Some bands just didn't concentrate on Arts & Craft..

The points of Singapore local works itself is a subjective point..
1st debate: Follow Art vs Follow Trend
Someone was telling me that the common format of arrangement that Chinese music is using most of the time is the winning formula for their market.. but i did hear many inappropriate usage of such arrangement that didn't bring out the potential of the songs..
If anyone is music ear skilled enough, there are pretty much a number of 'standard formulas' in music creation. The point of argument is when the 'standard formulas' don't amplify the song at all.. then of cos there is the issue of how many 'standard formulas' one have in their heads..that they know about..that itself is a craft!
But as much as trend is concerned, especially genre based or concept base, there is a certain trend of styles used in the radio nowadays.. like i detest it, i feel it's like nursery rhymes. People are just listening to what's catchy, not what's feeling! The big disposition for the music creator is whether they should follow what they artistically want or follow the trend to make their songs sell-able..!
2nd debate: Old skool vs Nu skool
Kinda related with 1st debate.. I've seen so many local bands whose stuff is really Old Skool.. don't just subjugate this to Singapore local bands, in overseas, there are numerous Old Skool style bands..
Obviously, the radio here don't welcome well on Old Skool stuff, it happens around the world..! But, seriously, even if you create your songs based on Nu Skool, by the time you actually finish production, and get your songs to some fame, it will be Old Skool..We are not in position of the famous acts to come out Nu Skool stuff, and instantly, it's on the charts!!
It's just, even Old Skool bands should think about their quality of their can their sound quality, arrangement and production level lose out to the bands they are following. Those band's work were dated back in the 90's.. then the technology etc was limited.. now we have high tech gears.. It's expected that even present Old Skool original bands must fit the criterion standard of modern day expectations..yet, in a way, they can keep their Old Skool styles..
3rd debate: Is it ever ready???
Not every feedback is correct..! We can be so submerged in our work that by the time it's ever released, our hair has turned white! And seriously, no one can please everyone..
I always believe that the biggest critic is ourselves.. and that's good! We have to be seriously honest with ourselves.. when we hear our own work, state down to ourselves, is the work good enough as compared to the artist we are referencing to???? If in any way we are lagging, jot it down, and think about how one can override, workaround, or solve the problems..
If after they have done all that.. till they can't find faults.. and they push their work out, and some critics made bad remarks.. those critics may just not like the styles you are after.. if you pass them your reference artist music and say it's yours, they may also condemn too..You can't force a chicken to eat chicken..
What local bands need to improve on...
1) Please no showing off...
It's not about how great your skills are.. if you make songs, think of the songs..why do you need to show off those long guitar solos, drum solos, keyboard solos and have super long that what your songs are really getting to??? If it is, then fine.. but most of the time, it's not..!
2) Stop barking like a dog.. be human
I always try to feel my song.. song is emotion, if your emotion can't feel the song, then use your heart as an not say, 'hey, guitar riffs should be played this way, since most people's work play it this way!' may be appropriate for their work, but no yours.. If the song in a certain way doesn't bring out your own emotion, then there's something wrong..! Humans are not so different from each other, if you can feel the song, so can the audience.. unless you play your songs to a pack of dogs.. and try to bark like them..
3) Don't need to head out with too many songs, perfect few is better
It's the desperation of the Singapore market that affects our psychological state.. I try not to let my impatience get in the way of perfecting my work.. even though so many people do criticise me about being so slow in releasing/completing my own work. There's no way a song can be crafted to a good standard if the focus is to put it out.. it's about the song, not your situation..
Sadly, when you see band members walking out becos it takes too long.. the resultant is bad too..
I didn't want to talk about Arts&Craft, that's why i didn't want to talk about this.. it always comes to this..and the sidetrack is pointless.. too many people have been talking about the same points for ages..
I prefer looking at what can be done for the local market to make an impact..