Why are Singapore Movies/ Music not so popular as Hong Kong.

man i never watch our local channels. for the little time i spend watching tv, its cable only :lol: But i find local movies entertaining. Only watched less than 5.
X Japan bro mentioned local dramas. Some channel 5 dramas were actually quite decent (annoyingly forced accents aside)

The problem is more pronounced in the Channel 8 dramas. Look, all the new ones follow the same scheme of things;

1. Boy meets girl.
2. Boy hates girl.
3. Family runs into series of problems, usually involving money on power.
4. Girl steps in to provide support for boy, boy falls in love with her.
5. Supporting characters hatch evil plot.
6. Evil plot causes harm to family.
7. Long lost family member revealed, becomes integral to storyline.
8. Problems slowly resolved in a series of cheesy scenes or at the end of a gunfight in a container shipyard.
9. Show ends with a wedding/family dinner. Main character provides a monologue as the scene fades out.
soft said:
people choose what they like to see or hear. as simple as that.

from a musician/producer view, would you want to produce/create material that caters to the market demand? or are we not equiped with the knowledge of what the market want? or we simply dis-regard what the market want and keep doing our own thing.

then how do you explain electrico and the woman in the cd shop?
XJAPAN said:
Erm a little qns here.. do you guys watch Singapore dramas?

Personally I never watch/ never press to watch Singapore channel. They just suck.

press the channel? dude do something about your english first.

the thing with local dramas and sitcoms is that they rely too much on current affairs and nation building as their main topics which i feel reminds viewers of everyday life, which makes it a pain to watch.
the main reason that local tv sucks are that they are too much in comfort zone with no competitors, moreover local broadcaster bosses look at the revenue rather the quality of work done.
i tried to watch n support in hope to find something i like. ya, its too controlled.

1 thing i noticed abt local comedy on 5, is that the pre-recorded laughters are timed badly, the actor hasnt hit punch line and that 'same' laughter comes on. maybe a forced punchline?.....
SherT said:
X Japan bro mentioned local dramas. .

oh my..thats really true!!

but one thing that will make me stay on that programme..

Fiona Xie...nothing else.. :smt079

urmm...AND! i'm not judging from her acting capabilities too...

haha,well...there are decent drama sometimes....but then it finishes abruptly and doesnt get a sequel...thats what happens to everything good in singapore...singapore tv is similar to staring a rock..its dull :smt120
Panopticon-3 quoted me and ask me to explain the electrico+lady issue. i dont know exactly what Panopticon-3 wants me to explain. maybe Panopticon-3 like to ask me again?
soft said:
people choose what they like to see or hear. as simple as that.

from a musician/producer view, would you want to produce/create material that caters to the market demand? or are we not equiped with the knowledge of what the market want? or we simply dis-regard what the market want and keep doing our own thing.

how do you explain electrico and the cd lady shop in regards to this statement you made
Dude, that doesn't mean that there's no room left for some imagination.

Give an ape a typeriter and he can learn to type letters in a week.
Give a person a typewriter and he can personalise each of those letters on the spot.
Which brings us back to the point of what sells.

Why fix something when it's not broken?

It's sad that there isn't much variety in local dramas, yes. But if it brings in the revenue to the producers, why go for something new which is not tried, not tested, and not guaranteed a success?

And fine, if there MIGHT be a willing producer for a new concept of a drama, that's grand! But considering that our government has much of a say in local media, what other alternatives do we have for drama before we dwelve into something deemed "political" or might bring up "racial dispute"? (and we all know how lenient the government is when it comes to this)

I dunno about any of you, but i say it takes 2 hands to clap in this matter.
I agree with roTi that local broadcaster bosses are more interested in their revenue that the quality they produce.

Soft has also brought a point which if we really wanna compete, we gotta raise the level of standard.

Anyway, ever since i've got my cable, i've rarely switched to channel 5 ever since. Local dramas and comedies are so damn cheesy, corny and boring. I cringe at the sight of PCK and what lving with lydia, the stupid sassy neighbour and what heartlanders la
sassy neighbour sucks...serious...its like an aunty just acting good! what the hell? ok ok...thats my opinion...i mean its a very unoriginal idea...so simple and not even funny...if i wanted broken english,PCK is king...

i love Maggi and ME!!! :smt055
Slash04 said:
Why fix something when it's not broken?

Because not doing anything about it makes for damn boring TV, which brings people online to discuss how badly Singaporean programming blows.

So far I haven't seen anyone in here being unrealistic and saying that they should do something about our flat-as-evaporated-coke serials. We're just opening the idea to the floor for dissection.

Slash04 said:
And fine, if there MIGHT be a willing producer for a new concept of a drama, that's grand! But considering that our government has much of a say in local media, what other alternatives do we have for drama before we dwelve into something deemed "political" or might bring up "racial dispute"? (and we all know how lenient the government is when it comes to this)

Being subtly/insanely political or having to bring anything racially charged into the plotline of any show aren't the only ways of making it entertaining. Rather, that's one of the most shallow methods of doing so that one could possibly resort to, and exactly what the media wants you to believe in order make their job of coughing up new shows a hella lot easier. :twisted:

So being creative means having to personify politicians as farm animals now? :lol:

What happened to old shows like Happy Belly? Or VR Man (for the sheer amount of comic relief, no less :lol: )? Or that show with Hossan Leong acting as a janitor?

Those were fresh, but they died eventually. Everything does. The fact remains that there comes a time when you need to get started on a new concept. We're way overdue for that these days.

And if producers these days are so unwilling to try something new, explain Maggi and Me?
Im just waiting for the HKG inspired Singapore Cat III movies...if it ever happens... :x

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