Which newer bands/singers do you think will last?

crozzfire said:
ErotoPrison said:
I think James Blunt can last long.
oh yucks i think he sucked. :roll:

Hahahaha.But alot of chicks in one way or the other will have a james blunt song in their mp3.Im nt joking.His okay to me just that the voice can get me stressed out when it reached high notes.
Goo Goo Dolls will definitely last! They've exhibited such a good evolution of style over the years......

I vote for Joe Satriani. For a guitarist who's as old as my Dad but plays with much more feeling than anyone else, he's only gonna get better......
Goo Goo Doll have lasted and will continue to last. They have solid songwriting to help them last. But that's my one-sided opinion lah. There will always be people who are not into them and dun care whether they last or not. They have been around for quite a while though.
Goo goo dolls is another of my favs, their songs just sound different from other pop bands out there. I wonder when they are putting out a new album.


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