, its spelled as Royale

see u guys tis sunday!
Cover or original doesn't matter.. as long it shows what the band can do, i'm sure it'll be alright.. I heard a few of good composition at the auditions though.. Very nice...
Ya, I agree with you Zam, as long as the song the band plays can show what the band is capable of then I think its ok.. Doesnt matter whether its a cover song or original composition..

Btw I did hear a few good original songs that saturday.. One of my friends (Yan from CROSSOVER) also played their own original on Sunday which I happened to catch on U-tube..

I think that this is a positive start for local bands and show that we are progressing!!..
My utmost support & respect to all our local bands!!!
Guys, i heard for those who make it at the 2nd audition will have to play the songs that the judges chose.. So i guess after this 2nd audition everything will be covers..

But expect the unexpected, even the best band for that day wont have the chance to make it till the next round.
i read the terms & conditions... but i dun reli wanna understand it coz it's like changing all the time!!! lol

Yes. I agree with you bro, it seems that the terms & conditions keeps changing a few times lah.. I also dont wanna bother myself to read up every single detail.. just follow their instructions lah..

BTW I receive a call from ANUGERAH yesterday reminding me of the auditions this sunday? I already ask them and confirm ORIGINAL songs are allowed...

And I also agree that we have to expect the unexpected.. There may be some upsets happening this Sunday!!..
Its about how lucky u r also.. Originals are definitely allowed this round cause i guess the theme haven't start yet.. Even good tight bands could be out.. I guess its not just being a good musician.. Its about everything that involves media.. Thats why the judges were saying to dress up well for the next round.. I guess they should be looking at the personality, style, attitude and marketable purpose... Not just tight as a band.. U might not be so good looking but if u know how to style and carry yourself with confident on stage, thats wat i call x factor..
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Don't understand why this competition prefers band to play covers than originals. Other competition actually prefer bands to play originals. Might as well rename the whole thing to "Band look-a-like contest".......... But what the heck, if you are confident of your own stuffs, do it!!! yeaaaaa..... see you all on Sunday.
i think that anugerah wants the band to perform their originals in the latter rounds. for now, they want to see the bands perform covers, so they can compare how original/good the bands can perform the songs in contrast of the original artists.

This i gotta agree with The Unknown. as we all see, even during the AnUGERAH singing comp. all the contestants sing Covers. to all the bands that made it for tomorrows audition, put ur guts together and give ur fullest when on stage. Covers or originals, it wont matter that much. Talent is wat they are looking for, so give it to them.

hehehehe mcm betol je aku ni,.....
Anugerah Band 08

To all my fellow musicians in Singapore who've already qualified the 2nd round of the auditions and for those who've not been chosen, it's all about your music and interacting with the masses.does'nt mean if u can't play originals u are NOT GOOD.And it certainly does not mean that when u can only play covers,u are a CRAPPY musicians(some ppl DO label US like that)...This is OUR chance to show our neighbouring contries such as Indonesia,Malaysia(MALAY MUSIC INDUSTRY) that we can still be like THEM TOO!!! SO why hold yaself back when u have ya own compositions? Just bring it bro's and tell the rest of them that YOU are here to share and show what singapore bands are all about!!!!...WE ROCK BETTER THAN SOME PROFESSIONALS!!!...Agree????
hehehe ideal bro kau sebut sebut nama band aku pulak...segan beb. 1stly congrats to KONSPIRAZY bro for making it to the 2nd auditions. yeah true enuff abt this originals and cover thingy but argh wtf lah kan peduli apa just bedal the mempedal ah. Yg penting confidence level mesti mau tinggi bro...anda setuju tak?? Aku jumpa kau this sunday bro..kita gegar the TOP OF THE 8..hehehe like real jer aku ni