This is a gig against greedy organisers,Support local music the right way!

Great one bobby. You put all the words perfectly. Hope 2010 will be a better year! As quoted from the similar thread ' When you have a business rival, you don't tell your rival what to do and follow your way of doing things'
lol yea i guess tts right. i cant just diss them. just go ahead with what we wanna do, and stop whining. knocked some sense out of me right there. i still wonder what happened to this thread, i rmbr postin it under gigs/concert/events. and then it got changed to a discussion.

i just hope more bands would get up and diy, instead of depending on one another, and blaming others for not enough opportunities and all.
I'm curious: What was Bobby's band eh?

TS: Is DIY the solution for the local music scene?

It was a band from a few years back. But alas, that was not the main point of the post. I just wanted to reaffirm the fact that the local scene must never rest on its laurels if it has any hope of getting anywhere. Too much whining and too little doing never got the job done. It's a tough crowd out there, filled with neutrals and naysayers of the scene here, and it benefits none of us if there's so much in-house fighting worthy of any Republican debate.

I don't like the idea of pay-to-play gigs any more than the next person, but I do feel that, at least in their own way, they're trying to do their part. It's not as if they'll be rolling in the big bucks anyway, what with local shows usually amassing an audience of under a 100 people. It may be a snide and underhanded way of doing things, but at least these organizers are still trying to put a foot forward - though not necessarily their best one. Don't fault young bands for wanting to play these kind of shows too. When you're new and eager to show the world your stuff, you're bound to take a misstep or two before finding your way around. There are no villains here; only a shared dream and passion for doing what all of us love. Lead and inspire with a steady mind and hand and others will naturally follow. And if they don't, well, then it benefits you and your more insightful band in the long run, doesn't it?
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RONIN \m/:mrgreen:

That's what you said, not me!
Actually, my band was called The Long Hard Thing & The Crystal Balls.
We used to play jazz with a fusion of rap and reggae. Real chill out stuff! You could almost tap your feet to the out-of-tune guitars and screeching B-grade vocals! Nice.
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That's what you said, not me!
Actually, my band was called The Long Hard Thing & The Crystal Balls.
We used to play jazz with a fusion of rap and reggae. Real chill out stuff! You could almost tap your feet to the out-of-tune guitars and screeching B-grade vocals! Nice.

hahah, with band names like that, care to enlighten me what the titles of your number1 hits were?

;) you know i know haha
hahah, with band names like that, care to enlighten me what the titles of your number1 hits were?

;) you know i know haha

I only mentioned stuff like that cause it was getting increasingly lame seeing all these teens complain, complain, complain :) I figured it'd be an effective way of saying "Wake up your idea and get back on track!" Just wanted to show that things can be done without whining.

The number one hits were "Baby, I love you but your armpit smells like Edward Cullen", "I Sparkle Like A Pixie" and "Boy, I suck (cause I'm a vampire(". Really liberating stuff! Vocalist sucked too!
haha. i wanted to go for a couple of gigs, but in the end couldnt, like i wanted to go fro the peace on love off gig, coz of etc and we gang, and now again i wanna watch etc,we gang, the pinholes and basement at powon 30th. dunno if im under aged to watch though. lol @ bobby: your songs sound frkin awesome. especially the edward cullen bit. hate that pale ass.
haha never mind, i'm organising another DIY gig too on the 23rd jan, get ready for SUPERMASSIVE 2.0!!! must come!! :twisted:

details to be out soon
Is it really expensive to organise a gig at esplanade?

This is just an opinion,

I was just thinking abt organising gig for all of our local bands be it the "famous" & non famous ones. It will be more interesting as we will be able to promote local music in an interesting venue where you will be able to have strangers coming instead of just friends to support the bands.

On top of that, we can start doing ticket sales which will be held at the sistic outlets like somebody had mentioned earlier. Ads will be a good way to promote the gigs like for e.g. ads in the MRT trains? SBS bus? Television? Radio?

Of course all this will involved money. But I believe things can be worked out if we can get all relevant parties involved to discuss.

"Just my 3 cents"
esplanade? Recital Hall can cost you $5000 or so for two time block(afternoon and night). Also many hidden cost involved. Theatre and Concert hall don't even dare to think.:mrgreen:
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I only mentioned stuff like that cause it was getting increasingly lame seeing all these teens complain, complain, complain :) I figured it'd be an effective way of saying "Wake up your idea and get back on track!" Just wanted to show that things can be done without whining.

The number one hits were "Baby, I love you but your armpit smells like Edward Cullen", "I Sparkle Like A Pixie" and "Boy, I suck (cause I'm a vampire(". Really liberating stuff! Vocalist sucked too!

The hilarious thing is that these song titles could come from your current band. :D
Is it really expensive to organise a gig at esplanade?


they may be ex, but i think once ppl get to see some good bands, we could organise one at the esplanade etc, with profits earned from previouis gigs.. itll take alot, but i think if "unorganized organisers" join hands, it'll be possible, u could even ask the bands to donate their profits to the esplanade gig or whatsoever, im sure they wouldnt mind so long as they know they're gonna be playing. its possbile but will take some time, and bands shd have a good enough following.
On top of that, we can start doing ticket sales which will be held at the sistic outlets like somebody had mentioned earlier. Ads will be a good way to promote the gigs like for e.g. ads in the MRT trains? SBS bus? Television? Radio?

SISTIC takes a cut of the ticket sales, up to 7%, depending on the concert plan you have in mind. Also, the kind of media space you want would run up to the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Starting for a 400 cat concert/theater , organizer don't earn from ticket sale. These is not way the cover cost by just selling tickets. However, you guy can try Art House Chamber about 200 cat people. Art House can help to sell the ticket. However, they are not very easy to deal with to get a performance room.