in brief!
hey all! thanks for all your input! rest assured we are keeping tabs and listening to what everyone has to say, to the best of our ability.
just thought i'd explain in brief, to those who may not know or don't have a full understanding yet on how blackhole212 works (that's why we encourage you to ask!

-blackhole212 is
community-run, mainly by the punk/DIY community here in singapore, supported by many many other scenes/people of all races/genres of music/art
(that's how we were able to keep open for FOUR months already! thanks to everyone who has ever done a show/plugged a show/played a show/come to a show/donated stuff to blackhole

NO ONE at blackhole gets paid for anything, it is solely vounteer-based.
there is no salary for anyone.
yes, even the dols who stay over at blackhole countless nights in a row cleaningplanninghangingoutdrinkingtalkingwritingcountingrunningjumpingscreamingjammingtransportingreadingsingingpaintingfixingsleeping etc etc etc
-there are currently a small handful of people who handle the main aspects of gig bookings/finances/technicalities, but it is all done based on horizontal organisation.
-ALL booking fees/jammingfees/donations are compiled, and go straight to the rental of the shophouse unit, utility bills, and extras go to upgrading. (as you might be able to tell, there really isnt very much extra, as we usually need to get the PA/amps fixed pretty often!)
-blackhole is a non-profit, not-for-business venue, and we try to keep everything as transparent as possible. if you want to know anything,
just ask.
we have two meetings a month, that are open to anyone who is interested in helping out/finding out more. check for updates on meeting dates and times.
-we try to keep blackhole as
rule-free as possible, though we feel we need to make clear certain ethics that we keep, and as a community space, we try to make it work the best way we know how, to keep everyone's community safe, happy and everyone as equals (none of us are better than any of you either).
-we do not believe in
racism, sexism, or homophobia, and thus discriminatory acts/bands with abovementioned backgrounds as such are unwanted at the venue. we hope that those who parttake in the blackhole community will look out for each other's
safety and rights.
-on top of that, as many people have asked, moshing/dancing/jumping screaming is encouraged, smoking is allowed at the indoor back area (where the brown couch is), the only rules with regards to conduct is (we really have to stress this)
please don't bug the neighbours and their property, respect the space and respect each other!
-if you are looking to make money for yourself through making use of bands and shows and the people who come to shows, blackhole is not the place to do that. any profits gained from organising shows at blackhole is pure luck and hardwork on the organisers' side, plus alot of support and work from bands and friends, but should not be the reason why gigs are being organised here at blackhole.
-our booking rates for gigs are such that tickets range from $5 to $10 per head, depending on the organisers' discretion, for shows with only local bands. foreign/touring/commercial bands may cost a bit more so please excercise reason when deciding the price of the ticket as an organiser, or discussing the price of the ticket as a gig-goer.
never be afraid to ask why the ticket costs as much as it does!
-blackhole rates are
$120/hr for bookings less than 4 hrs
$100/hr for bookings more than 4 hrs
sun/eve of PH/PH:
all booking fees INCLUDE full live band equipment and sound technician. should there be a need for anything else, please ask and if we have it, you can use it at no extra cost. if not, feel free to outsource
-it's alot of work, but fulfilling work for us and everyone who sees blackhole as home.
once again, thank you all for supporting blackhole, we hope to stay open for as long as possible. it's been a great four months of ups and downs, meeting so many new people, and learning so much about everyone else, and learning more about oursleves in the process too. hopefully everyone can get the same out of blackhole