Yamaha Asian Beat heats..the aftermath...

Pretty old thread bt..

These happen..as musicians you are expected to adapt to situations. Sometimes they could sync the setup (balance the PAs with on-stage audio), but most of the time there are some limitations in hardware and compromises are to be made. I do wonder why they have to completely soften the stage amps to the point where you cannot even hear the progression of one note to the other. Given the fact someone is complaining in the end, I would expect more professionalism from Yamaha, though.
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gee guys. the live sound was done by focal pro audio. i guess they mixed it that way such that it would be comfortable for listeners instead of getting too much feedback. but maybe too much though.
since when focal did the live sound..... haha.... yamaha did the whole event themselves or rather the live sound part... the only focal pro guys there are the video crews
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since when focal did the live sound..... haha.... yamaha did the whole event themselves or rather the live sound part... the only focal pro guys there are the video crews

my bad then. i took it for granted. thanks for the enlightenment Ichiro!
Hey ... our band Plastic Persona also experienced hearing problems with the monitor and stuff. The drummer couldn't hear the guitarists and this caused some minor confusion. But its was overall an amazing experience to be on the stage and playing music.
maybe next time you should try in-ear monitor. lots of professional bands use. you can hear each other and protects your hearing as well.
boiboi, in-ear-monitor is not as easy as you think. It is much much more difficult to set up. Though the advantages are many.
i've never liked the idea of in-ear monitors though. not cuz it's not useful.


it's cuz no vibe. on stage muz rock out man. hahahaha. stage monitors enough.
totally agreed

i have to agree with the comments posted. My band have been playing in numerous gigs that sound way much more better than what was given by the organiser. The roadie is not at fault but the system and the settings are to be blamed. we too experienced the same thing that happened that night which we were unable to perform at our most 100%. The sound truly threw us off. but hey, these are parts and parcel of any struggling bands in Singapore.

Ashburnz, silverfront bassist.
Dee, vocalist

p/s: these are just good critics for all people out there, so that we can improve and learned from it.
Goooooo knightwings!

They performed at my school for a charity event.
They played Sweet Child O' Mine.

Power vocals..
omg, knightwings singer sat with me at the asian beat semi-final band briefing. i scared already, he damn close to me. wahahahhaha. all the best to the semi-finalists. =D

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