New member
intresting thread here.
For me, My parents are to a certain extend supportive of my music. I have been intrested in drums, they were worried that it would be just a passing intrest. I prove to them it's not. after much pestering, pleasing, good results to show them, my mum dragged my dad and me down to swee lee. They bought a roland electronic drum. for fear of the noise created by a acoustic drum. They in exchange created deals with me. my mom wanted good results and me to be a good girl, my dad said i owned him 2 years of washing his cars. lol.
soon afterwards, I was intrested in bass. they disapprove of it. my dad was the one who objected most. I saved hard, finally enough for the bass. Mum had promised that if i had good results, she would sponser abit.
but in the end, i got crap results, so i got to use my own money. they didn't said anything either.
my music influences are so different from my parents. they sometimes makes noise on why i listen to bands who are so noisy. lol. they did asked me to play a few songs that they liked. haha. sometimes, they said that me playing the drums is noisy. lol.
well, my mum is not really supportive of me going into a band. she always felt that studying is more important and that joining a band would take up alot of my time. she was also worried for the people i would meet in the music industry. she is not suppoortive of me having a career on music.
but i guess they have resons for that.
i guess i am pretty fortunate to have my abit supportive parents. lol.
cheers and good luck to everyone.
For me, My parents are to a certain extend supportive of my music. I have been intrested in drums, they were worried that it would be just a passing intrest. I prove to them it's not. after much pestering, pleasing, good results to show them, my mum dragged my dad and me down to swee lee. They bought a roland electronic drum. for fear of the noise created by a acoustic drum. They in exchange created deals with me. my mom wanted good results and me to be a good girl, my dad said i owned him 2 years of washing his cars. lol.
soon afterwards, I was intrested in bass. they disapprove of it. my dad was the one who objected most. I saved hard, finally enough for the bass. Mum had promised that if i had good results, she would sponser abit.
but in the end, i got crap results, so i got to use my own money. they didn't said anything either.
my music influences are so different from my parents. they sometimes makes noise on why i listen to bands who are so noisy. lol. they did asked me to play a few songs that they liked. haha. sometimes, they said that me playing the drums is noisy. lol.
well, my mum is not really supportive of me going into a band. she always felt that studying is more important and that joining a band would take up alot of my time. she was also worried for the people i would meet in the music industry. she is not suppoortive of me having a career on music.
but i guess they have resons for that.
i guess i am pretty fortunate to have my abit supportive parents. lol.
cheers and good luck to everyone.