Who Is The Best Salesperson/Players In Music Shops...

swee lee aljunied - lawrence morris and jai
swee lee bb - sultan (i cant rmb the other two staff's names! which one is symon? i think it's him.. the other would be the malay guy with thick specs, thin fella..)
definitely luther, i used to patron the shop more when it was at ginza plaza...
davis - janet and ... i think his name is joe? basically all the young staff there...

question of sarcasm: why nobody say kevin/kelvin the guitar connection fella :roll:

p.s. forgive me if i spelled any names wrongly, i'm bad at names.
im adding Janet to my list - spot on service, my boss bought the JCM800 + 4/12ax for the House of Rock :D
yeah no Beez no Guitar77..............i think...

short story.

I were 17.... 12 years ago I walked into Yamaha combo while my mama shopping...
I heard some rocking solo with alot of people standing all around...
I squeeze my way in....a GUY with long hair and CAP playing some amazing fast classical solo....
I said "WOW" guitar can be that COOL!!!
When he stopped playing I walked towards him and ask him whether he could teach me. He said SURE, he gave me his number and I started my Guitar Journey then....
oic... :D then u've been to one of the best music stores in singapore now! whahaha... really, they're good... OLPs, PRS, a huge selection of strings (at the best prices) and lotsa knick knacks like tuners knobs bridges and pickups too. oh and some exclusive stuff that's also at good prices, like wahs and special stuff to go with your guitar.

davis was/(is?) also known as the shop that u go to if swee lee and yamaha dont have what you're lookin for :p
You mean Lawrence, what's up? I find him to be quite personable. My friends and I used to hang out in GW and play on the axes and amps there. Lawrence was really nice about it all.

Maybe you caught him on a bad day. :wink:
hey itzme. haha how come u no one recognises u as the person from ranking sports with that awesome playing? my vote would be u for service and amazing technical prowess.

second on my list would be jai from swee lee. i always get a greeting from him and hes very helpful and friendly. also once i got to see his chops while he was hidden away behind a rack of guitars and tearing it up on an axe. very gd.