[WTA] Markbass LM II & Genz-Benz shuttle 6.0

Point to note: LMII from US is rated for 120V power supply. So either you have to find out how to convert it to a 240V supply, or you have to lug around a step down transformer with you (which pretty much defeats the idea of having a portable amp head.)
Point to note: LMII from US is rated for 120V power supply. So either you have to find out how to convert it to a 240V supply, or you have to lug around a step down transformer with you (which pretty much defeats the idea of having a portable amp head.)

thanks for pointing it out, i think the step down transformer is pretty tiny? i got 1 small one that i use for my very old Nintendo Game Cube ;p works ok for like 5yrs now.

of course a native 120/240 mutl adaptor is desirable :(
actually, you want a step-down transformer rated for 600w if you want to run it at full-tilt. the small ones for your game cube can probably only handle up to 50-60w.. and the more powerful transformers are NOT small :/

also, markbass will not give you support if you want to rewire the lmII to 240v. trust me, i've tried :)
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Yupps... For the power you need, it won't be very small.
we are a sad bunch lah...

anyway i'm beginning not to see the point of bringing something in if there are already dealers here. very hard to beat the dealers for alot of gear, especially where shipping is involved.
we are super sad bunch!! got $$$ wanna buy. local dealer dun have, wanna buy overseas got voltage issues, wanna get stuff and i think it will work, now i need to lug around a huge transformer. might as well get a big normal head....

how sad sad sad sad sad sad saddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats why i got the GB shuttle. =)
There's a switch to toggle between 120V and 240V supply, so can buy from Us without worry on the power supply issue.
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I don't understand the dilemma here - what is it that you intend to buy but there's no stock of?
wanted to get the Markbass LMII, but davies sold out and than i ask them that i want to order or buy it, they say ordering but dunno when going to arrive and told me that ppl already booked it and their shipment might not have extra.

so i want to buy online and going to NY soon so might as well get it there but than find out that Markbass dun have multipel voltage switching and i need to lug around a huge power transformer. So LPPL.

as 2 of the band i am playing with is going back to the studio i need to prep my gear and 1 of them is under a major label and aleady given the band some $$$ for recording :(. and the sound engineer advice me to get a 'better' am head as the hartke he has might not be able to dial in the sound that i am aiming for, s i've already pass him multiple other band sample sound :((, so i tot of crafting my own sound starting with a LMII or Genz Benz shuttle 6.0 but than *sigh*, i also consider renting a amp head like ampeg SVT or a Messa but no one rents them out at least so far that i know.

so back to zero lah damn frustrating
wanted to get the Markbass LMII, but davies sold out and than i ask them that i want to order or buy it, they say ordering but dunno when going to arrive and told me that ppl already booked it and their shipment might not have extra.
i like davis for the stuff they bring in and decent prices, but not enough stock coming in?? bring in more lah!
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You're mic'ing up your bass amp for recording? Why don't you consider using a good DI instead. Something like the REDDI is extremely good for recording.

Or consider the EBS microbass. Its very useful with the effects loop on it. Very good quality DI on it too. (No, i'm not selling mine.. =)... )