WHO is in TP? Temasek Polytechnic?

oh yeah man guys.....as usual...i truly agreed with poo again...the stupid spike hair.....wow.....very poser ar...disgrace to the real punk rockers..the real ppl who play the the instruments....this act punkish poser.....they insult and tarnish punk man...(the fact is i abit against punk rocker style) but i'm siding them this time.....haha...ah yah TP MAH....everyone try to stand out..act impressive...attract the gals....
sucks man...u know who i blame for this mess(that punk rock is to act cool)? SLYVESTER SHIT!!! He mislead all the gullible people to think he is cool...darnit...wanna act cool also go all the way to the extreme mah, like me last year, when i was still a punk rock player.(got listen guns n roses at that time liao hor...dun blame me... :oops: ) :p
Honestly, that hairstyle doesn't suit any tom dick and harry. You've gotta have that sorta good face to pull it off and still look good. But the picture above? That's nerd + punk = disaster..
pooo said:
I call them the "act zai buay zai" lot. Being in a simple shirt and jeans is pretty cool in itself ;) Especially so if you're a musician hehehe

then what do you call a girl in funny tops and baggy pants and boots? sailormoon?
am i?
pooo said:
Honestly, that hairstyle doesn't suit any tom dick and harry. ..
thank you for voicing your opinion bro. I've been told straight in the face that its darn cool, and those ppl keep hanging around to see more, and also that its ugly, so i'm pretty used to it. Now i have longer, black hair. :)
^ our fren here is trying to grow his hair long and then perm it so tat he can look like slash... but i find tat he's looking more like izzy everyday... :lol:
sinnery said:
then what do you call a girl in funny tops and baggy pants and boots? sailormoon?
am i?

No idea lol :lol:

I'm trying to grow my hair long too. But it ain't easy. Gets irritating, and in the way when having meals. Not to mention hot too. But hey, if tolerating the ugliness of it now means some great styling later, i think it's a good deal ;)
CyanideJunkie said:
^ our fren here is trying to grow his hair long and then perm it so tat he can look like slash... but i find tat he's looking more like izzy everyday... :lol:

haha good one. Must also learn to skate....because izzy skates alot to his tours. Slash rides BMX bikes last time before he got into serious drugs. and Slash is VERY VERY TALL.
Bassists in TP

Is there, by any chance, a bassist studyin in TP now, who's itching to jam with a newly-forming band? We (some Yr 2s) are thinking of forming a band to jam together and maybe even gig in future, but we lack a bassist. Currently, we have 2 guitarists, 1 drummer, and possibly a vocalist. We need a bassist to move on...

Anyone interested :?:
Re: Bassists in TP

if i were still IN TP, i'll join u guys man, but i dropped out of TP, shud b in yr 2 now.. gd luck findin ur bassist! :wink:
haha, i wanna grow long hair but i'll look more like Izzy? never thought of that, at most got beatle or China Man hairstyle only. lol...i think the music vox thing dont really work, cos its not always that members of a band all come from same school. today they set up a booth outside the library, i went to enquire, then they say i only can join if i sing. haiz...oh well, i'm happy in my band Rotten Tuna...not all TP, but fun, good, friendly to each other! :p anyway, they said, i must confirm by Friday, if not closed already...argh...i find it(the system) really wierd...

finally, just some advertising to do...any vocalist who can sing Guns n Roses? You don't have to sound like Axl Rose, any voice, as long as it don't butcher the GnR song can already.(which means u can sound totally diff as long as it fits!) If you fit that description, do reply to this! :D
Hmm, the Music Vox booth was just next to my booth(Guitar Ensemble), I saw some of them shred/solo, felt very envious of them sia. Attempted to play guitar but the background music totally drown out the sound haha.
haha i heard some band playing 3 doors down. was at the coy pond area. i heard the music vox closed down last sem, or something.
haha, i think music vox never close down lah, i talked to one of their guys yesterday. anyway cloudsky u were at the guitar ensemble ah? i was 1 of the 2 guys who borrowed a classical guitar from you all to waste time while we waited in vain for the music vox ppl to return... :(