Anugerah Band Competition

ideal:wats there to be stress...either we in or out..but alr ask our guys ard..we are 4:2 besok..pakai tepong tebal2,sikat pakai kanji banyak2..tangkap hensem sudah...opsss..sori...for u pakai cap pakcik2 dangdut...!!!!!!kekekekekeke..
Tangkap hensem kekekeke, aku kesian tengok band band yang terkeluar tanpa bertanding, entah apa punya judging system, mengarut. Kesian korang2 yang tak masuk. To me they dont judge by talent but it's been judge by Comercial Value Sux.

The judges lineup should be Ramli Sarip, Hanfi Waren, Yazid luvhunters and maybe Yantzen. Than it will be fair and square, no interference from producer or what so ever.

ConGraTs tO aLL 12 baNds...

LoOkinG foRwaRd tO sEe u guYs peRform aGain...

anD bTw...

Any Knightwings fan heRe??


i tHink Knightwings deServE to wiN...

saW tHeir giG a Few tiMes n i tHink tHey reaLLy KicKaRse!...

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ConGraTs tO aLL 12 baNds...

LoOkinG foRwaRd tO sEe u guYs peRform aGain...

anD bTw...

Any Khightwings fan heRe??


i tHink Khightwings deServE to wiN...

saW tHeir giG a Few tiMes n i tHink tHey reaLLy KicKaRse!...


Knightwings, curi lagu Dokken "Alone Again", so they are lucky to perform and won the top12, for 3 suku too bad they dont have the criteria and i dont like their song.
the only local bands that i've seen frequenting the local stage is rancour and virus cinta(members of popwhizzee and cesspit). way to go guys!
dokken and george lynch kalo dengar bole menangis!!!!kekekeke...aniwae congrats to the 12 bands...our journey are over....
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Congrats to the 12 bands.. Don give up hope for those who don make it k. U guys are still the best 20 bands in singapore and people will remember that..

Knightwings....foooohhhhh Rock dulu dulu sey....that shows that ROCK NEVER DIES regardless off changes in time. hhaahhaaa Vokalis tarik abis..Gitaris solo feel giler dah macam Hillary Ang time late 80s.. INI BARU GEREK.....!!!!! WAH CAYA LAH.....
Congrats to the 12 bands.. Don give up hope for those who don make it k. U guys are still the best 20 bands in singapore and people will remember that..

Congrats to all the TOP 12 bands who made it.. You guys "ROCK ON" la...

The journey is over for us but rest assured that the music is not. There were a lot of factors which affected the elimination and I guess the better bands prevailed.. however PUTRA definately has my vote to win this comp.

In a way, I am glad that all this is over... so I can concentrate on my work and save up on my leave for june holidays..HAHA.
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Congrats to the bands who make it to the next round. For those who didn't, dun be disheartened. Making and playing music is not only about winning. There's more to it.
Keep rocking the local music industry!
so I can concentrate on my work and save up on my leave for june holidays..HAHA.

ni part aku sokong... lol

congrats to the top 12 bands.
fatskunks, xtech!!! make me proud! lol
its a good experienced anyway... kena make up by pretty ladies. :)

Thanks bro ideal.. I still think u guys are good.. It doesn't mean those who were eliminated were bad.. The ball is round.. its anyones game.. I think u should know.. Rock on bro..
hmmm no offense to other band... Knight wings shld win... having a great vocal... great showmanship from the guitarist... I must say... ROCK gerek
its a good experienced anyway... kena make up by pretty ladies. :)

hahaha... Ini part aku and semua bands yang lain SOKONG... LOL.

I see a lot of support for our local bands here.. Thats the spirit!!!

No matter which bands we support.. all of them will do us proud next week onwards and we shall all see their performance LIVE. Only then will we be able to judge which band deserve to win...

caught the show too (actually i recorded it...hehe)

knightwings vocals is amazing! i actually tot they're a "professional band" didn't know they're contestant...oops...(i don't understand malay)

there seems to be alot of talking(in the show)....after editing away the ads & talking parts theres only 17mins of pure music...issit gona be the same for the rest of the shows..?
caught the show too (actually i recorded it...hehe)

knightwings vocals is amazing! i actually tot they're a "professional band" didn't know they're contestant...oops...(i don't understand malay)

there seems to be alot of talking(in the show)....after editing away the ads & talking parts theres only 17mins of pure music...issit gona be the same for the rest of the shows..?

I missed the show, mind sending me the ad-free version? :)

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