zvex fuzz factory

imho, if your budget can go up another 100 or + more, its possible. Most of those which do oscillating sound usually will be round 200+ and above.

The closest you might like to try is a catalinbread teaser stallion. It shud be round 300 or below. Its a distortion, but it does has a second stomp switch which call upon the oscillation that can be controlled by the volume/tone knob.

with the 200 and below budget, perhaps you can look around the local classified for those kinda pedals. But patience is required to come across a good deal...

my best advice for a fuzz if budget is an issue :D

BYO Clone !! :lol:
simple, easy build typical 2 silicon transistor fuzz will be a delight indeed!!
No, the Stallion is not available in Singapore.
You can order from Tonefactor though. If the site says 'out of stock', just email Brad anyway. He will most likely be able to get one for you anyhow.

You know ah Shredrat, fuzz is a wonderful thing. I did not get fuzz initially, but later on it just captured my imagination and I cannot get enough of it. I foresee myself emptying my bank account on fuzz pedals. :lol:

One of the fantastic thing about fuzz is that it comes in so many different shades. And it really difficult to pinpoint what is suitable for you.
And although most fuzz pedals state that they are fuzzface, tonebender clones etc, they never sound exactly the same.
Fuzz pedals are pedals with loads of character, and each one is unique.

Next best thing about fuzz is how they interact with your guitar volume knob.
Some clean up really well, others not.
Some can clean up and still sound full, some will clean up but when past a certain point on the volume knob, sound like paper.
I love how I can get so many different shades just by rolling off some volume, and how I can get that clean with bite, and how dynamic a fuzz can be.

So if you have the time, go listen to all the different clips of different fuzz pedals, since you do not actually have the means of trying out an MJM, or the Fuzz Factory for that matter.
And also listen to songs with fuzz, and eventually you will uncover your personal fuzz flavour preference. Then you will have a rough idea of which fuzz will suit you best. And then choosing a fuzz pedal will be infinitely easier.

I might recommend you one particular pedal, but it might not suit you. Some people like fuzzes with silicons, but I think germanium sounds much better. And others would have a different opinion.
So, yeah, just listen more and have fun with fuzz.

And imho, most pedestrian fuzz pedals just do not cut it. I do not know enough to explain it, but somehow most of the best fuzz pedals fall into the boutique sphere.

Go boutique for fuzzes. Production lines can't spare the time and effort to match the parts... even though a fuzz is a circuit with few components, its the matching that matters.
Hard to define, but a 'boutique' product would more often than not encompass the following traits, it's all IMHO.

Mostly differentiated, offering unique one of a kind products. Unlike the usual homegeneous products available.

On most occasions,
relatively more costly than another mass-produced product of the same nature.

On most occasions,
originating from dedicated individual builders or small-scale companies. Handmade, with great focus on quality, resulting in products of exceptional calibre.
Not mass-produced in factories by machines. Great care and pride taken and demonstrated by the respective builders.
Not to forget that in the boutique sphere, we get a lot of interesting and creative takes/variations on the various commonplace effects.

The individual is almost always more creative than a mega mainstream firm. Almost always.
i love you 'phil' :heart: ... ahhh what a nice fella you are ....and you got the Fuzz Love Action goin on eh fella !!

the one that started it all

Still owing to try your clone! Sometimes life gets in the way, but soon! :lol:

So was it Keith Richards or Hendrix that first started the fuzz trend rolling? Heh heh.
anyway, just on the teaser stallion. Wake me up music is the dealer for catalinbread stuff. I believe there might just be one or 2 of the teaser stallion around. It was there early this year when i was there.