This thread has been inactive for a while but I just stumbled across it.
I am much older than most of you and when I was younger I was always interested in everything except studies. TOO BORING for a sporty, hotshot good looking guy. Well the sports are gone now and so have the looks

but thats another story.
Now, looking back on my life I cannot thank my stars enough that I had parents who nagged me to study. At least the nagging made me realize, even if it was 1% of the total make up, to give study a fair shot. And I did make something out of myself eventually. I learnt some skills that feed and clothe me and my own Family now. Nothing lavish but comfortable.
Take Tiger Woods for example. The most talented person in his field. BUT he is also very good with his money, image, relationships. I believe a basic education gives a person these simple qualities. The ability to balance a bank account and to plan and achieve things step by step. I am sure you would want to have these skills whether you become Stars or not (and I wish you do realize your dreams and become stars).
My kids are too young now and they are not embarassed to give me HUGE hugs whenever they see me (even if I have only been away 2 hours). I hope they will never stop hugging me and showing how much they love me. Even if it is not so openly when they are older like you
I agree completely that parents do not have to be rude or distant when their kids dont listen to them straight away. But unfortunately older people have our own bugs too. An unreasonable boss, a business gone bad, disappointments, deserved opportunities passing by as we grow older etc etc. The last thing a Normal parent wants is to see all this happen to our own kids 20 years down the road

We want you to be so good at whatever you do that life is easier on you all. Not realistic, not idealistic, doesn't stand for improving humanity a bit, but a reasonable Wish wouldn't you agree.
Talk to your parents - you are probably smarter and know how to approach them better than they do! Be young and enjoy life. Worry about future and becoming musicians or professionals or bankers or doctors later. Your talents will take you where you want to go:-D
Good Luck and Cheers.