23rd Feb(Saturday)–(DXS) Public Performances At JGCC For Mexican Embassy/MP & Public




Thanks to Xeno, Ceing, Fu Man, Pacfusion, Rosel and Myself - - - - - The Yamaha Maple Custom - Shines.sssssssss ! man .

Bro Jiv & Deon - Your Rehersal for tomorrow night "Drum Battle Performance" is ON.ooooo at 7.30 to 10pm.

Liang Hong & Nazreen - It's your Rehersal....

It's All YOurs Now !

PS; - All who wants to come and see them Reherse - By ALl Means - Come.ee & Let's have Coffee after that.

Oooops: - One more thing - There is going to be lots of People watching - Cause there is a Pasa-Malam there - just set up opposite the CC (a whole stretch)......
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yay!! i like pasar malams!! wow so does this mean the public turnout on Sat will be bigger than expected??

metzal n cjl: with ref to pg 9, 1st pic, wat's with the matching expressions?? and yr interesting pose somemore, cjl. lol
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@ = It’s This Saturday 23rd Febuary – DXS Public Drum Battle Performances ! - DXS Members, We Need Your Support – Please Come !

This Saturday 23rd Febuary is DXS 1st Open Public Drum Battle Performances on stage – Please come and support us. This is also A Cultural Exchange Program between (Mexico & Singapore so-called) where the Mexican Embassy, and it’s Ambassodor and Delegates will be here.

There will be a Large Crowd watching this Performances by DXS since a “Pasa – Malam” is being set-up just directly opposite the Jurong Green CC – to boost traffic (I strongly believe – these people are always very smart) kekekeke !.

So our dear DXS Members – please come support DXS, Support Drumming, Support Our Local Community in this Building Program altogether. (There will be many other very Interesting & Value-Progams coming-Up this Year for DXS) – I shall provide a link to one of them here later…But For now - - - Please come.

Venue: - Jurong Green CC – This Saturday

Time: 8pm to 10pm (But many of us will be there in the Afternoon by 2pm I presume) as we need to set up the Drums and many things there – please come and help and enjoy the day altogether. The Actual Program starts at 5.00pm

Membership Registration:
- Should you want to Register as DXS Members on this same day – please do so – if not some other days is also ok.

@ = How To Get There !

Jurong Green CC is at Jurong West Avenue.1.

Alight MRT at Jurong East Mrt station.
Take Feeder Bus Service No.334 From Bus Terminal below the MRT Station.
When you’re in the bus – look at Right-Hand Side of the Bus
You will see the Jurong Green CC (Huge) with a McDonnalds there.
And – There is a stretch of Pasa-Malam that day (You won’t miss the Mark-Trust Me)
Press The Bell- Alight & Walk backwards to the CC – very short distance only

See You All There Bros / Sis.

Warmest Regards

We Need 2 Helpers Tomorrow Friday 22nd to Help James Of Soft To Move The Mapex Orion from (Jazz At South Bridge – from Boon Gee) to Jurong Green CC -

Dear Drummers & Members Of DXS:-

We urgently need 2 Volunteer Helpers tomorrow – to help James Of Soft (who is so kind & supportive to help us Transport the Mapex Orion that is ( Loan to us from Terry Of Pro Musique – thanks to Terry too) – to Jurong Green CC.

The Drums will be Transported from “Jazz At South Bridge” to “Jurong Green CC”. The 2 Volunteer Helpers will help James carry the Mapex Orion to the Van and together bring it to JGCC.

We need 2 Helpers please .eeee help – thks – contact me also at – 97989977 if you wish (and appreciate if you would put names up here)

Volunteer To Help Move Mapex Orion on 22nd Feb

Latest Update: -There is a Large White Tents & Some smaller Tents & the Stage is already UP Wow - It’s Nice – the whole place) I saw it yesterday....and the stretch of Pasa-Malam .... is pretty long lol !

I will take some pictures tonight and upload it here for you all to see – the preparation ok…

Cheers !
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yay!! i like pasar malams!! wow so does this mean the public turnout on Sat will be bigger than expected??

metzal n cjl: with ref to pg 9, 1st pic, wat's with the matching expressions?? and yr interesting pose somemore, cjl. lol
? Got matching expressions?! :confused:

Pinata Hanging At Tent – Pronounce as (Piniata_ - Mexican Thing) - Inside Piniata got lots of Sweet


Bro Jiv & Deon Rehersing – Gosh ! they are good

just a quick update on friday's (feb 22) rehearsals...

drum battle rehearsal for the day was for Nazreen and Liang Hong. gawd, the bit that i saw was AWESOME!!! can't even begin to imagine the rest i missed. seriously guys, do come down for this event, there will be some jaw-dropping moments, maybe some humour, definitely lots of entertainment and i just know that any drummer or even anyone who appreciates music will have a Great time!!!

as for our DXS opening item, this is our current line-up in no particular order(unfortunately, rla had to back out due to an overseas trip he had to make)
(1) pacifusion
(2) snowflier
(3) LordNagrath
(4) caijunlong
(5) metzalx
(8 )xenOgenesis

our item will be a short piece using concert toms. after some trials and tribulations during4 rehearsals, we finally managed to have all 8 come together on the last one and i must say, we managed to kick some ass!!

so we hope to give u all a good show on Sat. do come in yr DXS tees ya?? let's show some DXS pride!!! YEAH!!
Last Night - 22nd Feb Rehersal / Sound-Balancing & Sound Check -

Rehersing Drum-Line – These Bros/Sis are highly commendable for theior time & effort – they were at the Practice Room in the Afternoon – Great TeamWork & Drummers ! ….


Nazreen & Liang Hong – Rehersing inside MUSART Room

Mapex Orion & Yamaha Maple Custom – Up on Stage For Sound Balancing & Check !

Note: - For all these Made Possible – DXS sincerely thanks all you people:

Drumline Practice Participants: - These Drummers came from as far as Bedok, Senkang, etc and was dedicated to Practicing every night at DXS – Thank You all and they will be at JGCC again Today at 3pm for practice – They deserve our Greatest Support for their Highly Dedicated Spirit in making 23rd (That this tonight) evening great.

Drum Battle Performances Participants:- For taking their time to work and practice as a Team for tonight Core Performances.

Pro Musique: Thanks Terry for loaning the Mapex Orion to DXS for tonight Event – Great Drums It Is. Most of all thanks for arranging and even sending the Toms to us directly last nite and spending the evening with us – That was great encouragement.

Soft (James Hinself): Thanks for collecting the Mapex Orion (all alone) and sending it to Soft’s DXS at JGCC last evening for Sound Balancing & Check last night.

Fu Man: - Our Cymbal Specialists - for brininging his 2 Sets Of Awesome Cymbals for Tonight Show -

Alfe: - Our MC & Facilitator for DXS on 23rd Feb Performance.

Ron ( BluePrintStudio): Thanks for being there to check it out and – we will see you tonight for helping us – Mic Up The Both Kits & Putting The Videos AT YouTube when Ready

Zildjohn: - Thanks for helping out tonight (as in Drum Festival 2007 as usual) to take Photos tonight on behalf of Soft.

Nazreen: - For The Time In Training Us into making this night possible in spite of your Busy Schedule.

Tama Goh: - For taking his precious personal time in writing the script, for checking on us every night, for being so strict (Kekekekeke )... in spite of your Very Busy Time Schedule.

Mr Henry Ho (Chairman of Jurong Green CC): For inviting DXS to A Public Performances for the 1st-Time-Ever, for giving us that Home-Sweet-Home to reside and – helping us publicise DXS to the Local Community.

Mr. Chong Of JGCC : - For letting us have access of the practice rooms made so smoothly

(This Above List Is Not Exhaustive, just to mention a few ) …. Most Of All …. THANK YOU ALL DXS Members for making this Materialise - You Have All Help UpKeep DXS Going In Your Own Ways ....THANK YOU ALL ...

We Will " SEE YOU ALL TONITE !" ….Cheers !

You Can Call Me at 97989977 (Eric) At Anytime, When You’re There !
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