Who Is The Best Salesperson/Players In Music Shops...

vernplum said:
I dunno his name, but you see him in Guitar77 now and again - he might be the owner, and also wailing in the little 'office/storeroom' opposite. He's an older guy and he plays all style with conviction - shred, whammy tricks, blues, jazz. Amazing. Next time I see him I'm gonna make him adopt me and teach me *everything*. :)

Ya his name is Alan Guitar77 Big Boss. He play any dman style, may look firece but actually he is an angel. You guys need anything just approach him if you can afford buy him a beer.

And hey Thanks for those who vote for Guitar77 guys!

I VOTE GO OUT TO BEEZ from the day I play guitars.
Alan G-77 Big Boss hehe - totally agreed. superb axeman :smt035 great guy too.

Beez - approx 2 decades in the guitar service front, still being raved. enuff said :supz:
i've only been to yamaha swee lee and ranking, but i'd say ranking's salesperson (i dunno name) is most friendly one. he even tuned the bass for me when i wanted to try it.
Swee Lee still the same, if you're not known you have to ask to be served which is why I dont go there anymore. Both stores just as bad. You can be the only person in the store but all the sales guys are too busy doing their own thing to serve you.

Burn@city music is a great salesman, never heard him play gtr though.

Janet@Davis could sell me ANYTHING if she tried. I'd be awfully excited to see her strap on one of those PRS's and crank it through a Marshall...Oooo hubba hubba!
Author Message
The_Rover Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:15 pm Post subject:


Burn is Singapore's Zakk Wylde!

Singapore's Slash too! hah
My vote goes to the all the guys in Luther and G77.

Putting the status of being an old friend(and ex colleague) with these guys aside, I've witnessed them service "newbies" and "familiar faces" with the same commitment to their job. Eg.Asking potential customers to try the instruments out before buying, giving really helpful information, stating unbiased comparisons between instruments etc...

Players/Salesperson who really knows their SH*T;
Luther/Mike(from City music) - if you're looking for keyboard related stuff, these two dude are THE MAN!!!
Beez - if you're looking out for guitar stuff, I'm sure most of us would agree with voting for Beez. As a great salesperson as well as a great guitar player, he has influenced a lot (and i mean LOTS) of "then newbies"(since Combo shop days) to be great guitar players as well as excellant music related businees people of today!!(HAHAHAH...Kerr, thanks to Beez right?)
The malay guy from Ranking sports is Han, very friendly and helpful guy , very good guitar player too. I guess every music shop that sells guitar needs a salesperson like him, he make any guitar sounds good.