[WTA] Markbass LM II & Genz-Benz shuttle 6.0

it is possible man... but i can barely even afford just one, plus my relationship with my neighbours abit icy lah 8)

anyway 2x10 and 1x15 is more due to budget than anything else :P

now just messing around with it, i'm running it through the fx loop of my peavey combo, which i'm now trying to sell... give me one week and i can give jam and even GIG reports haha

getting rid of the combo is an easy decision, the harder decision will be whether to keep my seymour duncan paranormal... because now i don't really need preamp since i have REAL amp. but it's such a nice pedal. i used to be a fan of preamps

i think this is a little bit like you gf having an unplanned pregnancy :P
wat's the meaning of paranormal ah?

and you're running the amp head thru ur efx loop on ur peavey combo?
how do u do that ah?
oh, paranormal is the name of the seymour duncan sfx-06 bass preamp pedal... davis has it

normally how a combo works is

bass ---> preamp ---> speaker
where (preamp + speaker) is basically the combo amp
so it's bass ---> amp, that we all know and love

and amp head + speaker cab will be
bass ---> head ---> cab

so if u want to use the amp head with the combo amp, u got to go
bass ---> head ---> speaker, bypassing the preamp

if u amp your signal twice, i dunno whats gonna happen, but it's probably gonna get ugly

for some combo amps there is a cable at the back connecting the preamp (the top part) to the speaker. all u have to do is unplug the cable from the preamp and plug it to ur amp head. but unfortunately for my peavey all the wiring is inside.

so the only way is to go thru the efx loop. the efx loop will bypass the preamp. one of the benefits of the efx loop is that in case something in your fx chain dies, your signal will not be cut off and u can still run clean

when you connect a head to a cab, you must make sure the impedance and power rating etc is suitable, otherwise the speaker will blow. i didnt check these things on my combo, so i'm playing it very very softly to play it safe

this is my first amp head so i'm still learning the ropes :)

previously i've always used what was available at each venue, but a strange turn of events caused me to snap this baby up. i played a gig where the preamp of a trace elliot 4x10 combo was not working properly. the amp was barely audible. but we were saved because somewhere, somehow, someone had another amp head. if not, we would have been worse off than anwar ibrahim's ASSistants. coincidentally, the very next day a LM went up on sale. it was a sign
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oh, paranormal is the name of the seymour duncan sfx-06 bass preamp pedal... davis has it

normally how a combo works is

bass ---> preamp ---> speaker
where (preamp + speaker) is basically the combo amp
so it's bass ---> amp, that we all know and love

and amp head + speaker cab will be
bass ---> head ---> cab

so if u want to use the amp head with the combo amp, u got to go
bass ---> head ---> speaker, bypassing the preamp

if u amp your signal twice, i dunno whats gonna happen, but it's probably gonna get ugly

for some combo amps there is a cable at the back connecting the preamp (the top part) to the speaker. all u have to do is unplug the cable from the preamp and plug it to ur amp head. but unfortunately for my peavey all the wiring is inside.

so the only way is to go thru the efx loop. the efx loop will bypass the preamp. one of the benefits of the efx loop is that in case something in your fx chain dies, your signal will not be cut off and u can still run clean

when you connect a head to a cab, you must make sure the impedance and power rating etc is suitable, otherwise the speaker will blow. i didnt check these things on my combo, so i'm playing it very very softly to play it safe

this is my first amp head so i'm still learning the ropes :)

previously i've always used what was available at each venue, but a strange turn of events caused me to snap this baby up. i played a gig where the preamp of a trace elliot 4x10 combo was not working properly. the amp was barely audible. but we were saved because somewhere, somehow, someone had another amp head. if not, we would have been worse off than anwar ibrahim's ASSistants. coincidentally, the very next day a LM went up on sale. it was a sign

Not very acurate. Here is a good link to amplifier and effects info (refer to the amplifier type section 1 on the link):

Preamp generally refers to the part of the amp head that gives a slight boost to your signal before the tone controls. After the tone controls, the signal is sent to the power amp which amplifies the signal before sending it to the speaker. the power amp section is the one that usually rated 250watts, 500watts, 1000 watts, etc.

Most amp heads allow you to tap out the signal after the tone controls, or before the tone controls (labelled "pre-eq"), so using this signal to the input jack of a normal combo amp would not spoil it in any way.
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thanks for the info

went cab hunting today... very few options out there :(

i went to citymusic, it was kind of a what-you-see-is-what-you-get situation. they only had two 2x10 hartke cabs, the transporter and the VX. the 1x15s were neither in my budget nor my taste

managed to take a look at the heads as well... the hartke 2500a costs between 400-500 while the 3500a was between 700-800. the 3500a has tube and solid state modes, but the 2500a merely has tube emulation..

i dunno if the prices got jacked up, but a 3500a head and 4x10 xl cab combi would have cost under 2k :confused:

i checked sam ash's online store, it costs US$500 + US$350 = US$850 for the head+cab. there's no way any local dealer can beat US prices
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go try out the hartke hydrive 4x10" cab with the new LH500 head... the LH 500 head may not have all the frills, but the sound is one solid tone. Also ask for the prices. I think u will be quite surprised after getting a verbal quote from the sales ppl there. =)
i tried the hydrive cabs. it was FANTASTIC! warm with definition. sweet is the right word to use. i also heard that wooten is using the hydrives for the upcoming SMV.
I'm planning to bring in EA amps (www.eaamps.com) to SG sometime end of this year... might consider bringing in Eden as well (the US series, not the Nemisis), though I'd prefer to focus on one brand for the time being.

Anyone dream amps/cabs that you guys are looking for?

I'd also love to bring in the amazing Thunderfunk amp (www.thunderfunk.com) but I don't see a big enough market for it though :(
thanks for the info

went cab hunting today... very few options out there :(

i went to citymusic, it was kind of a what-you-see-is-what-you-get situation. they only had two 2x10 hartke cabs, the transporter and the VX. the 1x15s were neither in my budget nor my taste

managed to take a look at the heads as well... the hartke 2500a costs between 400-500 while the 3500a was between 700-800. the 3500a has tube and solid state modes, but the 2500a merely has tube emulation..

i dunno if the prices got jacked up, but a 3500a head and 4x10 xl cab combi would have cost under 2k :confused:

i checked sam ash's online store, it costs US$500 + US$350 = US$850 for the head+cab. there's no way any local dealer can beat US prices

damn, so it's cheaper to order it online?

I've still yet to figure out how to get to citymusic. It's a parklane mall rite?
lol, ok.

i think i suck.

but juz a questions, what are the things you'all look out for when buying ur head and cabinet?
thanks for the info

went cab hunting today... very few options out there :(

i dunno if the prices got jacked up, but a 3500a head and 4x10 xl cab combi would have cost under 2k :confused:

price was jacked. I got my 3500a + 410xl at just a little over 1K for both together. I think if you tell them you're seriously interested, they will "re-calculate" for you?

or perhaps higher cost nowadays so prices are really jacked everywhere?

if you want details of my purchase, pm me.

As for options on trying out cabs and head, it's a quite impossible in singapore. Stocks are so limited, you don't have the variety to try out and make your choice.

You'll just need to base on your past experience, or what you read , the place an order then they ship it in for you. It sucks this way, but that's the way it is, we're not fortunate as the americans to have a Guitar Center or a Bass Center type of shop here.
no stocks, no variety...

in a way if you bring in something of good quality, you can hope that it has some good resale value even if it doesnt suit your taste

but to bring in a CAB without trying it is a different story to say, bringing in a boutique pedal u've never tried

what irritated me was that given they were low on hartke stock, i was still told that they 'didn't bring in' the model anymore when i asked when the stock would come in

other than the power rating, what are the differences between the transporter series and the XL series, in terms of performance?

and it just hit me.... you have a 4x10 in your house?? :o
what irritated me was that given they were low on hartke stock, i was still told that they 'didn't bring in' the model anymore when i asked when the stock would come in

other than the power rating, what are the differences between the transporter series and the XL series, in terms of performance?

and it just hit me.... you have a 4x10 in your house?? :o

if you really want it i think you can tell them to place an order and you put down a deposit. I had to wait for about 2 months for mine to arrive... coz they have no stock.

transporter series is the lower tier cheaper version. the speaker cones and magnets are different specs (lower quality i think) from the VX and XL series.

the VX and XL are the higher quality, standard Hartke cabs. VX is paper cones, XL is aluminium cones. I like the aluminium cones better because of the more accurate reproduction of the sound, but it's just a matter of personal preference.

and yes, i have the 3500a and the 410xl in my HDB flat. :)

i'm still friends with my neighbors because the master volume never reaches past 1 and half notches (out of 10),

my solid state gain section is always at 0, and my tube section is at about 4 or 5.

the solid state section give a lot of mid-range punch. i like the sound it's good, if i want to pretend I have a musicman stingray, i'll use the solid state section :)

but i like the tube section even better - the sound is rounded and warm - i've played classical guitar for many years, so i naturally like more mellow and rounded tone and the tube section sound like this to my ears so i really like it. I had to swap out the stock sovtek 12ax7wa tube for a JJ ecc83s tube though. the stock sovtek tube sounded quite harsh to me. after swapping it out for the JJ tube it sounded very smooth now.
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somehow i got a feeling we are off topic.

but still, that review really juz make me want to get the hartke 3500 more.
I'm guessing the biggest reason for the lack of stock and variety in SG is a reflection of the past demand.

It wasn't too long ago when those who were serious about having 100% control over their tone had to lug around a 25kg head + another 20kg cabinet to their gigs. By the time they managed to unload their amps from the van, they'd be too shacked out to play the first set!

Furthermore, retailers had to price them steeply as they had to bear the risk of bringing in stock that would potentially not sell... which limited the market to , pros, studios and guitards (kidding).

That being said, times are a changing. With advancements in amp/cab technology, there's been a new wave of lightweight/portable amps/cabs that are affordable and sound great. More of us have higher budgets (or are more willing to spend) for gear...

So I guess we can safely say that the market will change (I guess I'm a prime example :p ), but it'll take time.

I'll start a separate thread on dream rigs soon :)
yeah more and more of us willing to put amp stacks in HDB FLATS...

anyway, no doubt that i will have to place an order with the respective dealer once i have decided which cab to get
I'm planning to bring in EA amps (www.eaamps.com) to SG sometime end of this year... might consider bringing in Eden as well (the US series, not the Nemisis), though I'd prefer to focus on one brand for the time being.

Anyone dream amps/cabs that you guys are looking for?

I'd also love to bring in the amazing Thunderfunk amp (www.thunderfunk.com) but I don't see a big enough market for it though :(
well currently i am looking for a micro amp, small portable. looking at least 300-600 watts ;p.

as for cabs i was thinking of a simple 4x10 in KL (some guy here knows a guy that can make a cab for cheap using celestion, etc..) and a 2x10 for sg.

so i can ferry my micro amp head between kl-sg :)
i took the plunge and sold away my combo amp. now i am head/cab shopping. i might be able to afford a 2x10 cab in KL and another 2x10 cab in singapore (hartke xl) and prolly a portable head. looking at eden, genz benz and markbass. so i can drop it in a gig bag and travel with it.

now qns. is. a lot of folks say hartke cab sucks in TB at least. so far i kinda dig the harsh hartke aluminium cone for some serious metal sound. ;p

i am working on a budget. went to davies saw the markbass F1 SGD$1000 500 watts. i can afford it but than i am more incline to a LMII which is out of stock and they dunno when they are going to get it and i need a good head for recording soon really soon. but than there are nornal size head which is cheaper i am not going for hartke head cos all the studio got 'em. looking for something else.

beside eden, markbass and genz benz, what else is good and is available locally. before i prowl thru online store to get a decent head and portable enuff to lug in in a luggage.