A Custom Made Guitar

Maybe for your next project, you could start by chopping down the trees yourself!

Seriously speaking, other than really chopping the trees and getting the wood, the whole guitar was DIY-ed! Good stuff! Hope to see the finished product real soon. Good luck and have fun! Perhaps custom amplifier next project?
Nice! Brass saddles? Pop in arm?

Can I add something here?

Nice design, but how about extending the adjustment area of the saddles (as in the back area of the bridge) such that it's got a longer length of travel. This would allow the same bridge and same scale length to be used for drop tunings down by one step (E to D). The intonation space for most bridges is usually not enough on standard bridges for the low E string.

Soemthing I discovered after tuning my 7 string to A instead of B. Thankfully Ibanez made allowances for this. I think they sort of expected this, and made the ZR bridge tunable down by a whole step, and intonation is possible due to an extra screw hole for the saddles.

thanks white ..
i really waiting for this advice :) ...

may be i'll add +/- 2or3 mm more on the back of the bridge trem & i'll reduce the string saddle length a lilttle .. so it has more spaces to move :mrgreen:

its not a brass.. its a Stavac steel from ASSAB .. and it can't rust .. it has a nice gloss/mirror surface when u polished it ... i currently run out of brass material... may be next one .. i'll make from a brass.. goldie looks :)

in my experience working with metal... a brass material is easy to get oxidation when it attaches to human sweats .. & it will turn to blue/green colored and dirt at the spot.. i'll try workin on it next time.. :)
Maybe for your next project, you could start by chopping down the trees yourself!

Seriously speaking, other than really chopping the trees and getting the wood, the whole guitar was DIY-ed! Good stuff! Hope to see the finished product real soon. Good luck and have fun! Perhaps custom amplifier next project?

LOL.. chopping a huge and a haunted tree
thanks bro... :)

a custom amps? wooo... i'd really had to study more on the electronics :p

not all parts he he... except frets wires and string tuners ....
i really look forward to make my own tuning machine :p .. i'll make it a locking tuners like sperzel had .. still researching though ..
may be i'll add +/- 2or3 mm more on the back of the bridge trem & i'll reduce the string saddle length a lilttle .. so it has more spaces to move :mrgreen:

I think in this aspect, maybe making a bigger bridge space is better than reducing saddle length? I dunno, but would loss of material from saddle result in a thinner tone?

Yes, brass oxidises... But I think if it's properly coated, it might work well? How does PRS do it?:confused:
I think in this aspect, maybe making a bigger bridge space is better than reducing saddle length? I dunno, but would loss of material from saddle result in a thinner tone?

Yes, brass oxidises... But I think if it's properly coated, it might work well? How does PRS do it?:confused:

a thinner tone ...umm, a tiny, slightly no differences in tone i think, but i've given it a slot.. so the saddles will move steadily forward and backward only & stay still on their place.. it can't move to left or right... this will improve the rigidity and the tone ...

White.. u wanna try mine? :p he he but u need to replace the bolts .. 'coz i made my trem can move up and down .. it would be nice if u were here to try it ...

yes, u were right, it's properly coated... so it wont get oxidation when a sweaty hand touches it
or u can make it from iron than coated it in gold color (<< this one is the reason why its more expensive on the market than the silver/chrome color... for coating it in gold needs more penny :p )
White.. u wanna try mine? :p he he but u need to replace the bolts .. 'coz i made my trem can move up and down .. it would be nice if u were here to try it ...

Of course I'd love to try it... If the finish product is as fantastic as it promises to be, I'd save a lot of money by asking you to make a custom from me than to order it from the US!!!!:mrgreen:
Of course I'd love to try it... If the finish product is as fantastic as it promises to be, I'd save a lot of money by asking you to make a custom from me than to order it from the US!!!!:mrgreen:

wow !!... maybe i'll ship one of mine to u r place someday :)
man i'm serious ... LoL
i'm waiting for a customs from u then :rolleyes:
a request from fellow softies ...

wooden potentio knobs .. made from the wood i used for my guitar body
its a trial.. next time i'll use a rosewood

see the left one

hehe the top of the wooden knobs is holey :p i cant feel it when i drill the back of it ..oops... next time i won't
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U are really putting the word custom in custom guitar. u're one crazy mofo...my hats off to you. awaiting the final result....

love the black&gold knobs....any chance i can get some from you?

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@blodstyre .. thankss bro... the knobs? yeah u can ... i'll let u know :) maybe if there is someone had me doing on customs, i will put them together on the shipment :D
yeah..thanks again bro... i will rushing it...

@mus .. woow thanks.... hehe

@tatto .. that's really great !!! :D
Great work so far mate.. You really need a webbie once all these is done.. People will be amazed and then they'll order! :mrgreen:
that trem looks pretty much spot on to a mannmade trem that the early prs was using.

alternatively for a more solid less moving parts kinda feel you could take cue from the wilkinsons which feature lock down saddles which prevent them from moving after being intonated. and u could also take note of the vigier bridges which use a ball bearing fulcrum rather that the traditional knife edge which can wear out.

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