Why are Singapore Movies/ Music not so popular as Hong Kong.


New member
Just wondering ...why is it that there are not many movies/music albums made here and have an impact on neighbouring countries as the same in Hong Kong do??...Donno the size of Taiwan...but think HK is as small as SG...Both of them are highly populated with chinese.... Both of them are ports and Business hubs...why are not they comparable when it comes to Arts??...Does it have any historical reason?....Or is it that HK is geographically near to china and products made in HK can reach China easily?

Iam sorry my asusmption is pop stars and film stars of HK are more popular here than vice versa...correct me if Iam wrong...I know Korea has also...big impact here....but may be it is bigger than SG and HK.
one reason is prolly cos singaporeans have many different tastes... there are the chinese/malays/indians listening to english music/ and english movies. some even venture into korean/japanese stuff. Malays who listen to malay music. Chinese who listen to Chinese music/watch Chinese movies. and the list goes on. and so many different genre. hong kong people use cantonese a lot. So even the people of other races use canto to communicate. koreans suck in english... well most of em do. and they use korean.

unless Singaporeans all use one language. it's tough for something big to come outta here.

my 13 cents worth.
hahah...this reminds me a recent interview with electro ( is splng correct?) in an fm stn....a lady listened to their music at a CD shop...felt nice...bought it thinking it is a foreign band...next day her colleagues said it is local...she got disappointed and was trying to give the album back...This is absolutely nonsense......Looks like she shops CDs just to show to her colleagues and feel proud that she has collection of costly CDs...Buy Cds if u enjoy the music ....dont do it bcos the band is Local or Foreign....
ahkiatt said:
one reason is prolly cos singaporeans have many different tastes... .

haha Multi race population has its own disadvantages....but atleast one thing is better here...in pgms like Singapore Idol...ppl sing in English so chances are same for all...In India....One has to sing Hindi songs to become Indian Idol...All North Indian languages are close to Hindi...so South Indian folks can't make it due to accent problem....we also have 3 languages to learn in our schooling...English, Hindi ( Natnl Lang) and Regional Language...toooo boring
I don't understand people sometimes. If I bought a local cd I really liked like that woman, I would be eager to recommend it to my friends. Shallow.
i think it's more like, singaporean movies and music here do not have much standard compared to those overseas. and singaporeans are so used to the notion that only foreign produced music/movies can be good that they cant believe something good (electrico) can be from singapore like in the case of that lady.
to let the world notice us,we must make ourselves noticed first..

in short,the local support is weak...bloody radio stations to be blamed...serious
AEnimic said:
to let the world notice us,we must make ourselves noticed first..

in short,the local support is weak...bloody radio stations to be blamed...serious

instead of playing sg songs... WUSSUP WITH PUSSYCAT DOLLS EVERY NIGHT?!?! :roll: so many good local bands out there to be discovered and they only spend a couple of hours a week playing singapore music. someone should really write in.

one more reason. we're not as conservative as some of the other countries. unlike malaysia. we accept basic vulgarities... shit and all.
Instead of complaining here, how about calling up your local radio station to request for the songs that you want?
Your demand gives them the exposure... :wink:
i tried last time my fren...tons of email...and finally they give a measly hour every weekend for local music...SWEEEET...they still wanna play foreign hits! ARGH!!!
i dont think the ang mohs all got x factor... some yeah... but some just cannot make it. the reason their still getting air time is because of the beautiful thing called good marketing.
people choose what they like to see or hear. as simple as that.

from a musician/producer view, would you want to produce/create material that caters to the market demand? or are we not equiped with the knowledge of what the market want? or we simply dis-regard what the market want and keep doing our own thing.
i don't think singapore is the only one who faces this problem. other countries also do have the same headache.

There's no denying that singaporeans hold the view that foreign crap is better, but the question is what does that stem from.. IMO, its the whole mentality of foreign superiority that perpetuates itself. from young, we're ingrained to think that overseas culture is cooler by the total bombardment of foreign shows, half the shows from kid central is foreign, very little local movies are made etc. so this not only adds on to itself, it also destroys any local support we might have. local 'products' that are being made are maybe carried out distastefully or with little or no support, i.e. they do suck because they think they suck. see the channel 8 gameshows, that's a good example. no one is willing to do something out of the box because they aren't daring enough and no investor is adventurous enough to invest.

But still, the tide is slowly changing, there's more and more support for local music. Yea many of you will complain that it's not enough, but look on the brightside. I'm no expert on local music history, that's leonard (rampage, thank me), but there is definitely a growing community.

X factor's just an excuse. it sounds to me like an reason to deny that bands that are good have to work their asses off and just see it as something that just 'is'. singaporean's are unique (someone flame me), its just that perhaps they are abit afraid to show it and just follow trends. If you want x factor, look at Levan :wink:
I'm just going to put this as general as I can be, because that's about it for the art scene here in Singapore.

Over in other countries, artistes, producers, DJs ... they root from a strong support from their own local community before they go regional and international.

In Singapore, it is the direct opposite. I'll only support you only if you make it abroad. We have examples like Stephanie Sun who make a big break in Taiwan first.

Which points us to the question mark, if you're not going to support your homebred artistes, who will?


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