ConGraTs tO aLL 12 baNds...
LoOkinG foRwaRd tO sEe u guYs peRform aGain...
anD bTw...
Any Khightwings fan heRe??
i tHink Khightwings deServE to wiN...
saW tHeir giG a Few tiMes n i tHink tHey reaLLy KicKaRse!...
Congrats to the 12 bands.. Don give up hope for those who don make it k. U guys are still the best 20 bands in singapore and people will remember that..
so I can concentrate on my work and save up on my leave for june holidays..HAHA.
its a good experienced anyway... kena make up by pretty ladies.
caught the show too (actually i recorded it...hehe)
knightwings vocals is amazing! i actually tot they're a "professional band" didn't know they're contestant...oops...(i don't understand malay)
there seems to be alot of talking(in the show)....after editing away the ads & talking parts theres only 17mins of pure music...issit gona be the same for the rest of the shows..?