[WTA] Markbass LM II & Genz-Benz shuttle 6.0

yeah got 2 of them somemore, seems old though

wat i saw was - 2[space]00

the space was lyk rubbed off lah. the ink fadded.
so logically i put the lowest no. possible and the price 2k was formed in my head lah.
I think the old hartke combos do sound much better than the new ones. =)They sound very full and deep with a lot of punch, the new ones sound terile in comparison. IMO
don't trust sticker prices, best is to ask the sales person.

if the sales person says the price is exactly the sticker price, immediately walk out of the shop.

in this situation, you dont' want to spend your hard earned money there, trust me.

find other avenues to get what you want, or look for alternatives because this avenue is just not worth it, and as a customer it doesn't make sense to reward them for their setup.
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sounds logically enough for me. don't really trust them
but still there're the dealer for the 2 brands i like.
cort and hartke.
and dont' ask me why.

i think it's more worth it to travel to other countries to buy.
but which country?
sounds logically enough for me. don't really trust them
but still there're the dealer for the 2 brands i like.
cort and hartke.
and dont' ask me why.

i think it's more worth it to travel to other countries to buy.
but which country?

official dealer for hartke is city music i think
yeah city music is the dealer, and you can call them up. a lady will tell you the retail price straight up, no BS.

seems to me like swee lee is carrying stock which is probably left over from the days when citymusic didnt have the dealership. dont take my word for this, i anyhow whack
oh cool, lol didn't realised that.
haha i think i'll pop over to citymusic 1 day.
but then
does anyone have lyk simple directions on how to get there?

street directory doesn't seem to be much of use to me.
hmmm. anybody know the local price for the Markbass LM250? i'm kinda comparing it to the Genz Benz shuttle 3.0.

it's gonna couple up with my custom subwoofer enclosure at home and probably a 4x10 hydrive. but yet to try them anyway.
Well, its light, has 500 watts of power, has a tube pre, if u go to US or japan, can just flick a switch to change it to 120V supply, u can use it as a headphone amp, the DI on it is very clear, ..... BUT, it really boils down to whether u like the sound or not. :)

If you are dragging it aroud for gigs a LOT, then i'd rather get the F1 for $1300, and stuff in in the gig bag pocket. ( the shuttle is slightly too thick for that.)
the sound is important, there is so much a sound clip can provide, but there is no dealer gor Genz Benz so no way to try, take the plunge and pray?

alternatively the LMII @ $900 is a decent price still. same as USD$ + shipping. if davies got 'em i be in town next week. might drop by davies for a try of the LMII.
i just bought a used littlemark 250. what have i done.

any cab recommendations? i was thinking 1x15 or 2x10
you can ease ur guilty conscience by giving us a reivew =]=]


btw what's the main diff btw 1*15 and 2 *10
1x15 said to be boomier sound but less definition,

2x10 or 4x10 said to have a tighter more articulate defined sound, bu tless boomy

both can produce low frequencies very well, the diff is the boom :)

to have best of both words, normally, people will use a 2x10 and a 1x15 together with 1 head.