Impossible to pick just one. My top two are Jimmy Page and Steve Howe (Yes) for their great work across a lot of styles - very difficult to play, let alone master - two great genuises. Both have feel, know when to use speed, but mostly because they use notes so beautifully.
Down the line, they are Randy Rhoads (for showing that there is beauty in aggression), David Gilmour (for showing the beauty in laying it slow), Richie Blackmore (for showing that the guitar has a life, on its own) and Stevie Ray Vaughn (best bluesy, balls-slamming rhythmist).
Down the line, they are Randy Rhoads (for showing that there is beauty in aggression), David Gilmour (for showing the beauty in laying it slow), Richie Blackmore (for showing that the guitar has a life, on its own) and Stevie Ray Vaughn (best bluesy, balls-slamming rhythmist).