Where to go after N level??Sec 5 or ITE??

Unless you are really prepared to take the GREAT jump and study like nearly everyday.

Pardon me if I'm wrong, but isn't a student suppose to study almost everyday anyway? It doesn't matter if it's PSLE or N or O or A or ITE or whatever, a student's job is to study. If a student isn't determined enough to do that, then the student will have the same problem in life later on. Because when one works in the work-force, you have to work "almost everyday" as well. There are datelines; there are responsbilities. You can't take off anytime you like. It's part of being disciplined.

But if after hard work and the student is not able to make it in the exams, then I wouldn't blame that student. Sometimes, it's the education structure in Singapore. Some people don't find themselves fitting in well to the system, and that doesn't mean that are stupid. Most of them (that I know) eventually still do well in life. The key is whether they are disciplined enough to work hard. I can give you lots of real-life examples here!

As for the newspaper article, we need to read it in context. There are actually 2 separate articles - one on Saturday (12th Jan) and one on Thursday (17th Jan). First article was about a principal who told the students on the first day of school to transfer to ITE because not everybody is going to make it in O levels. That created a furore amongst the parents, obviously, because that school (which wasn't named) has a track record of 80% of students eventually makingit to poly after O levels. Parents, students and the principal herself were interviewed. The second article was basically an interview with the Minister of State for Education who said that the principal's message "had to be delivered" somehow. The point is that the students need to know there's a lot of work they need to put in. The key is not that they should give up. He talked about the danger of being indifferent (bo chap). And 60% of N level students who did O levels eventually made it to poly.

To the threadstarter:

My advise - check your school's stats. How many students eventually made it to the poly after O. Then check your standing in your school for the N exams. Where are you placed? Then ask yourself what you want to do eventually. If you don't know, ask your parents and teachers. Talk to your seniors who made it to poly and those who are in ITE. The thing you SHOULD NOT ask yourself is whether you can put in enough hard work to pass. Hard work is normal and inevitable. Even if you are in ITE, don't imagine that not putting any hard work will let you cruise through life.

Also, you haven't even sat for your N. So you should focus on your N this year and do you best. The result is not the most important; most important is whether you know deep inside you that you've done all your could. If you could say "yes" to that, then I wouldn't worry whether you're in ITE or did your O - keep up with the attitude of "doing your best" and you'll make it eventually. If you can't be bothered to put in effort, even making it through university would mean little. Many lazy uni grads still suffer after they graduate. That's because of their bad attitudes.
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I was surprised that many of u SOFTies gimme hope...btw I appreciate all of ur kind replies and support....and by the way,its not that i don wan go sec 5 and tak O level but bcoz i suddenly lost interest in studies......by the way thank u all of u for giving me support for my N level which are very near......
nothing's wrong with ITE

but at least aim higher and don't have this feeling that "i think i wont make it so, i will find a easier route". instead, try to make things better.

i was a normal acad student, went to sec 5, went to poly.
Pardon me if I'm wrong, but isn't a student suppose to study almost everyday anyway? It doesn't matter if it's PSLE or N or O or A or ITE or whatever, a student's job is to study. If a student isn't determined enough to do that, then the student will have the same problem in life later on. Because when one works in the work-force, you have to work "almost everyday" as well. There are datelines; there are responsbilities. You can't take off anytime you like. It's part of being disciplined.

Maybe its just my school or i don't know about Normal acad students that almost 90% of the students don't study everyday. Not to mention us , even express students don't study everyday. Sometimes its the the influence among students and of course oneself's discipline.

and by the way,its not that i don wan go sec 5 and tak O level but bcoz i suddenly lost interest in studies......

woah... that's one hell of a decision you have made, my fren.. losing interest in studying is equivalent to losing interest to live.. because without a doubt, we are "studying" each and everyday.. so my advice to you, gain that interest no matter wat, u wouldn't wana end up in a regret..

woah... that's one hell of a decision you have made, my fren.. losing interest in studying is equivalent to losing interest to live.. because without a doubt, we are "studying" each and everyday.. so my advice to you, gain that interest no matter wat, u wouldn't wana end up in a regret..


lol..if you lost intrest in your studies...there is no point being in school at all..dont waste your parents money... pick up your guitar and be a musican ..if that is what you really want... dont let anyone stop you from doing what you like...
Faizalhacker, don't give up hope in studying too soon. Even in ITE, you still have to study. In life, many times we have to do things not because we have an interest, but because we have to. And if you try, you can slowly develop the interest.

This applies not only to study. It applies to work, to music, to almost everything. If we give up too quickly because we lose interest in something, then we'll find ourselves floating around in life. Changing from job to job, starting something quitting the next moment, etc. Even in marriage - people who don't put in effort and start to "lose interest" end up in divorce and hurting the next generation.

Interest can be developed. But effort must be put in to develop it. You are asking the right questions. Just don't give too quickly. This is no longer about ITE or O level - it is about not giving up study. Remember - you also need to study in ITE.
study lar, c'mon government subsidise jc, poly, uni sch fees, it's a waste not to make use of it. though it's not full subsidy but very substantial.
I was surprised that many of u SOFTies gimme hope...btw I appreciate all of ur kind replies and support....and by the way,its not that i don wan go sec 5 and tak O level but bcoz i suddenly lost interest in studies......by the way thank u all of u for giving me support for my N level which are very near......

hey dude, nobody's ever interested in the bullshit the teach in school , but either way i still force myself to do the shit they stuff into our brains in JC, seriously, maybe you want to do something else, like for me, i do want to go to berklee's college of music, but what if I don't make it because I'm not classically trained? Then my A level results will save my arse and i'll probably go do mechanical engineering or physics or whatever in NUS. Think of studies as a very F***ing important backup route in case your dreams screw up. You hate it, but you can't change it yet, maybe after you make it to the top you can apply political pressure to fix our education system.
i presume you're 17 this year? what can you do at age 17, without so much as an O level cert? you said that you lost interest in studies? that's making a pretty bold statement, my friend. be thankful that you're still studying. still can get money from parents and not much responsibilities. your only responsibility now is to study hard, pass your Ns, eventually your Os, go poly, go army, come out find a good paying job. working life is hard.

be thankful you're still studying. and good luck for your Ns!
this is ur future u talking abt here
not suka suka choose...

must plan which industry u wanna excel and interested in
not bcos it has a good future, u go for it..
in the end no interest=no life

wat im trying to say here, think abt ur future
now u say no interest in studies, but next time u work u'll wish u are back to being a student! student life is easygoing... working life is shiat.. alot of working people wish they are still students..
With reference to the above post:

Yes man. Currently serving NS now, and I constantly wish that I were still in JC. And I can't wait to ORD and finally enter uni and be a STUDENT/CIVILIAN again. Ironically, I distinctly remember the times when I was complaining about being a student and having the suffer the rigours of school and the accompanying routine.

As shown by all SOFTies here, your studies are very important. I'm certain everyone has, at one point or another, contemplated on giving up on studying. Seriously, who likes studying?

But you cannot deny it's importance, so I guess one would just have to go for it. Just study hard for these few years, and then enjoy a world of fun later on.

Everyday would be so much better, and everything you do would be so much more meaningful and enjoyable when you know that you've your future in place. As opposed to giving up on your studies, going out and doing all sorts of supposedly fun stuff, but yet always having that gnawing feeling of dread, despair and uncertainty about a bleak and wasted future. You cannot ever enjoy anything fully in this manner.

Think about your future family, if that's any help. For them to have a easy and good life, you'd going to have to provide for them well. And that'll only come if you've a good job. It's all worth it, it really is.
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gotta realise the new world here in spore..
they need experience , not pappers...
this is the future..
ite is like american high school
for u to sleep in classroom
smoke and get laid in the toilet..
then u get ur cert.haha

but choose the right job..
just dont go work at macdonals and earn 300 a mth
of course chinese got a higher advantage,
no im not racist. just the facts. check it out at the recruit section if u dun believe.
then it be easier for u to find work in the future..

dont be suprised to see ppl having diplomas and degrees working as blue collars or hard labaour.

but the most difficult of the difficult part after ur N level is.................

trying to convince to your parents.. :D

so gd luck on that.. :D

dont be suprised to see ppl having diplomas and degrees working as blue collars or hard labaour.

but the most difficult of the difficult part after ur N level is.................
It is without a doubt that you'll see degree or diploma holders doing some blue collar or hard labour work. I used to see them in my previous company. The most important thing is, just because of that fact one should stop studying? If that's how you think, it's a sad future for you. Take it in good heart, the world is full of opportunities. No one lands in a good promising career without hard work.

Let's not pick up racial issue here too. The actual fact is between Singaporean and Foreign talent. Take it as a challenge to compete with these Foreign talent Singaporeans have bring in. If you can't beat them, as I said earlier, the world is full of opportunities. Go out to the world prepared! Just an N or O or A level won't be sufficient!

Education is man's most valuable assets!

What I mean is I suddenly Lost i interest in Acedemic.(maths .bio, e.t.c) and i thought i wanna go for courses in ITE...I will try to do my best in N level to get 10 points or below so that can get good courses at ITE....Will that be okay??

gotta realise the new world here in spore..
they need experience , not pappers...
this is the future..

Sorry, but that's not entirely correct. Experience only matters when there are papers. With certs, people will ask for experience. Without cert, experience is a moot point. You have to be VERY good to secure a job of your choice with only "experience" and without papers. This is the same anywhere in the world. I know - I interview potential employees. And I decide who gets employed and who gets the boot.

This is a generalisation. There are of course exceptions (and it also depends on the type of occupation), but that exception is probably about 1-2% of the population - will you take the risk for that kind of probability? In Singapore, no education = no job (in general); with education, then will they ask for your experience.
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