This is a gig against greedy organisers,Support local music the right way!

My question to threadstarter:

Whats the percentage of the audience during your gig consisted of "FRIENDS OF THE BAND"?

Put it this way, most people attend gigs (or for that fact know about the gig at all) because their friend's band is playing.

You know what that means?

That means your $45 earned per band came straight from your own friends pockets!

Why not just call 10 of your friends to attend your jamming session, charge them $8 each, they get to hear you play for 2 hours instead of 25 mins. You make more, they hear more, and no fuss!
not really. tts how pay to play gigs are, or at least the ones i;ve played in. but during our gig, we kept encouraging everyone to stay and watch everyone's performances since it was only 5 bands. not like 10 or 8 bands in pay to play gigs. so we exchanged audiences. the silent killers and zeta were feeding from our audience, while we were feeding off our the silent killers audience and also some extra ppl. who came by word of mouth and by sight of the posters. so when each band invites at least 10 ppl, and 2 bands have played already..and they liked whgat they heard and wouldnt mind stayiong for the next, the next band gets at least 30 ppl watching, and also inclyding some other ppl who would come because they heard about the gig, or they like ur band because of the songs they heard on ur myspace, or they have been to ur gig or stumbled upon ur performance before.. trust me. it happened. there was an apt number of ppl at the gig.
ok hi sorry to interrupt. but youngsters' whole idea of playing in a band is in my opinion, all wrong.
you play in a band to write original music, play them, enjoy other original music by other local bands. hence creating a community spirit amongst bands of common genres.

bands nowadays, especially those starting out, just want to perform and make themselves heard. but they dont really want to listen or watch to other bands. right?

so its best, if you were to organize a gig, it were to include bands of the same or similar genres. at least people who come would stay to watch most or all of the bands, since they like that particular kind of music.

what i currently do is i call up 8-10 bands,of similar genres. a mixture of new bands and old bands.make them share the cost of renting the venue with me. at the end of the gig, the money from the door is divided equally amongst everyone. no tickets.

dont call newbie bands who dont have any demos and just play covers.
whats the point?
you be in a band to write original music. if they dont have any demos, means that they are just not putting enough effort right? they just want to play play play. but never think properly. u can get your songs recorded easily nowadays,be it a rough recording of a jamming session or a proper recording. at least if a band has songs on myspace, people can at least have an idea of how they sound like.

just my opinion.
I tried not to write anything here, BUT, some bands likes to have their own way of promoting themself. Doesnt mean that, a band with no demo recordings are bad. Some bands, wants to gig first, then record.

so yeah. Some bands with really good contacts and dont even bother about this thread :)
ok hi sorry to interrupt. but youngsters' whole idea of playing in a band is in my opinion, all wrong.
you play in a band to write original music, play them, enjoy other original music by other local bands. hence creating a community spirit amongst bands of common genres.

bands nowadays, especially those starting out, just want to perform and make themselves heard. but they dont really want to listen or watch to other bands. right?

so its best, if you were to organize a gig, it were to include bands of the same or similar genres. at least people who come would stay to watch most or all of the bands, since they like that particular kind of music.

what i currently do is i call up 8-10 bands,of similar genres. a mixture of new bands and old bands.make them share the cost of renting the venue with me. at the end of the gig, the money from the door is divided equally amongst everyone. no tickets.

dont call newbie bands who dont have any demos and just play covers.
whats the point?
you be in a band to write original music. if they dont have any demos, means that they are just not putting enough effort right? they just want to play play play. but never think properly. u can get your songs recorded easily nowadays,be it a rough recording of a jamming session or a proper recording. at least if a band has songs on myspace, people can at least have an idea of how they sound like.

just my opinion.

I have to agree with you here on the part where, the organiser shud get similar type genres to play so that the audiences anticipate and bands also stayed to give their support instead of just packing up and go home.

There are indeed instances whereby, we have Thrash metal and Emo-core bands and some other new genres playing at the same day/stage and u can clearly see the audiences in numbers and bands really do pack up right after they play coz they have got no interest in other kinda genres. But i trust some of the organisers such as example LightsOut Inc. They really know their stuff.
A great myspace layout or great photoshoot, will definitely count on promoting the bands well.

If you got a myspace, and very boring layout, people will just close the window and don't bother to listen what they got.

Ok lets not go into myspace. Good contacts meaning, knowing good organizers/bands.
what are the hard numbers for the gigs?

1. total ppl turn up?
2. total revenue collected
3. total cost of the events (venues, A&P, etc..)
4. % of ticket sales by band, which band sells the most tix and which has the lowest?

kids these days only know how to point fingers without knowing what it really takes . seriously , i'm f*ckin pissed with all these thing against organisers . They can just use 1 excuse to flame the organisers and its a common one - ' ALL THEY DO IS JUST BOOK THE VENUE ' . With this I can see how much you know about ANYTHING in the music scene . Carry on screwing the organisers cos no matter what , experience speaks more than anything .
ok hi sorry to interrupt. but youngsters' whole idea of playing in a band is in my opinion, all wrong.
you play in a band to write original music, play them, enjoy other original music by other local bands. hence creating a community spirit amongst bands of common genres.

bands nowadays, especially those starting out, just want to perform and make themselves heard. but they dont really want to listen or watch to other bands. right?

so its best, if you were to organize a gig, it were to include bands of the same or similar genres. at least people who come would stay to watch most or all of the bands, since they like that particular kind of music.

what i currently do is i call up 8-10 bands,of similar genres. a mixture of new bands and old bands.make them share the cost of renting the venue with me. at the end of the gig, the money from the door is divided equally amongst everyone. no tickets.

dont call newbie bands who dont have any demos and just play covers.
whats the point?
you be in a band to write original music. if they dont have any demos, means that they are just not putting enough effort right? they just want to play play play. but never think properly. u can get your songs recorded easily nowadays,be it a rough recording of a jamming session or a proper recording. at least if a band has songs on myspace, people can at least have an idea of how they sound like.

just my opinion.

qns: why must an establish bands wanna share cost with a new young band, where the main crowd puller will be the establish bands and than the $$ will be evenly distributed? Socialist music? LOL

why don't establish bands work with other establish band to form a cartel that everyone has the ability to mobilize their fans, which enjoy the same genre and this cartel are run by the band's management themselves? better right? with a nice decent budget and support by their record labels and distributors with tickets properly distributed thru their labels and distribution network and set-up a touring arrangement to tour the region and northern asia, australia, etc.. and than bank roll the $$ forward by investing in and bringing in new talent with a very strict criteria, so only good bands can come on board!
i guess in the end everyone just cares about how much money is put in. and the little popularity there is.
nobody really cares about the music.

label? singapore?
ok jaarvis. can you just describe what an organizer does? please dont skip any details.
coz theres just too much confusion. might as well clear up the doubts and finger pointing.
qns: why must an establish bands wanna share cost with a new young band, where the main crowd puller will be the establish bands and than the $$ will be evenly distributed? Socialist music? LOL

Well,you're trying to say that the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer?

Its all about sharing the stage,having a sense of community.

Hey, I managed to get some "established" punkrock bands to share the cost with some new bands at a recent punkrock gig. and it went well.

I guess this kind of thing can only happen with punkrockers. who dont really care about anything else but the music.
the heimlich maneuver, you are doing band recording right? Well, an organiser does everything that the audio engineer does and on top of it, make sure there is profit.

Well not trying to get into argument about being rich or poor. I know 1 thing that is, "I don't help any body by being poor".

If we want to have a healthy music scene where musicians are able to make a living, we have to look at how we can sustain it.